Tips on economy when getting trushed

Hi all... Yet another noob needing some help... This happens every time I get trushed ...

I spot him going to stone in dark age... Get two of my own on stone straight away, click up and then get town watch straight away... Spot his incoming towers, get towers my own, so far so good... From here, it looks like I am always struggling on eco, specially wood in this scenario... Is it just that I have to practice more, or is there any thing special I need to do....

Key points

I have to get 4 on stone eventually because delaying even one tower is gg. Usually, this comes from either farms or wood which is what I struggle with...

When to go on counter attack? Scouts seem like the only option because they cost food and putting 4 or more on gold for archers while getting trushed is almost impossible... However, scouts do not do that well under Fletching towers...

My problem is that the opponent is quietly booming behind his trush and I did not find many resources online addressing this... There is quite a lot of info on getting towers up, managing towers etc but not much on this...

Thanks in advance...

submitted by /u/rbnbadr1
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