Looking for suggestions of single player games that fit my likes

Hi all,

TLDR: Looking for suggestions of single player games that fit my likes

I have only really enjoyed a handful of single player games in my life:- 8-12 years old: Knights & Merchants, Age of Empires, Driver & Crash bandicoot, (PS1)- 10-14 runescape, age of empires, age of mythology, rollercoaster tycoon- 14-20 team fortress 2, battlefield 2, GTA games, quake live, Driver San Fransisco (PC)the last 4 years almost only a bit of tf2 and GTA V

I decided to look for a singleplayer game and bought Assassins creed: Origins. Played it for 1h then uninstalled again.Open world games with a lot of freedom is what I enjoy (GTA) but I used to enjoy KaM / AoE a lot back in the day before I played fps.Considering to buy a playstation for the crash bandicoot remake, I'm sure I would enjoy that.

Do you guys have any suggestion what I may like? I actually haven't played that many different games for more than 50hours.. Does the average gamer here play a much larger amount of games?

EDIT: just bought Crash Bandicoot, was not aware it is already available for PC!

submitted by /u/M1ghtyMe
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