AI Problems in Multiplayer? (My insight for the Devs)

Hello everybody!

I already read, that many players have problems with a too weak AI in mutliplayer after Update 8. I made the observation, that the AI performs better in Singleplayer after the update (there are exceptions, e.g. when some ressources are a bit further away on random maps; also additional improvements are welcome), but I also experienced, that the AI is worse in multiplayer (but I don't know why). Most of the time it builds not enough villagers and despite of gathering at least some resources, not many military units are recruited either.

In a scenario, I created lately, I experienced something similar, but at least more military units are recruited (with restrictions)

My experience:

My scenario (Coop) comes with custom AI and per files. The files work perfect in singleplayer. When I tested the scenario in multiplayer (every player had the same files!), the files are just working to a certain extent. The biggest issue is that the AI produces not the amount of villagers in the AI file. It always creates only about 5 to 8 villagers additional to the starting vills. This results in a weak economy, notable was the low amount of mined gold - so the AI build nearly none of the units in the AI file, which require gold (but it built all of the other non-gold military units like axemen, bowmen, Chariots etc.). Per files seemed working as in single player.

So maybe something is especially wrong with the multiplayer AI (is it seperate programmed to the singleplayer AI?). Main problem is the low amount of villagers (I guess this results mostly in the further troubles - low number of military units, no gold = no gold units, etc.)

PS: Another issue with the AI, detached from the issue targeted above, is that sometimes the AI stops working at all. This appears also in single player. Sadly I cannot reproduce it. But as far as I recognized, it happens more often on larger map sizes and/or with more AI players than 4. All units of the AI still execute their last order (e.g. wood cutters cut wood as long there are trees near them, farmers gather food until the farm is depleted, etc.). After the execution the are just standing, no additional units are created nor is there any attempt of research. Not everytime, but in some cases, after some time has passed, the AI resumes the work. This issue always affects every AI player on the map at the same time.

I know it's a very long post, but hopefully it provides at least some insight. Also sorry for the many mistakes (I'm not a native speaker and bad at english)

submitted by /u/LemonLipton1
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