I have been playing AOE3 online, my home city will not level up past 11. Does anybody know a solution to this? It is occurring for my japan home city specifically.
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2YodMj9
I have been playing AOE3 online, my home city will not level up past 11. Does anybody know a solution to this? It is occurring for my japan home city specifically.
I just started playing this week (played asakkd).
I am 0-4 online on Voobly, but my last game I did much better. Except the game went about 2 hours and I just quit so I could go to sleep after having wave after wave of my attacks held back.
My opponent was very conservative and I was aggressive.
My opponent kept using bombard cannons behind his walls and calvary archers in front of his walls to stop my attacks.
I'm not very good with micro yet, so I kept loosing hoards of troops and trebs to his cannon/Archer combo.
What should I have done to counter?
I tried to use pikemen to get the horse archers and knights to run for the canons, but it didn't really work for me.
Not very good yet, so any help would be appreciated.
So, I'm going to start trying out a sort of unorthodox homebrew game with a friend of mine. We've played so much we usually try to shake things up, and this is just another instance of that. What I'd like to do is get people's thoughts on what the best civilizations would be, and what civs people would prefer to choose if they played a game like this.
Of course, this means I have to explain the game itself. Which may take a little while, so I hope that you stick with me so that I can get some good ideas for what civs I might want to consider.
The way this game works is as follows: The map is going to be a Giant water map. From the farthest north to the farthest south there will be an even arrangement of 9 plots of land. One player's "Capital" will be the Southernmost plot, and the other's will be the Northernmost one. Each player will have a modest set of identical starting resources with which to build on the next three plots past their capital. Leaving the middle plot blank. (In short, both players start by owning four of the nine plots. And while we have the same resources, our choice in what to build and where will have a big effect.)
Additionally, on the East and West corners of the map there will be a set amount of villagers and a basically endless supply of resources to gather. The villagers will be trapped inside a gate owned by the enemy, and towers will be guarding the resources. We will ally one another (with a computer with no alliance to keep the game running) which will allow our villagers to get to their respective resources. 15 minutes we will each have to divide up our villagers to our preferred resources and gather, gather, gather. Once done, the villagers will go back into the gates and we will go back to being enemies. Both players now get to spend those resources however they please: blacksmith upgrades, troop upgrades, more buildings, troops, etc. Then, once we're ready, we send whatever force we can to fight in the middle plot. Whoever wins will then own that plot. They'll own five of the nine.
A new grace period will begin, where the villagers get 8 minutes to gather resources, then we can spend them as we please. Whoever lost the first battle will be on the offensive trying to take the middle plot. Whoever wins that fight, a new grace period will begin with only six minutes, and the role of attacker switches to the other player. We will go back and forth defending and attacking with a six minute villager freedom moment between brawls until one player destroys the other's capital and thus owns all nine plots of land.
There will be a few basic rules, which aren't super important to this explanation. But I should mention three things:
1.) There is a three castle limit through the entire game. And only one castle can exist outside your capital-plot at a time. So it's very important where and when we decide to build castles.
2.) Trebuchets will be de-activated, as the defending team will not be able to leave their plot to go destroy them.
3.) No docks. Its purely land war.
Now, all of this said, I thank anyone who stuck around to hear about this silly little game of mine. And I am eager to hear what civilizations you think would be the best and why. And, if you played this, what you think you would do?
Resource gathering is big, given that we have the same amount of villagers. Civs with gathering bonuses have a big advantage in that department.
Late-game defensive civs, I'm thinking, may have a huge benefit when it comes to the defending turn. But I wonder if examples like the Byzantines may be unable to deal a big enough blow on their attacking turn. Thoughts?
Hera's Potato Cup is a tournament designed in the spirit of growing the aoe community that will take place in my discord.
Tournament description and format
The tournament itself is planned to be a 3v3 tournament on various maps using a unique civilization-drafting system. Each team will have 3 players that sum a total amunt of 5400 elo cap amongst all the players within the team.
The main event of the tournament will feature 16 teams minimum and 32 teams at maximum, with a single-elimination bracket, from the 16th - 25th of July.
All rounds will be bo3 up until:
Quarterfinals: Best of five
Semifinals: Best of seven
Grand final: Best of seven
The entire event will be livestreamed at https://www.twitch.tv/Hera_Aoc. Other casters are also welcome, see the streaming policy below.
Teams, registration
All the interested parties should sign up at https://discord.gg/DkdJj4D (my discord) in the specified channel to do so. Once they do so a role will be asigned to them "tournament player" to access a private room for all players to discuss the tournament freely. Its mandatory that teams pick a name and a captain who will be in charge of scheduling the matches. In case that a player wants to sign up but has no team, the procedure of sign up will be the same and all solo players will be fairly teamed up to maximize the elo cap according to their ratings. A team may only register until the registration deadline by providing the usernames and Voobly-profile link. All players must use the same account they registered with the entire tournament, which should be the main account.
A team may only register until the registration deadline by providing the usernames and Voobly-profile link. All players must use the same account they registered with the entire tournament, which should be the main account since it will be used to provide the real rating the player has and facilitate the average scoring system (for further information see TOURNAMENT RULES PARTICIPATION, SEEDING and TEAM REQUIREMENTS in the regulation posted on discord).
Time frame:
Sign ups:
1st July-11th July (midnight eastern)
1st round (or 2nd) july 16th-25th 26th
27th 28th (quarter finals)
August 2nd 3rd 4th semis and finals
The starting prizepool is 350usd open to any possible contribution. If anyone wants to add to the prize pool, feel free to contact me at [helbaher1@gmail.com](mailto:helbaher1@gmail.com) . The prize pool split will be as follows: 50% 1st, 30%2nd 10% to 3rd and 4th.
Streaming policy
The lobbies (QF and on) will be password-protected to keep it as clean as possible. As such, please communicate your intentions to cast the event, so that I or another admin can send you the password. You are asked to keep the password to the lobby confidential. Casters are asked to give reasonable credit to the tournament and its organizers. Whether it be included in the title, or a chat command or even just mention it throughout the stream. For further information, feel free to contact me on Voobly, Discord or Twitch.
Hello im new to aoe2
I'm interested in watching some pro games on YouTube, but everything i find, there's no fog of war, is that simply not possible in aoe2 or do casters prefer no fog of war ? I know they can be enabled for individual players, but it seems like we can't have it enabled for everyone? Is that correct?
To be honest it's a major deal breaker, as spectators we miss so much information by not having the fog of war.
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submitted by /u/lemonny3663 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/King_Nanomat [link] [comments] |
I think maybe the pikeman deserves some love, they are quite weak, but also cheap and add a lot of siege.
As for overrated, i'm not sure, what do you guys think?
I just copped myself a copy of AOE2HD on steam during this summer sale and it's been a blast so far. From what i've played in single player I have been fairly inefficient during my entire games, like usually being the last one to evolve in ages or being on the bottom of the "leader board" (standard difficulty) . Although I do know the best way to learn something is by doing it yourself, I do like to watch and learn how others do it and so I pose the question if any of you guys on this subreddit know of any AOE2 youtubers or streamers out there that I could check out that play on a more casual-ish side if that makes any sense lol, instead of the pro players who zoom everywhere and go to the next age every time I blink, or if any of you guys out there reading this have any tips for me thanks in advance!
New blogpost about our modding API!
New openage release v0.4.0! (Changelogs will follow)
environment usage in modding API reference guide (Link)Issues
Too few bugs for your taste? Build the project yourself for Linux, OS X or Windows and report your own findings to us.
Open Discussions
I decided to get age of empires 3 but when I launched the game it moves to a black screen which remains until the program does not respond. Need help fixing the problem. Currently on Windows 10.
Given that AOE 2 DE is going to have matchmaking, what do you guys think of devs introducing options of periodic minor games/customs etc. (tower defence, unit matchups arena style etc). Just like mods of some games have bloomed in popularity, eclipsing the base game, could this help with attracting more players?
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submitted by /u/dependsonthelighting [link] [comments] |
Kinda new at AoE2. Been playing it quite a bit and I can definitely see why this game is held to very high esteem. I am loving it! I am patiently waiting for DE to come out, but until then, I am playing HD. I just have a couple questions that I am hoping someone in this community can answer.
2) I have made siege weapons, but I notice that every time my opponent comes at me with theirs, their boulders are on fire? Where is the tech to upgrade my Siege weapons to fire based ones? I am assuming this increases the damage?Is this tech civ specific too?
Thanks guys! My brother and I have been playing with each other online and we are both loving this game. Crazy how a 19 year old game has not only stood the test of time but is still bringing new players in! I love it and hopefully in a few months I can somewhat be a challenge to you online! ;)
Is it worth waiting for the steam version or does it not really matter?
Is Escape Champions league continuing today or next week ?
I checked https://www.ageofempires.com/tournament-stage/europe-west/#stage-event-2 this, but i think its not the right information ?
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submitted by /u/hsu410929 [link] [comments] |
I’m going to be getting a MacBook Air soon and I’m trying to play age of mythology does anyone know if steam is compatible on Apple devices and can I run age of mythology on it. Also if there are any other safe ways of playing it, what are they? Plz help and thx in advance
I think there's a couple cool things that the original game didn't have and was wondering what other people thought. I think 'gifting' units to a teammate would be an interesting feature. I know the DE edition is doing its best to not change any gameplay but do you think a change like this would be a significant gameplay change?
There's other things that I think would be cool yet too gameplay-breaking like building bridges or sea walls.
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submitted by /u/TheCrowGrandfather [link] [comments] |
I don't mean when one guy 'titatics' i.e. makes a small error which then snowballs into a loss for the whole team. I mean when one player is significantly below what his ELO suggests and is just bad for no reason.
This is more for voobly as on hd it just comes with the territory that it can happen.
But a 1650 voobly player should be able to do certain things.
For example Arkantos looks like this. In the Cutscenes they look normal but as soon as it gets ingame it looks this shitty. Tried reinstalling it and tried making a new profile aswell as deactivating all mods but nothing worked so far. Thanks in advance
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submitted by /u/abductedPlatypus [link] [comments] |
I keep seeing this... It is more frequent with heavy cavalry, but can also be seen with infantry, like Eagles..
Essentially, when there is a large group, the units keep bumping into each other and there is definitely wasted time when they chase units... I almost always Patrol in and never target any one unit... Still, the units bump, they stop for a sec, then repeat...
Now, if the opponent is using 6 hit and run, with archers or Xbows, the units take a lot more damage than needed... Same thing with villagers... Invariably, the vils take one or two hits less because of this and survive... Any ideas on how to avoid this?
I was recently reading Mandelbrots Factional geometry in Nature, and it seems that if we could implement such equations for lands, terrains, connections, etc, it might look very interesting. We could do some math to really shorten scripts, for example instead of beeding hudreds of lines for direct placement it would be easy to define how players can generate basd on math formulas. More advanced terrain like you'd see in campaigns..
Thats math stuff. on the more fun triggers, more powerful triggers is a must. In the last year you've seen battle royale.. Hex, unique utopia, fixed position maps
Honestly, there are sooo many options I feel like mapmakers need to be able to define their own strings, gamemodes (koth regicide diplo treaty fixed positions.. at the same time)
there are limitations despite how great up1.5 is. some of these can figure out solutions but the direct method would be preferable in some cases - eg for battle royale what if instead of making various animals henk could just define a trigger that has this consition and effect?
some few thoughts. rms scripting is vulnerable to feature creep if the devs try to do it all. its both important, seeing how streamers play, and uninportant, isnce for a long time, people jist play the same map or a few variants
in some ways rms is more powerful than scenarios, but scenarios will always be better hamdcrafted masterpieces
Ok so i quite like india for sup, but i have been trying them out for treaty as they have a decent eco + fur trade.
Their biggest issue i find when i play them in treaty is train time, any way to rememdy this?
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submitted by /u/iwantnoproblems [link] [comments] |
I got bored and happened to think about a scenario were no gold exists on the map, no relics, markets or trade cogs are available and advancing through the Ages doesn't require gold. Here is what the civs have to offer in such an uninteresting situation :
Aztecs :
- Start the game with an Eagle Scout
- military produced 15% faster
- +50 g - > loom _ fletching _ arson
no scouts, thumb ring, keep, hoardings, masonry
Berbers :
- villagers move 10% faster
- scouts cost -15%/-20% in castle/imperial age
no keep, architecture
Britons :
- archery ranges work 25% faster
no thumb ring, treadmill crane
Burmese :
- Infantry units have +1/+2/+3 attack in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
no thumb ring, arrowslits, hoardings
Byzantines :
- Buildings have +10%/+20%/+30%/+40% HP in the Dark/Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
- Skirmishers, and Spearmen are 25% cheaper
no treadmill crane
Celts :
- Infantry move 15% faster
no tracking, thumb ring, architecture
Chinese :
- Great Wall increases the hit points of walls and towers by 30%
no hoardings, treadmill crane
Ethiopians :
- The Pikeman upgrade is free
- 300g (+100 at each age advancement)
possible technologies -> loom 50g _ light cavalry 50g _ elite skirmisher 100g _ arson 50g _ sappers 200g _ conscription 150g _ chemistry 200g _ ballistics 175g _ leather archer armor 150g _ fletching 50g _ bodkin arrow 100g _ chain barding armor 150g _ chain mail armor 100g _ plate mail armor 150g _ iron casting 120g
no arrowslits, hoardings, treadmill crane
Franks :
- scout cavalry + 9 hit points
- Castles only cost 488 stone
no thumb ring, keep
Goths :
- Infantry is 35% cheaper starting in the Feudal Age
- Infantry has +1 attack against standard buildings
- Barracks work 20% faster
no stone walls, thumb ring, guard tower, arrowslits, hoardings, treadmill crane
Huns :
- Stables work 20% faster
no guard tower, arrowslits, hoardings, architecture, treadmill crane
Incas :
- Start the game with an Eagle Scout
- Villagers benefit from Forging and Scale Mail Armor
- Buildings cost -15% stone
no scouts, architecture
Indians :
- Villagers are 10%/15%/20%/25% cheaper in the Dark/Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
no keep, arrowslits, architecture, treadmill crane
Italians :
Japanese :
- Infantry attacks 25% faster starting in the Feudal Age
- Yasama makes Towers fire two extra arrows
no hoardings, architecture
Khmer :
no tracking, thumb ring, arrowslits
Koreans :
- Tower upgrades are free and instantaneous upon reaching the appropriate Age
- Towers have +1/+2 range in the Castle/Imperial Age
no hoardings
Magyars :
- Forging, Iron Casting, and Blast Furnace are free and instantaneous upon reaching the appropriate Age
- The Scout Cavalry line is 15% cheaper
no tracking, keep, arrowslits, architecture
Malay :
no arrowslits, hoardings, architecture, treadmill crane
Malians :
- Barracks units have +1/+2/+3 pierce armor in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
- University works 80% faster
- Tigui makes even ungarrisoned Town Centers fire arrows
no arrowslits
Mayans :
- Start the game with an Eagle Scout
no scouts, arrowslits
Mongols :
- Scout cavalry line has +2 line of sight
no keep, arrowslits, architecture, treadmill crane
Persians :
- Town centers have double the hp
- Boiling Oil makes castles do +9 bonus damage against hypothetic ethiopian ram(s)
no keep, arrowslits, treadmill crane
Portuguese :
no tracking, arrowslits, hoardings
Saracens :
no architecture
Slavs :
no thumb ring, keep, arrowslits, architecture
Spanish :
- Builders work 30% faster
- Blacksmith upgrades cost no gold
Teutons :
- Towers garrison twice as many units
- Town Centers can garrison +10 units
- Crenellations give +3 range to castles and ability to spearmen to garrison stone defenses and fire arrows
no thumb ring, husbandry, architecture
Turks :
- Light Cavalry and Hussar upgrades are free and instantaneous upon reaching the appropriate Age
- Chemistry upgrade is free
(that's some turkic power!)
Vietnamese :
- Conscription is free
- Skirmishers have +10%/+15%/+20% HP in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
no husbandry, masonry
Vikings :
- Spearmen have +10%/+15%/+20% HP in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
no husbandry, keep
That's it, Spanish seem to be god tier, Ethiopians interesting and Mayans stillborn but yeah, castles.
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submitted by /u/Zer0Phoenix1105 [link] [comments] |
I'm guessing everybody here has heard of the "raider civs" and other things that were planned for aoe2 but later dropped before released. AoE2 was originally designed for raider civs and builder civs to work together in a team; then when this idea was dropped, the raider civs were given a bunch of boosters to make them equal to other civs. But there is still an underlying idea of different civs working with each other's strengths and weaknesses, as part of a team against another team.
So why is there so much 1v1 on twitch and other streamers? It really limits the full use of the game.
anyone else think the lithuanians are incredibly overpowered with their bonus? way better than byz imo
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submitted by /u/iamboit [link] [comments] |
I was playing a 2v2 BF game that we did eventually end up winning, but what happened was we basically wiped both their bases after literally like an hour and a half of pushing.. the problem was by this time one of them had a huge eco banked up and so although his eco was dead, he managed to somehow create literally (I checked in achievements) 196 Heavy Cab Archers + 4 trebs and it was nearly impossible to kill.. I figured since we had destroyed all his houses once we killed the heavy cav archers then it would be over, but it was just so hard to defeat because I could only send maybe 100 max troops at him because of pop space. Also I honestly just don't know what to send vs 196 Heavy Cab Archers. I tried skirms, melted. Halbs + skirms? melted. Halbs skirms and paladins? Didn't even get close. Eventually my teammate who had been cleaning up the last of their eco cornered him with me and he died, but I don't even remember what exactly it was we used to kill them.
So yeah basically what I'm asking is what's the counter to cav archers?
I had 2 accounts that I used to play with. For some reason both accounts don't work anymore when I know the password I am entering is correct. I can't reset it because I dont have access to my email anymore and I dont have the original key codes. My account usernames are Liberator35 and niocolas. Any suggestions on how to get my accounts back?
I tried a match with everything visible just to try learning how the AI plays, and what i discovered is that it's simply impossible to me to beat them. Why? They evolve too fast (really guys, for every one villager i create they already created ten) and this shouldn't happen, because i'm playing on moderate and looks more like i'm actually playing on hard. What you guys think, is the AI difficulty really unbalanced? I personally think it is, because i can play AoE 3 on moderate really well and the difficulty levels on this game increase smoothly instead of the ridiculous gap on Easy to Moderate in Age of Empires 2.
EBII is finally finished and fully available on Voobly, as well as on Steam.
Have fun!
In normal circumstances a Civ without Halberdier upgrade is Doomed to loose in late game especially in 1v1's.
If you disagree tell me then how you can win the trash fight with no gold available.
I’ve filled the survey and uploaded the dxdiag file but so far haven’t received anything. I suspect it’s because my i7 cpu is a laptop one(with gtx 1060 gpu). I was wondering if anyone had a spare that they weren’t using or knew how to get a hold of a key. Thanks!
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submitted by /u/ECEngineeringBE [link] [comments] |
I was an avid player years ago but have since switched to a Mac. Are there any sites or locations that you trust to download the game?
Most of the games I play online are with huns in Arabia. In Feudal age I build 2 forward stables and get bloodlines + forging and start raiding with 6 scouts. In the mean time I pump out more scouts to delay his economy. My opponent will go all into spearman.
More often then not he will go Castle Age earlier but with a way smaller economy. After I click up I will put a majority of my eco on gold/food and do not focus on booming because I want to finish this game asap. I start massing knights coming from 3/4 forward stables at this point.
I wait until I have 15-21 FU(minus the defensive upgrades) Castle nights before I attack. Should I aim for killing my opponents TC's or just weaken his economy? Last game I destroyed one TC but then mass pikemen killed me. The games before Killing his TC proved to work. I am around 1300-1400 elo.
I tried making 3 hero units buildable but I only succeeded with Robin Hood but the other 2 didn't work. The Icon for the tech to be researched shows up but once it's researched, it does nothing. But with Robin Hood, the tech shows up and once it's researched, Robin Hood can be made. I don't know what I did right with Robin Hood but did wrong with the other 2.
Other than the tips, may you please also attach me some past stream to learn from, I've tried to take a quick look on twitch but sadly I didn't find this kind of games in the previous casts, no one is playing this :(
Does anyone knows which are the rate conversion from each unit? I mean, the time of conversiton for the main units?
I think the elephants has the faster rate conversion, right? And the others? There is some list?
1) Elephants
2) Kt?...
Ty, guys!
Hello there!
My name is Mattias and I enjoy AOE 3 a lot (especially vs bots) and was wondering if there are others here who might also want to play vs bots with some teammates, if someone wants to play together =D
--> In that case, for those who want to add me (or vice versa) my ES Online (ESO) name is: Mautiz
I've been watching Age for several years (if not over a decade) now and I was wondering who you guys think some of the best pro players of all time were? I realize that everyone collectively gets better as time goes on (look at Feudal/Castle times from 10 years ago) but who were some of the most dominant players in their era?
Hey everyone. I'd like to know if there's a way to play AoE in a more rpg-ish way to take the time to build and very slow progress, bigger maps, taking hours to do some progress, I don't know how to explain but taking a really good time to make progress and advance ages. I want to build my empire and make it beautiful, to take days in the same game. I like this kind of system, I remember a mod for battlefield 2 called project reality that campaings could take weeks in that gamemode, battles would last days... J know, I'm a weird person haha. English is not my native language so I'm having some difficult to explain myself, thank you!
usually i look to attack first because my defenses are... pretty bad, i attack like hell but if anyone attack me first i break like glass, i can do quick wall, but i can´t quick wall my gold is just hard for me D:
what can i do to counter a drush + archer (lets just say i wanna go archer too, but the drush slow me down)
I was invited to the second beta wave 3 days ago, but still haven't received my follow up email with the actual instructions or download.
Anyone else in the same boat?
Hey THere! Just bought the game and was reading up on some strategies online, some of them mention cards I don't have yet. Is there a way to unlock them by editing files, or do I just need to play multiplayer to level up?
BTW I haven't played in a while
I just like play in the Arabia map and yours variations (HC_2, ECL, etc)...
Nomade: too messy
BF: too slow
Arena: too slow
Arabia: the "thing" starts just in the 7 min... :D
Anyone more like me?
Hello everyone,
Pretty odd thing. So, I load my profile & go into settings to re-define the hotkeys I want.
That works fine.
Until I boot up the game again. My setting are there, are saved. But the OLD binding is still there.
As example I may list e.g. the "WASD scrolling" mod. When I re-assign all key binding on WASD to e.g. Shift-WASD, that works. But at the next bootup, I will have a double binding of this.
Means, I can start "attack move" with shift-(random key) and classical with A. But I deleted A in my last session as binding.
Anyone know where I can find a file I can download and use as ringtones. Specifically the horn when being attacked and "wo-lo-lo" of course. Obviously I am looking for the original age of empires or the definitive edition versions.
Watch both parts 1 & and everything will be explained.
Search on YouTube for:
Final Warning Part 1
Bought the complete collection and I only see European countries to play. How do I get the others?
I know my strong units are paladins and cavalry in general. But I'm struggling a lot because my opponents always counter me with halberdiers. And I don't know how to counter their counter, nor how can I take the best of my paladins if my opponents always counter me so easily. Onagers or Scorpions are out of discussions since they need a first line unit and if I use my pala as first line is really bad choice. Should I go with Champs + Pala?
Hey guys
I’m a really new player and I’ve just been playing against computers with a couple of my friends. I don’t have plans to play online against people at the moment (I know, probably sounds crazy), I’m having fun just beating computers right now.
Except I’m not beating them. At least on Hard and above.
If I do any research on wikis or look for guides and whatnot, every guide explains pro strategies with lots of jargon I don’t really understand... yeah I’m a casual.
Anyways I just wanna know what kind of style I should play the ottomans just go get the basics down. I struggle to produce good military early on and it takes a while to get ramped up. What military units should I be using? The Calvary seem really weak for example, but perhaps I’m just using them wrong. Basically I just wanna know what my military should consist of and how I can make my economy better, just so I’m good enough to beat computers.
Also while I’m here, is there a tier list for the different civs? Can’t seem to find one anywhere, most people just say French are the best.
Thanks for your help!
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submitted by /u/carl0071 [link] [comments] |
https://mixer.com/AgeofEmpires?vod=zNc_dYMySESpRX5Vp_QEEw 27:15 it is talked that next beta invite wave will be sent mid-july.
Also they say, that everyone, who signs up for beta will get into beta. It just depends on their current testing needs who exactly they invite at any moment
People in second beta invite wave should get their keys today or tomorrow. At least before weekend.
Any good videos that show a build order progressing into attacks or a video explaining in-detail rationale for mid-later game eco+mil decisions?
- All of the build order vids I've seen so far show someone concentrating on early game eco + massing a certain unit type, but then they all stop before they actually use these units against an opponent! I'd love to see detailed explanation of some initial attack/raiding strategies.
- Aoe2 is increasingly a dynamic game as your skill level goes up. So I'd love to see detailed commentary of someone explaining a game they personally played and the logic behind EVERY decision they made.
- Any military build orderish kind of guides for castle imperial? I.e. some good army compositions and how to use them?
It seems as if we get either someone explaining a certain build order eco in detail but then not explaining in detail how a good player would progress the game from there onwards, or else we get casting of high-level games under the guise of "tutorial" videos, where it's not explained how eco-mil macro balance evolves in later game stages, i.e. the actual mechanics of how good players are pulling off what they're doing.
We get such a granularity of detail for very early game and a relative vacuum when it comes to actual civ management mechanics later on??
I'm (1400s) missing out on the dynamism because my Castle-Imperial macro is too shit. I often have to spend too much time massing armies between attacks which is weird because I've got 2-4 TCs. Would like commentary on how to orchestrate more frequent smaller scale attacks, because I think a mistake here is also me waiting too long and missing out on disrupting other players. Either it is: i) Better players (15++) often attack me right when I'm starting to build a serious army and idk if this is simply only because their early game eco is better/faster. (I think answer is yes - is it that they have some kind of military build order template they're using?) ii) Or I get bogged down in boring incremental "chokepoint" kinds of wars with fellow inexperienced players.
So... HD with all expansions is selling for around $5 in this summer sale on steam.
Seems like a very logical thing to buy it because this will give you a $5 discount on DE later on.
Look, I know that you can play on the normal eso and on voobly, but both lobbies seem so sparse that I have trouble finding games. I’m coming from aoe2, so maybe I’m just spoiled. Where do you find the most people to play online with.
Just played a 3v3 and username Cebezade was caught cheating. He was spawning units on his explorer, hussars to be exact. I'll just pest him and move on but is there anything I can do?
Hello folks,
Looking for a game to play with the SO. Mostly into things that are of the city builder/ rts variety. We enjoyed playing Tropico 5 together a lot. She also kinda got hooked on Age of Empires II HD. They also enjoyed Stardew Valley and Starbound. We dipped into Castle Story for a bit and thought it was pretty fun. Same goes for Don't Starve Together.
Most likely games that are more on the casual side for playing with her. She definitely wouldn't be able to get into in depth games or the hard core 4x games like Stellaris/ Europa, or Civ (she thought it was too slow?) I've seen another called Medieval Wars, and I thought that would be fun for me, but definitely not her cup of tea.
One game she raved about that she loved to death was Empire Earth. But that game is quite outdated. If you can find something that's like that, she'd definitely go for that.
Thanks for any suggestions folks!
I know that, theoretically, Slavs should be much better than Byz and overpower them. However, last time I had this matchup I was anihilated by a big ball of heavy camels+arbalest.
Game was rather even up to castle age (my scouts did some damage, but he towered my only wood causing severe damage). Then in castle I went for mass knights while he starting adding camels. That made riding with knights not possible, because camels can chase them (unlike pikes). I kept massing knights and hoped to overpower the Byz camels in imp where they miss some upgrades. Byz was faster to imp than me and had time to prepare some upgrades. Finally he did a push of siege ram + heavy camel backed up by a big ball of arbalest, which I lost against (even with a lot of fully upgraded cavaliers)
First mistake I realized is that arbalest were shooting from a hill during the decisive battle. That was bad. But even if I had avoided that, how do I beat them? I should not give them time to get to that composition, agreed, but how do I put on pressure if he is chasing me away with camels all the time? Pikes+siege push?
Context: 1850 HD (noob with build order knowledge, e.g. 21 pop scouts and such are common things to see)
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submitted by /u/HenkDeSuperNerd [link] [comments] |
While I am sure you, the devs, already know this; I feel a growing tendency, mostly from newer/unfamiliar players to ask & demand for features that did not make aoe2 so everlasting.
Modability, Low System Requirements and Simple & Intuitive Graphics.
Those are just a handful of the many features that made aoe2 so everlasting; but I'm beginning to fear these will be dropped for short-sighted "popular" demands.
Game of Thrones [spoilers?] did this: they went for grand visual effects, safe story-telling and general crowd-pleasing, while it was Baelors' square (Ned Starks decapitation), focus on the aftermath of grand events (whispering woods) and the Red Wedding that made Game of Thrones big. Both of those things would have never been allowed with "popular" opinions in mind.
I hope this well-meant advice/fear is unwarranted though.
Tl;dr= Don't give in to the suits.
I'm having some trouble with a few things in the map editor. Here are a few questions about triggers, if anyone knows the answers.
According to this website the Franks are the best civilization at every skill level. I am having a hard time understanding why that would be the case, yet i don't believe the statistics lie.
Glossing over the specialties of the Franks didn't help much either.
Then we have the tech tree, it seems to be lack luster with no imperial skirmishers, hussars and a weak archer line. Siege and navy is mediocre at best.
Is my evaluation completely off? Why do the Franks perform so well when their statistics/characteristics don't indicate that they should?
Coming into DE, there's a multiple of balance changes possible, and I think the Scorpions should be looked over. They're hardly almost ever used with any civ ever. While good against Archers and infantry when massed, they're terrible versus cavalry and get completely flatted by onagers, sniped by trebs and bombard cannons, distracted by rams, useless vs buildings, slow and clumsy so there's not really a civ particularly vulnerable to them. As far as Civs with bonuses, Celts and Ethiopians would rather go Siege Onager in every possible situation, Khmer are the worst civ in the game and even got replacement scorpions and the Chinese again are vulnerable to onagers overall, so not much point in going scorpions either.
Considering every civ with Onagers can just flatten a scorpion army whenever they feel like it, is there a good reason for them being terrible?
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