Advice for a disabled PC Gamer

I’ve been basically gaming on PC since I was old enough to hold a mouse. I started on the age of empires series, and have played PC on and off until about 5 years ago, when I left my consoles behind and became a member of PC master race fully. Unfortunately, I have cerebral palsy so that makes gaming very difficult. On top of the pain in my hands while playing for longer than an hour, and my fingers physically not wanting to use WASD properly (I’ve adapted my own style over the years but it’s nowhere as effective as most are.) the biggest issue is that my legs will cramp violently if I sit in a normal chair for very long. They need to be elevated, kind of like a recliner, to prevent that. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to elevate them and be able to use my pc. Buying a new table is out of the question, and I have no place to put my legs under my table to elevate them enough to stop the cramping. It’s been a huge problem so I’ve gone here to ask for any advice I can find. Thanks to anyone who can help

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submitted by /u/Breude
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