What will the November 1 Year Anniversary patch bring for balance?

There are 20 days until the 1 year anniversary of AoE2DE, and it is rumored that the November patch will be much larger, and have significant balance changes compared to the past few months. For instance it is very likely that we will see a Goth nerf, given that they have been at a 54% win rate across all elo ranges, even garnering a 55% WR with a decent amount of picks at 1650+ elo

But what will we see for the struggling civs? ie Koreans, Turks, Bulgarians, Portuguese, Tatars, and Malay? All civs that struggle regardless of elo and get significantly lower play rates than other civs.

Koreans Portuguese and Tatars all continue to struggle on DE despite receiving buffs in previous patches, while Turks and Bulgarians havent received changes in a long time but dont have good pick or win rates and are generally seen as the weakest civs by high level players. This can be further evidenced by the conclusion of KotD3, where the only civs that were never picked were Turks and Koreans. Bulgarians and Malay were picked once but never played, and tatars were picked once and player (by Viper vs BacT) Info from https://drive.google.com/file/d/112IznoPFn0Y_3-Pul4s4ps4XUDucj4px/view

What changes would you think the devs would make to these civs, as simply nerfing the top tier civs isnt going to make the bottom tier civs viable, especially when players are still going to be used to the play patterns of the civ that they were using before.

submitted by /u/DeusVultGaming
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