What happens after 1.2k elo?

Hey, I feel like I mostly hear about the 800-1200 elo players (here in the community), and the the pro games in youtube. But what about the middle? How many players are actually there? I guess about 5% of players are maybe over 1600, does anyone know?

And what so they actually do different? At my elo (1.2k) ppl already execute build orders nicely, start microing decently without abandoning their entire Eco behind this and make good counter decisions. The overall performance is just so much smoother and maybe double or triple apm for top players, but is this "fine tuning" the whole dofference in a 1000 elo range?

Anyone gone up to maybe 1.4, 1.6 or 1.8k and can explain the progress?

submitted by /u/Quicktory123
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