Toxicity and Poor Losers

The community, at least in the game, feels like a toxic hellscape after the USA DLC.

Many players I played against recently agreed.

The influx of noobs isn't helping everyones stress, as most games seem to consist of everyone asking if (blank) is a noob or resigning at the slightest mistake, and the fact most people seem to hate all noobs with a burning passion.

All the new players do some lame strategy that just annoys me, and all use the USA. All the old players are so annoyed at noobs, that if they see you do something wrong, they resign. I've dealt with players putting 100 uhls hidden around the map and walking away from the computer (adding 25 minutes to the game), some random guy shouting "HAHA YOU A NOB" As he did gatling gun/horse arty spam, and with some guy resigning because "Dutch is a noob civ" when I was on his team (as we started) . This was all just today. Any poor new player who is just getting into multiplayer will most likely quit with the amount of BS there is.

Also can we please get the game ranger system of Beginner ,Noobs, Meds, And Pro lobbies going? It was such a great system imo, as casual rank means nothing, and only some people have an ELO rating in that specific gamemode (Especially treaty)

submitted by /u/SndMetothegulag
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