[noob question]What to do after I successfully scrush?

I'm very new to playing multiplayer and I successfully scrushed my opponent in 1v1 arabia today (I was huns, he was franks). He ended up being down to 20 villagers while I had 45+. He was able to go to castle age so my scouts and archers became useless (vs his knights).

I decided to build my own knight army and attacked his base again, this time he killed them all with pikemen and a newly built castle but I was able to make his villagers idle for quite a while.

After that, the game slipped out of my hands completely. Despite damaging his economy significantly in the feudal and castle age, I ended up losing the match (he surrounded his base with castles and I couldn't get through with my paladins and siege weapons).

Could anyone give me some advice on how to win and take advantage of being ahead economically after a successful rush?

submitted by /u/Mictlancayocoatl
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