Are any of you familiar with this article? — It’s recognized as a legit correction to the Huygens Principle even in Wikipedia. Basically, the author uses spatiotemporal dipoles (which I’m not sure I completely understand what is) to eliminate the problem with the backward propagating waves of Huygens. It makes sense.
If you look at the first image on the second page, he says the source to the left must be delayed in respect to the source on the right. Ok. But, assuming both sources emit waves the same way, it looks like the source that’s delayed is the right one, not the left one, can you see? What am I missing? Maybe the two sources aren’t exactly the same?
One thing I didn’t understand from the article was that he attributed a sign to each wave (positive or negative) so maybe that’s where I’m missing something. Maybe one vibrates up and the other down? Instead of both beginning the motion pointing the same direction?
Sorry for the bother and the long post! It’s hard for me because my math is pretty basic compared to this and English is not even my first language. Plus, I’m pretty OCD about these topics, lol. Many thanks anyway!
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