What if Teutons could ungarrison at +1 range per age?
Teutons are extremely weak when it comes to making engagements. You build a Castle, you build some TKs, the enemy attacks, you ungarrison your TKs, and...the enemy runs away. You'll never catch up, and they can snipe you from outside your range, causing great suffering.
It basically forces them into Paladins oftentimes, even though they're ostensibly an Infantry civilization. A speed bonus for infantry would just water down their intentional weakness, which isn't a good thing, either.
But what if they could ungarrison their units an extra range away, per age?
So, for example, in Feudal age, you could ungarrison your troops slightly away from attacking units, giving them a chance to run, or to encircle the attacking units.
In Castle Age, it would allow TKs to ungarrison on top of enemy units that are approaching a castle or tower, defending earlier, and allow them to retreat to safety in an instant.
And in Imperial Age, it would allow a substantial degree of battlefield movement, allowing you to leap a full 4 tiles away from a garrisonable object at will.
I just think it would be a pretty cool bonus that would mitigate the slowness of the civ without actually taking it away, and would be interested to hear people's thoughts. Too powerful? Not powerful enough?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2SJwBNu
Delay before offensive unit attacks a target (Genie editor)
So when you move a range unit to a spot where there are 3 targets, it'll stop moving, wait nearly a second then fire, if it kills the unit it'll then wait a second before firing at the second target, what causes this delay? it doesn't appear in AoE 1 as far as I know
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2tiEsXS
Holy Man Campaign - Villagers attack priest on Normal, but not on Hard setting
I found several people with similar issues when googling for this problem, but no explanation.
I'm having a hard time playing through the Holy Man campaign, so I tried looking for a gameplay video on youtube and I noticed that villagers behaved differently on the video than they do in my game.
When I try to convert a villager, they'll immediately attack the priest, often taking around half his life before the conversion is complete. If I try to convert a second villager the priest usually dies.
On all playthrough videos I saw, the villagers ignore the priest completely and they can convert several enemies with ease.
Now when I googled about it, I found an user commenting that it only happened on the lower three difficulty settings, while on hard the villagers ignore the priest, making the campaign much easier on harder settings. I tried it here and that's exactly what happened.
Anyone knows why this happens?
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from newest submissions : aoe https://ift.tt/2QBRSWL
AOE 2 DE - Delete All Mods Manually
I'm having an issue with the game that I am unable to see the main menu, the screen is black.
This started happening after I subscribed to a bunch of mods so now I am wondering how to remove all mods manually through windows directory. Please help if you have any suggestions. Thanks.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/37rvJ4q
What's your favorite campaign and civ in DE, and what do you expect for the next year (or this year:)) about the future of DE?
My last post on reddit so I´m curious about that.
Mine are the Tatars for now (and Tamerlane campaign) due of the historical mystery of that civ, plus Tamerlane campaign is very funny (and a living meme).
My expectations are that the game includes in the future:
- Campaigns for the Byzantines (one about Belisarius, yes I know about Bari but we need one about the last Roman General) and one of the Slavs about Ivan III the great and the grat stand of the Ugra River.
- Historical battle for Lithuanians (all talk about Grunwald but none about the Blue Waters (vs Tatars), that battle was key for them.
- Difficulty sword for the historical battles as well medals.
- Civ icons as player profiles.
- more perfomance improvements.
- More scenarios for the Art of War like Water strategies.
That's all of my last post, and Happy new year.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2toA1un
Question about
Hello, I'm ather new to modding AoM and I'd like to ask a quick question:
I've experimenting with damage bonuses for a mod idea I've had for a while. My question is twofold: The first part is what file manages the <unittypes> such as "HumanSoldier" and "MythUnit" that the protoX.X.xml files uses as reference.
Second: Is it possible to add new unittype entries to said file if available in the first place?
Thank you.
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/35j5RX3
aoe2de question: when i set health bar to default, damaged units still don't show health bars. What should do?
aoe2de question: when i set health bar to default, damaged units still don't show health bars. What should do?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2QbjOlo
I can tell you rock, I can tell by your charm
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submitted by /u/SilverBolt52 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2tjmjci
Do some maps have no berries? How to fast castle then?
I've been practicing my fast castle times but I keep running into exceptions to the rule like frozen maps that don't have berries, or maps where the boar are twice as far away, etc. I haven't quite found a replacement for the berries.
Should I just double up on the deer mill or go farms?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/36cKvfb
AoE 2 DE steam random crashes
Faulting application name: AoE2DE_s.exe, version: 101.101.34223.0, time stamp: 0x5dfb2884
Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.17763.719, time stamp: 0x15f8b9b3
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x000000000006e91e
Faulting process id: 0x10d0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d5bfdb2df6674e
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AoE2DE\AoE2DE_s.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll
Report Id: f2464938-baff-4e81-888c-30171497a8c2
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/37qhMDQ
Is there a way to change starting resources/disable aggressive animals/add more villagers in random map nomad?
My favourite type of game is a start from absolute scratch when you start as a nomad with Low resources (just 200 wood to build a Town Center and then you're with nothing, it's in UPatch HD mod), but AI is a big dumb-dumb and in the 10th minute of the game 1 to 2 civilizations are eliminated and when I check the timeline 4-6 AI civilizations have no settlers and they can't produce a new one since they haven't gathered enough food.
I see at least three options that can fix the problem.
- Disabling spawning aggressive animals - AI won't die unless I or another AI kills them, so they eventually gather food to produce more.
- Start with 2-3 nomad villagers - AI has less chance to die, although I have more villagers, so still a nomad start but not from absolute scratch
- Change the Low Resources settings to add 50 or 100 food, so AI can produce villagers immediately as they build their town centre
And maybe another one
- Rewrite the AI so it doesn't die in such dumb way
I've tried to find where this data can be located and maybe try to mod it myself, but since I opened up that one file that had more than 2 million lines of code I think it would be easier to find an Ensemble Studios dev to edit that for me than figure it out myself.
Is there any mod that can do one of these things?
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from newest submissions : aoe https://ift.tt/2QuUjdK
Games not saving ?
Anyone else have this problem ? My games are not saving consistently (sometimes they do but mostly they don't). This is in random maps against AI haven't played campaigns yet.
I play a game save it.. it saves then continue playing and later overwrite the same game and leave. I come back another day or later and load it up but it's waaaay earlier before my last save.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/37vkLLj
We need to see ratings in lobbies so we can play against equal teams.
Title says it all. I hate having games where the teams are imbalanced. It's not fun curbstomping noobs 1v4 without any resistance. It's also not fun playing 3v4 with your 4th teammate being a briton player who's making unupgraded cavalry archers before taking his boars
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2u7hQKh
Final day to vote on AoE2 community awards
As title says, its the final day! Check out the list of nominees here, and vote for your favourite tournament, player, streamer, and more!
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2QFGc5A
DE Ranked System
Why don't they have a forced-random instead of the current civ-picking system?
Why can't it be more competetive and challenging, more sportive.
50% of my games are against Cumans, yes, even at post-patch era. And then the casucal Aztecs/Mayans/Spanish on Gold Rush and Chinese on Nomadic maps.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2SFyElH
Is my PC ok to run AOEII Definitive Edition?
Processor (CPU)Intel® Core™ i5 Six Core Processor i5-9600K (3.7 GHz) 9 MB Cache
MotherboardASUS® TUF Z390-PLUS GAMING: ATX, LGA1151, USB 3.1, SATA 6GBs - RGB Ready
Memory (RAM)32GB Corsair VENGEANCE DDR4 2400MHz (2 x 16GB)
1st Storage Drive1TB SEAGATE BARRACUDA SATA-III 3.5" HDD, 6GB/s, 7200RPM, 64MB CACHE
Processor CoolingCoolerMaster Hyper 212X (120mm) Fan CPU Cooler Black Edition
Sound CardCreative Sound Blaster® Audigy™ FX OEM
Wireless/Wired NetworkingWIRELESS INTEL® Wi-Fi 6 AX200 2,400Mbps/5GHz, 300Mbps/2.4GHz PCI-E CARD + BT 5.0
USB/Thunderbolt OptionsMIN. 2 x USB 3.0 & 2 x USB 2.0 PORTS @ BACK PANEL + MIN. 2 FRONT PORTS
Capture/Streaming CardsElgato Game Capture HD60 S USB
Thank you in advance!
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from newest submissions : aoe https://ift.tt/2MDKIQL
New to the game and trying to beat campaign on hard. Super stuck on "Fall of Rome" Attila the Hun. Any help appreciated
Yeah so I have literally been trying for days. I mostly go pure paladin and Treb and it is so hard for me to keep up with fighting the 4 enemies that start off fully built and strong, and kill them before their wonder times me out.
Any advice appreciated. I've been playing like a week.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2F4w9BD
Steam won't let me play offline
bought the game off steam and made a desktop shortcut to using internet in August. I don't have internet at my house anymore. Usually when I click on age of empires, and it can't connect to steam, it will give me the option of "play offline mode". Now the only options are "retry connection" and "quit". This is strange because it was working fine yesterday, and my computer has not been in contact with any internet / installed any updates. Can anyone shed some light on my issue, thanks.
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from newest submissions : aoe https://ift.tt/2ZIdeWz
M@A are ridiculously strong. You can know they're coming and there's nothing you can do
On a map like Gold rush where your res are forward, there is literally no defense. You would have to mirror someones exact build. It's ridiculous. You shouldn't have to pre-emptively follow a m@a build just to make it past 10 mins in the game. Bulgarians bulgarians bulgarians. It's stupid op.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2ZNTxwR
Mr. Llamma was not happy with my skirm, hussar, siege ram push
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submitted by /u/SlipperyStevenn [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2QD70TI
Matchmaking broken :(
For some reason unranked games aren’t showing up for me. This didn’t happen before, I tried uninstalling the app. Any advice?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2MJ20vG
Gamepass symbol beside name?
I’m an intermediate player and I have the game on gamepass instead of buying it through Steam just because I have gamepass for another year. I feel like people automatically assume you’re a noob and I’m getting booted automatically from lobbies (unranked) just because people see the gamepass symbol. Why would they put this beside your name? I’m going to have to buy it on steam now just to avoid the “discrimination.” Anyone else running into this?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/36iaTV2
Using genie editor to give attack ground
Messing around making Tarkans like the nuke trooper from AOE 1 but I'd really like attack ground, I've tried making them "seige" instead of cavalry but no luck
Also how on earth does range, projectile velocity and arc result in being unable to hit targets?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2sxOjc4
When you're about to full send, but this banger comes on
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submitted by /u/iamgothamshero [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Q9AeKU
Advice for a disabled PC Gamer
I’ve been basically gaming on PC since I was old enough to hold a mouse. I started on the age of empires series, and have played PC on and off until about 5 years ago, when I left my consoles behind and became a member of PC master race fully. Unfortunately, I have cerebral palsy so that makes gaming very difficult. On top of the pain in my hands while playing for longer than an hour, and my fingers physically not wanting to use WASD properly (I’ve adapted my own style over the years but it’s nowhere as effective as most are.) the biggest issue is that my legs will cramp violently if I sit in a normal chair for very long. They need to be elevated, kind of like a recliner, to prevent that. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to elevate them and be able to use my pc. Buying a new table is out of the question, and I have no place to put my legs under my table to elevate them enough to stop the cramping. It’s been a huge problem so I’ve gone here to ask for any advice I can find. Thanks to anyone who can help
If not allowed please tell me and I’ll delete it
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from newest submissions : pcmasterrace https://ift.tt/2u8l7cp
Custom Map that breaks every AI - After 20 years i finally have to ask this question
so on basicly day 1 of AOE 2 (in 1999) i've created this map which has a concept i really wanna play.. however.. every AI just cannot handle it..
the AI from the original game couldn't handle it, the AI's from the 2013 version couldn't handle (including player made AI's like barbarien and etc.) and now, when i learned this game has a new AI i tried again... and again.. the AI cannot handle this map that i've made..
and after 20 years i just got to ask... why
this is the map: https://i.imgur.com/h2VZPjj.png
it's a 4 v 4 style map, the map is split in 2 by a river except in the middle.. so it becomes the center of all combat.. and the AI just doesn't attack each other.. in this version i can force my allies to attack (with the new command system)..
but then when the enemy AI in the center gets attacked the other enemy AI's still sit idle in base.. so that's just rubbish
so any1 got any idea.. why this map design breaks the AI and just makes them sit idle in base?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/354ff0s
AoE2 DE sometimes crashes right after i reach middle age.
Anyone else got this Problem?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2ZEIsOc
Data Mine Unit Stats/Icons?
I'm looking to develop a web app for displaying information on units/civs/structures/technologies for Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.
Since the game is still getting balance updates, I was really hoping I could somehow read that data from the game files or from an API that has the most recent updates. I think it would be a fun project and also would be cool to have when watching multiplayer matches on twitch.tv (can quickly look up the civ bonuses and units for more context on the match).
Does anyone have a solution or suggestion for getting these values?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/36fiR0Q
BW/SC2 player with some Qs
I've played BW/SC2 since 1998, was D1/M3 in SC2. Played AoE sparringly growing up and just got AoE2 DE. I spent most of my AoE2 time as a kid creating historical battles in the map creator (eg. Battle of Agincourt) with hundreds of units that would crash my game. For DE, I've been playing against the AI to prepare myself for online play.
What is the main gamemode I should be focusing on? What is the competitive gamemode that is played in 1v1s? What about team games?
if my friends and I wanted to play some FFA or 4v4, what gamemodes would you recommend?
I've read that Civ choice doesn't matter, to be competitive you need to learn them all, that Civ choice is largely a play style choice, and that Civ choice is predicated more on map and opponent's civ choice. I've also read that certain unit types are stronger from civ to civ. Having said that, what 3-5 civs should I focus on first? Which Civs are considered OP?
Which maps should I be playing/learning?
What is some of the jargon I should learn? Is there a link to this info that someone could share? Eg. What's a "trash unit"? A unit from a previous age?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2QarqVj
Recommendations for fun scenarios on DE?
Just started playing DE and also recently found a lot of T90s community game casts (Nothing maps, Overlord etc.). Are there fun scenarios that have been created on DE similar to these?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Qe6rkB
2020 Bill Gregg Open Tournament | RTS-Sanctuary (sign ups open)
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/35awXPT
Why I don't succeed.
I can't build my houses in some funky line as a makeshift wall. They have to be perfectly aligned inside my base usually in a 3x5 fashion (expanding on this as the game goes on).
I space buildings out as well for some unknown reason. I also barely make an army til Imperial because I just wanna get there asap.
On a different note there are some really good players out there, even at my awful rank of 1100. I'm being humbled quite often.
Haven't played for 18 years, and never online. It's fun to play again!
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/36c0ZnQ
Thoughts on a 'Rematch' option after a ranked match?
I think quite a few things could be done to improve the community/lobby/multiplayer experience. I played a really good ranked game the other day , we were fairly evenly matched. We got chatting while viewing the stats page. He suggested a rematch so he set up a game in the lobby browser.
The idea could be as easy as a rematch button on the stats page. If both players click it within 60 seconds it loads you back into another ranked game against each other. If your opponent player clicks it, it is highlighted that a rematch has been requested. Then you have the choice of leaving or playing again.
Could have a few achievements as well:
- Win the rematch after losing the initial game.
- Win both the initial game and then the rematch.
- 'Hat trick' - Win a game, then rematch twice and win them also.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2SBaDMI
How do I ban maps? Also suggestion
I can’t find the ban maps option anywhere even though it says I can ban maps. I don’t have 4v4 selected if that helps.
Also there should be an option to call a stalemate. Arena, Black Forrest and team island can devolve into boring stalemates where no one can make a move and your stuck waiting for an hour.
Also I want a way to call a restart if I get an awful map or a team member leaves within the first few minutes. Nothing more frustrating than losing because you got a map designed by Satan or being 2 players down in a 4v4 giving away your elo for free.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/35aiR0M
Bored as hell
I’ve been playing online a shit ton lately and I’ve played pretty much all the civilizations. Ottoman is my main civilization and I’m getting so bored. Game after game, it’s just the same exact game over and over again. Especially since most people do Deccan. I mostly do Deccan 3V3 but I’m bored as hell man. (Fyi I’m drunk as shit writing this rn) Any advice on how to switch the game up and make it different??? Anyone here want to exchange usernames and play together??? It would be greatly appreciated because I love this game.
P.S. Holy shit I am so fucked up right now god damn.
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/37pyliX
Tamerlane Mission 6 | Hard Playthrough
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submitted by /u/ShadowCrystallux [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/36jGLbT
Dear AOE3 DE developers - If you happen to see this,
please allow us to load custom avatars!
also.... MORE TAUNTS!
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2MDwH5m
Definitive edition or HD 2013 edition?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2MCrcDZ
Mini Middle Eastern City
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submitted by /u/FilthydelphiaAoK [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/35dQcZ2
Saracens are good now?
Just watched T90 feature tatoh vs themax winning with Saracens, he mentions they are good now, even keeping up with Aztecs, but i'm really confused - the foot archer bonus is nerfed, and its only 25W additional discount on the market.
Im not a pro player by any means, just a spectator, so what changed in DE?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2ZBCX31
Just got steam and downloaded this game. Use to play lots on 2004-8.
I've downloaded the eso patch....I have the expansion pack (Asian dynasties)....why am I unable to connect to other players in the lobby? I have an excellent high speed internet connection....what am I missing?
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2u33wT4
Question about walls
Is there a way to see how many walls Im placing down like a Counter or something?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2MFyfMx
Which civilization has in your opinion the best eco bonus?
Faster gather rates, higher carry rates, cheaper camps, free upgrades, rescoure discounts, anything is fair game as long as it improves the civilizations economy.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2QzqPeE
Setting AI to different difficulty?
Would be nice to have say one hard one moderate instead of both being hard. Anybody know of any way this is possible with a mod or something of the sort? Tried to search and didn't find anything, thank you!
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/35dCkOs
Rattan Archers?
Hi everyone, I'm trying to figure out the Rattan's Archer's niche but I'm a bit confused considering Vietnamese already get the Imperial Skirmisher as well?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2F67g8E
It's possible to lose rating from a win
I don't know if this is old news but we played a 3v3 game and won. We ended up losing rating from this win.
I understand we may have been higher ranked but the system chose to put us into a game where no matter what we lose rating?
Seems a bit broken if you ask me.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/3584lqD
Extraordinarily Unstable
Kind of blown away at how unstable DE is. You would think as this is the 3rd/4th? time releasing the same game it would be more polished and playable, but if you play 80 games of DE you will crash to desktop 10 times get randomly disconnected or have someone in the game get disconnected 30 of those games and for the last 40 get matched against people way outside of your elo 20 times. Gets really frustrating to play for 4 hours and realize you haven't had a fair lag free disconnect free game in that entire time. Am I the only one who feels this way? I mean to compare to COH 2 their steam threads they have about 45k discussions and about 4k are bug report threads AOE 2 DE has about 4k threads and a full 1k are bug reports thats 25% of all discussions.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2SAnvm7
Ally Can't See Minimap Flares/Pings?
My friend is having an issue where he can't see any minimap flares/pings that I issue. He doesn't hear the sound or see the X mark. He also can't see my chat and the mute me icon is greyed out.
I can see his just fine.
Anyone know of a fix?
AoE2 DE.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/3567eYP
Sheep and cow question
Hi reddit,
I have been playing aoe2 for about a week now and something that always bothers me is sheep and cows. I have a really hard time finding them. Also, even when I "find" all of them, I i don't know if I found them all. I just want to know how many sheep/ cows spawn on the map at each base. And how do I find all of them.
(Hope this gets attention)
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Q8PfNl
How is Tsar of the Bulgars (Hard) in the Ivalyo Campaign even possible?
i've been trying to beat it over and over again for weeks, and i swear it hasn't been properly playtested. mind you i'm doing it on hard. it just seems almost impossible, you are being SWARMED by mongol and tartar horsemen every 5 seconds, with not enough resources coming in to successfully fight them back. all i can do is build a tonne of castles in my base as that's the only way i can seemingly survive for a while but there's almost no possibility of going offensive, especially because of the resource restrictions in the scenario and the insane kiting micro AI that is just way too good for even a decent player. to top it off, you only get 3 villagers, you cant build an econ and repairing anything is super dangerous because you're constantly being swarmed by the unrelenting AI meaning your villies can die and they're not replaceable. unless you're the viper, this scenario seems nigh unbeatable as it is on hard. i think they really need to scale back the difficulty on this in a patch somehow, it wasn't designed right.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Qp79Kw
Merry Xmas (i dont know why nobody has made something like this before)
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submitted by /u/joker_penguin [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/35bHtqh
Changes in the original campaigns in DE ?
I heard there were some changes in the old campaign scenarios in the DE, could anyone give some more infos about these changes, are we talking extra quests and objectives within missions or just some more eye candy and other cosmectic additions ?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/37n3ynd
Need help with the attack move pathfinding
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Hello my Friends, I play a little bit with the scenario editor. But when it comes to attack move pathfinding in combination with walls and blocked ways i hit the wall. The video says it all.... pls halp me, so i can make pretty sick scenarios for the community ;) [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/353rWZu
Fix/Solution: AoE DE on Steam won't launch/start. No error message.
I bought Age of Empires: Definitive Edition on Steam and didn't get it to work at first. I tried to doubleclick on the game in the Steam library but it just shows "stop" or "running" for a second or two and then the game closes. I don't see any windows or error messages or anything. I tried to verify the installation (steam function) but everything seemed to be in order so the download wasn't corrupted.
I read tons of stuff online to browse to the game folder and click on some VC-file (visual C++ redistributable or something) but there wasn't any to be found.
I managed to figure out the cause of the problem and thought there'd be many other people who have this same issue and cannot find the answer online (not even on the Age of Empires DE support website in the FAQ sections).
The solution/fix (on Windows 10, Steam version of the game):
- Browse to your game folder (mouse right-click on the Steam library entry and select "Manage" and "Browse local files"). The path should be similar to this: D:\Games\steamapps\common\AoEDE
- Right-click on the file "AoEDE_s.exe" and select "Run as administrator". You should get a few popups to allow that file and possibly BattleServer.exe to access the internet (Windows Firewall). For some weird reason those prompts do not show up if you try to boot the game from the Steam library. I don't understand why.
- Once you've allowed all of the game files to access the internet, the game should work perfectly in the future and no other maneuvers should be required in the future. Have fun and enjoy the game!
I know some FAQ sections mention to close any antivirus or firewall software but that just feels a little bit too unsafe and sometimes it's hard to figure out which exact files need that internet access. There might be more than one (like in this case 2-3 different files, not only the primary .exe file).
Hopefully I helped someone in search of an answer for a game they bought and couldn't get to work from the get-go.
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from newest submissions : aoe https://ift.tt/36iMGgY
New games in 2020. you are looking forward to!?
What are the games, franchises, remakes and remasters you are exited for in 2020.?
This would be my short list:
Warcraft III: Reforged
- Age of Empires IV
- Commandos 2: HD Remaster
- The Settlers
- Endzone: A World Apart
- Foundation
- Total War Saga: Troy
- Stronghold: Warlords
- Ancient Cities
- Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
- Desperados III
- Dark Moon
- Praetorians: HD Remaster
- Surviving the Aftermath
- Humankind
- Gears Tactics
- Xenonauts 2
- Crusader Kings III
- King's Bounty II
- Command & Conquer Remastered
- Iron Harvest
- Knights of Honor II: Sovereign
- Panzer Corps 2
- Port Royale 4
- Builders of Egypt
- The Universim
- Homeworld 3
- Cold War Game
- A Year of Rain
- End State
- Evil Genius 2: World Domination
- Good Company
- Industries of Titan
- Smart City Plan
- Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
- Neverdark
- Metropolisim
- Distant Kingdoms
- Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master
- Per Aspera
- Phantom Brigade
Ok, ok, so it's not a "short" list, but there are so many cool games! I mean just look at all these RTS games!
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from newest submissions : gaming https://ift.tt/2Q5j1lL
Adding mercenary units
What do you guys think of a mod that lets people buy mercenary units from the market. Also maybe buying pirate units from docks/another place? I was thinking of building it but I wanted to know if people would be into it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Qrr37O
Looks like the devs missed quite a big part. Hope the admins allow this!
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submitted by /u/uselessorihime [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/39qjAi2
Game Devs
Are there any game developers here? Let's make our own game.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/39mBZfk
DE statistics bug
This is the best place I know to post this. (There's no DE flair as of now (@mods))
In the after-match statistics >> Technology, we see the times we amd our opponent aged up. However, for the past few games, both me and my opponents were given a star next to the age-up times, which is reserved only for the fastest to reach that age.
Anyone else seeing this bug? Where would this be seen by the devs so it might be fixed?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Q5eNuv
When To Start Playing Ranked?
Are there any signs that show you would be able to compete?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/352D88r
Are there any guides or resources for creating a simple AI for a custom campaign?
I have noticed lately that many of the custom campaigns I have played and enjoyed lately have used what appear to be very simple AI to create units and move them around the map in a relatively intuitive fashion in B&D scenarios while also utilizing AI signals. Specifically, I've been thoroughly enjoying Bassi's Definitive Edition campaigns that he has uploaded so far and I'm incredibly curious if there are any resources, guides, or example AI that people know of to try and get the most out of simple AI scripts in custom scenarios. Any direction or advice would be greatly appreciated, as most of the searching I have done has lead to discussion about multiplayer AI, which I have little interest in exploring or making.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2EYxJoz
How would you rate the Bari campaign and the Byzantines in Definitive Edition? Just asking.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2ZA2NnP
Unable to get steam to download the enhanced graphics pack?
Maybe I'm just being stupid but I can't work it out. I've got the base game installed, but when I press download on the enhanced graphics DLC pack it just launches the game and does nothing else.
Now after doing it 5 times and restarting comp, all to no avail, steam tells me the DLC is already in my library, but still has a download button that launches the game and does nothing else. Nothing has downloaded, and there are no downloads in my steam queue.
I don't use steam much so hopefully I'm just doing this the wrong way. Am I supposed to access the store through the game? The option for UHD graphics is still greyed out in game, and I can't find the DLC through the mod manager. Any ideas?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Q8SZhT
I just took down my third and last titan
And I've grown to despise the Norse AI. They know the wall is down and they're flooding in.
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/37aqGFk
Top 10 mistakes the devs did of all time
10) Removing Goth supplies
9) Making most UU infantry useless after supplies
8) Making forced levy 2h cost 65f instead of 45-60f
7) Removing Galleons from Malians
6) Making a 1 ranged cavalry unit have virtually zero counters and being easy to spam
5) Reducing Battle Elephant attack
4) Making a civ have two town centres in feudal age
3) Not buffing weaker civs like Vietnamese or nerfing OP civs like Aztecs
2) Giving Japanese bloodlines
1) Not giving Husbandry to teutons yet you give them free Herbal Medicine
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/37cDiM2
What strats should I aim for in gold rush?
The strategies I normally use in 1v1 aren't working to well (scout rush into knights, sometimes archer rush) They seem to always beat me to castle age gain the centre and win in the long run, no matter how fast I try and go up to castle, I'm always too late.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2tff0Ch
Best unit for each Civ and why
For starters Spain's war dogs are op if used correctly, for Aztec it is definitely their tank of a chief, Sioux have rifle riders, and brits behind walls with longbows...gg, ect.
I wanna hear comments and opinions.
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2SzWe3q
Hoped for a better community in this game.
But havent success with.
sorry.. but this community is total aids too quite often.
3vs3 with 2 premades "rush" im with 20 cav on 6 minutes..
they dont come with me..
bring the game into 40 minutes and we straight lose because no one disturbed their ecco.. jesus..
i know im german and hell.. we know how to blitzkrieg.. i always forget other countries dont have our IQ.
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/351n4nH
150$ Deathmatch Cup on Jan 11-12! Sign up now!
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/354HKuP
How do you command units to move at their native speeds?
I (think I) remember from AoC that you could hold down a hotkey while commanding units to move to make them move at their own native speeds, rather than the slowest speed amongst their group. For example: You've got a group selected made up of Knights, Infantry, and Monks. If you tell them to move somewhere all together, they'll all move at the speed of the Monks. What I'm curious about is a hotkey or clicking of the mouse to make the Knights move at their top speed, the Infantry move at their top speed, and the Monks move as normal at their slow speed.
[I'm not asking about the Monks or Infantry moving as fast as the Knights]
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Zxaawo
Played my first online game...
Spent an hour building up my civilisation, only for the entire enemy team to quit before anyone got attacked. Aw man, I was enjoying that too. Feel like this is gonna happen a lot.
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from newest submissions : aoe https://ift.tt/2siCgj3
Stream Sniper Blocking Theme for OBS
So let me preface this thread with the following, this won't completely save your matches when you stream, as they can still see your main screen, but at the very least, they won't be able to tell your resources, and your location of everything on the mini map and what units you are currently controlling.
So to do this, first create a new Folder in a easy to use location. Then in a different window, open your steam's AOE Directory and go to this location
Here, you can choose what culture (Western, Asian, Middle Eastern, etc) UI Overlay to use. I suggest when copying them over, pick the races you use the most, or copy them all over to your newly created folder. (you can link directly to these files as well from OBS, but I found it easier to just have a copy of them in case i wanted to edit something on them.) Anyway, open one of the folders for your culture in question, for this example, we will use Asia theme.
Open Age of Empires II DE, and get into a standard game as an asian culture, such as Japan. then, alt tab, and open OBS.
In OBS, in your preview image, you should see your game screen. (I am assuming you already know how to stream OBS here and will not be going into those steps.) Now add Image for OBS in your AoE II area, and first choose the file "map-panel" and press Ok. This will create a large blank Mini map overlay on your screen, now just drag it into the lower corner and resize the image so it slots in perfectly over your in game mini map. This can be repeated now for every other UI element in the game you wish to block from viewers.
"resource-panel" file, is just what the name says, a blank asian themed resource panel, and that can be placed over the resource panel the same way as the mini map.
Once you add all the images you want to use as "blockers" for that particular racial theme, in OBS, click "Add group" and for this example, name it "Asian Theme". Now drag all your newly added "blocker images" to that group. Now you can turn them on and off at once, allowing you to quickly switch themes depending on your chosen race.
Hope this helps players avoid cheaters who like to cheat by watching streams to get an advantage.
Granted, personally if you really want to do competitive PVP, record your games and then upload them after the matches but if you really must live stream them, this will hopefully go a long way in helping you reduce the ability for players to cheat against you.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/39lNofq
Tips to Managing Villagers?
Economy is everything in this game, but sometimes i find myself spending more than half the game moving villagers to different gold mines, new trees, building closer drop off bins, etc. What are some tips to managing villagers faster and more efficiently? Also, any tips to managing idle villagers other than remembering to check the tab on the top?
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/2QpZc7Z
What's your average wait time for ranked game?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Q4xRt5
Infuriating trash war question
Recently came back to the game after 15+ years not playing and convinced a buddy to switch from sc2 to AoE2. ELO rating noob.
He always plays Slavs and always just makes it to Imp before budding into a full fledged trash war monster. 15-20 barracks minimum. He always goes Onager + Halb (Druzhina). I've tried Byzantines (Logistica), Teutons, Aztecs (Jaguar + Garland), Magyars (Huzsars to counter siege and Arb to counter Halbs), Celts (mix of Woad + Rams) to get into his barracks .
Assuming game develops into post-imp, thought about Britons but too much spam from him and not strong enough micro strength from me, and, Chinese but Chu Ko Nu fully upgraded only has +1 range on Onagers. Turks in the mix as well but somehow not the biggest fan.
Any advice?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2F5M965
Which 3 maps do you ban?
Should be interesting to compare
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/39cPLBc
Elite Longbowman definitely needs to be nerfed
Was playing as English against the Saracens ai and won somehow because they had mamelukes and I had something like 30 elite longbowmen and apparently aoe2 seems to consider mameluke as the same a ships so i think that either elite longbowman need to nerfed or mamelukes to be buffed.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2EW0UZg
Art of War on HD
My laptop can't run DE, but I'd like to do the art of war challenges. Has anyone thought of porting them to HD?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/37gGndY
Is Definitive Edition really worth anything?
So to start: I am an owner of original AoE copy, with pixelated graphics and these cool MIDI songs and sound effects and all that jazz. I like to play it and I am very familiar with it and it's unique style. Nevertheless, I've added DE on my wishlist on Steam because I thought it will be a lot friendlier gameplay with its high resolution (you can zoom out and see a lot more) and just more beautiful and pleasant to look at.
So I launch the game and... Microsoft intro... lags? Okay, maybe my laptop is not state of the art, it's 4 years old, but how in the hell does a video lag? Then the proper intro starts and it's a total mess, it not only lags, there are pitch black square artifacts like on some really bad quality old MP4 clip, sometimes even only some parts of the scene are present (like only the "borders" of the mosaic) and it got me thinking... is this just a 3D model rendered in real time? Correct me if it's not, but damn... the developers really got their optimization game good, a nice welcome, it's a goddamn intro and not a gfx benchmark for pity's sake.
But alright then, although I am not really okay with that, let's move on, it is the gameplay that matters, right? So I open up Babylon campaign and I am at first content, because the zoom out encovers a lot of the map, but then I move the priest and I notice I really got like 15 fps... and there is somewhat acceptable framerate when I zoom in to the point where probably more of the map is visible in the 1997 version, so, what's the point really?
You could say that it's my computer's fault for just being too weak but well, I compared my graphics card (840M) to the recommended system requirements and it's about the same, and much much better than the minimal requirements and even then: I don't think that you should get double 2080s to play a refreshed version of 2D strategy game from 1997.
I requested for a refund on Steam, first time in my life, although it was only about 5 euros, but I think the developers deserve none of that money for the non-optimized bloated crap they've released.
It's not really possible to fully express emotions in plain text, but don't take this post as a salty whining. I'm just really disappointed.
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from newest submissions : aoe https://ift.tt/2SA1Muv
Is Battles of the Forgotten Cyprus in HD broken?
When i start the campaign, Limassol and Isaac immediately start asking for resources to make an alliance.
Sometimes the game doesnt return my English army, or takes its sweet sweet time to.
The most problematic is that Limassol builds an sizeable army of Light cav that, even garrisoning as many pikes i can produce, i cant possibly match, and thus i cannot retake the castles.
I know there's a mod that fixes it, but there's no other non-cheating way to do it? I just want my achievement ;_;
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2stG14Z
So what's everyone's score and what's considered great?
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submitted by /u/Inception85x [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2SuoKmZ
Any ideas on how to buff the Vietnamese
I know they're hands down the worst civilization at the moment the much wanted patch to huff is yet to arrive, but do you guys have ideas on how to buff 'em?
Mine is giving them a bonus similar to the Turks cheaper gunpowder tech and make their archer tech upgrades cheaper and giving them Bracer for free along with conscription.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2QtmsSf
Russia conquering Siberia.
The Conquest of Siberia film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7NiUctJMOk
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/364Y4gD
Difficulty of the Titans Campaign
So I just picked up the game for the first time since I was a kid and have been really enjoying playing through the campaign. I play a decent amount of strategy games so I've been on titan and I have usually been able to get through most missions in at most 2 tries. I'm now on the first of the Atlantian missions and I honestly don't feel like it's possible. I'm getting slammed with huge armies, there's no resources nearby, I just don't see what I'm supposed to do. So far my best attempt has been building tons of towers in my little starting base and retreating to them each time there's a raid to try to actually build up an army. I managed to get every upgrade and pop-capped an army, then moved out to try to find the temple and got wiped out by three armies of norse. Is this normal? What is going on here?
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/39jsIVv
Returning player looking for people to play with or an active clan
Hello I'm a returning player just bought AoM off steam. Been trying to find some buddys who are active to practice 2v2/3v3 with because I've mostly been doing 1v1. I play every night last 3 weeks PST time zone. Looking to better my skills/understanding of the game and hit my goal of 1700... looking for good players who will help me learn. I'd say my real rank is around 1700 I know back during the CD days of mythology I was a mid 1700 although game has changed a ton. I am trying to find players around the same skill lvl, hopefully work on our skills together and come up with cool team strategies. Also I only play land maps sorry....
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/366rf2W
Finally won against the AI
I never win ever. All my armies always freaking die in every battle no matter which age or how much I researched.
Finally today, when the game started all my 3 vills were spread out.
As 1 of them was making its way across to help build the TC, I ran into the AI TC.
So I said fuck it and started to attack the vills. Hoping to make em run away to slow it down. But it kept on building and I killed all 3 and then it surrendered!
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/37d7LcX
AI Trush?
A Trush is possibly the most effective start against an AI in every version of the game I played (voobly/HD/DE)! But what if the AI trushed you? On voobly we had the barbarian ai who protected their res with towers (sometimes questionable but hey better than nothing). ON HD I had a bunch of different AIs and one of them actually "trushed" even though it was more of an "equally spaced out towers over the whole map" Trush but again at lest something. And now on DE the build in extreme AI also protects his base with towers. So it knows where the Ressource piles are and knowing that it should be possible for the AI to place aggressive towers instead of defensive ones. Now to my question is there the possibility for a Trush from the AI in DE or is it just capable of defensive towers?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2MAuRCB
The 'I remembered how to play the Teutons' Starter Pack:
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submitted by /u/JackAttack067 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Swy6i0
Elephant nothing!
That's the idea. The only military units you're allowed to build are elephants. Comment with videos of this after you make them. Thanks.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/34XL4ba
Should Meso-American Civ have another unique unit to cover their no cav?
I mean the 3 Meso-American does have some great bonuses like Aztec +5 Carry, Mayans 15% Resource lasting, and incas 10 Pop houses.
The Incas is pretty unique as you can have a fully Meso-American 3 unit army(Kamayuk/Slinger/Eagle Warrior)
Mayans have a weapon which is just a Hornet nest being thrown, which could be a pretty fun unique unit, Archer with a small splash damage similar to a Onager(Damage their own unit), but having like 1 or 2 Splash Damage, this makes Mayans having a chance against blobs, while trying to not blob themselves or using few Eagle Warriors with 100HP sacrificing themself while having a ton of those Hornet Throwers.
For Aztec it's quite hard since their Eagle and Jaguar Warrior is such a Iconic Duo, and with the Atlatl making their Skirmisher the hardest hitting in my opinion.
but perhaps a Speedy Trash Spearman Unique unit could help them, a Spearman unit that had almost the speed of a Eagle Warrior, but is cheaper and better against cavalry than eagle warrior(like just +11 Bonus damage against cavalry), but having less attack(which is helped considerably by their Garland War Tech) and still having weakness against the swordsman line, this makes a pretty fast unit that could be the first line of the Aztec Onslaught, and due to their cheap cost the Aztec Player could use them to screen and scout the enemy army by just fighting them and seeing their unit composition so their much more expensive Champions, Eagle Warrior, and Jaguar Warrior could pick their fights.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2tXSdeS
rams backed by CA?
what's the best civ for this combo and why? thus far bulgarians and byzantines look pretty promising to me.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2taEZLa
NR55 orinoco gets pretty heated sometimes
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submitted by /u/we_wuz_kangz_420 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2ZsJAo5
Towering the wall in Black Forest
Does towering the choke point in the middle of the map serve a purpose? I towered as soon as I hit feudal last BF 1v1 I played and my opponent didn’t build any more walls, but theoretically couldn’t a future opponent just wall out of the tower’s range? If I’m playing a better opponent, is the choke point tower going to be useless?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/34ZjgmH
Where is the game data stored on linux ?
I've installed the game with Proton and it runs great, even faster than native, however I can't seem to find my game data like home cities and screenshots. I do have folders in ~/Documents/MyGames/Age of Empires 3 but they are all empty.
Surely this data must be somewhere since my home cities aren't reset each time I launch the game.
I couldnt find them in the game files (i mean the ones with the binaries and everything) either.
Did anybody have the same problem ?
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/39fd25r
Cats and Mice V1.3
Way back when in the early days of the game, Cats and Mice V1.3 (by mephillip I believe) dominated the custom map scene. It was a masterpiece. Close enough to being balanced. Kinda fun to be the Cat. Great layout. Simple yet strategically complex. Future cats and mice map makers couldn't resist adding secret upgrades for the mice or ridiculous build and walk speeds. They were phonies. Phonies I tell ya.
I would like to fire up that version of Cats and Mice again, however after scouring the internet it seems it has disappeared. A few years ago I was able to download it off Age of Empires Heaven but the download link isn't there anymore only. Anyone here happen to have it on their computer and wetransfer it for me?
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2MvyFVF
Just got the game
Just got the definitive edition and am super excited to play it. I've always wanted to play aoe2 and now I finally can! 😀
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/39gx1AU
I'm working on my very first Scenario, and I'm not a meta minded player. I would like some feedback from those who are, if at all possible.
I'm currently working on a scenario I call Autumnal Fortress. Its meant to be designed as a modified Pilgrims map, and is a 2 V 1 Asymetrical Map that I'm hoping can be played by both players in a compstomp and also against other players.
Starting Mini Map: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987599502606337/unknown.png
In this map, the Green Player, Player 3, starts off with a gigantic, well secured fortress in the Post Imperial Age. The catch is they have no economy. They start off with exactly one hundred food, and that is it. Of course, they already have many econ buildings to get them started. Their fortress can be seen here. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987782588170260/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987877983420447/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987677554278410/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987724878479363/unknown.png
To prevent an early naval rush by the green player, they have been given no place to place a dock in their fortress, however, they do have a place for an enemy to land transports, but this is harder then it sounds.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987985185374222/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659988060594896916/unknown.png
As for Player 1 and 2's start, their start is pretty much the same, however with some considerations taken. For example, each player is given four relics, due to the length a game usually will take on this map, to prevent early gold depletion. With the sheer amount of gold in Player 3's base, I haven't given them this advantage.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987423970721812/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987347173146634/unknown.png
In addition, Players 1 and 2 only have one way on and off of their island, a bridge. They start with this bridge having some very minor defenses on their side, to prevent early rushes.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987467532894250/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497141622891610125/659987541583331358/unknown.png
(Originally, they also had sea walls around their shores, but for some reason, the AI thinks Seawalls are the most important priority target in existance.)
This is the map concept. Two players starting in the Dark Age against one Post Imperial Age player with no econ at the start. Obviously, with skilled players at the lead, I imagine player 3 may win every time, but I like to think it may also lead to some drawn out games with some creative solutions. Going through the tree line is always an option, but its never as easy as it sounds...
Anyway, yeah. This map isn't published yet because I would like some feedback on what I should change to make this more fun for everyone involved. The idea is to create an asymetrical situation where two players start with virtually nothing and have to work fast together to ensure they stand a chance of surviving.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2SuLrqY
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