Dumb aoe2 things you did when you were a kid

I'm laid up in bed for a few weeks and would appreciate the lolz. So, what were all of the dumb things you did in the game when you were a kid and what was your reasoning?

These were mine

  1. Shooting all my deer once with a starting vil to "get them ready" for when I needed them
  2. Building my mining camps halfway between gold and stone to save on wood cost
  3. Having hunting vils as mongols sit in a palisade cage I made for them with max meat carry to "save for when I needed it"
  4. Never ever build more then one of any type of production building including Tcs, again for the wood savings
  5. Never playing meso civs because horses were where it was at
  6. Every game I played against the AI would end when I made 60 Pallys and used them to kill my opponent, who was always set to easy, unless I decided to skip the pally ug because I liked how Cavs looked better
  7. Taking big fights on the other side of the map, then running all the way back to be healed
  8. Building a mill by every boat because luring was not a thing
submitted by /u/aclthrowaway1
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from newest submissions : aoe2 http://bit.ly/2wxUewa
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