Media Student here! Help me graduate and earn a Steam Gift Card by talking about Gaming-Communities!

Hi all,

Im an Online-Media Student and am currently writing my thesis on Online-Communities in the context of gaming. I need to do a couple of interviews with members of gaming communities for my research and would be really thankful if you could help me out.

Everyone that does the interview will get a 5 Euro (5.58 USD) steam gift card for their time!

So if you are a gamer, over 18 years old and you participate in a game related online community (reddit or other), i would love to ask you a few questions about those subjects. The interviews will be over discord. No names or usernames will be used anywhere so it‘s completely anonymous. The data will be used only for the research purposes of my thesis.

If you are interested, feel free to message me on reddit or on discord (username: OnlineCommunities_Bachelor) so we can set up a time.

Discord Server is here:

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Online_Communities
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