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submitted by /u/thetrampolinemachine [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/32RA5o8
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submitted by /u/thetrampolinemachine [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/MetaPlaysRTS [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/thetrampolinemachine [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/MetaPlaysRTS [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/thetrampolinemachine [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin [link] [comments] |
So I've played for a few months now mostly as egyptian gods. On a lot of my 1v1 and team games it is easy to lose a stalemate in Heroic because adversary greek gods get their fortress catapult (starts with P) whereas if i want to make a push I have to go all out with siege towers or possibly chip away at stuff with chariot archers unless I make it to mythic age for my own catapults. Do you think greek gods were given access to this unit for balance purposes?
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
so basically, me and my friend got the game, and we can get into a server, but cant change the gods, when we click on the zeus icon nothing happens, how can we change gods if we cant click on the icon?
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/IamGroot1453 [link] [comments] |
I'm a sucker for games that utilize in-game scenes as opposed to CGIs. In AoM, the intro was CGI but the story was mainly in-game cinematic format. You also learn to appreciate the modeling from video game artists and "transforms" you into its world. Not only that but the former helps users to create funny memes as well. Of course having both would be nice.
Anyway, if AoM II was created, which of the two would you prefer having MORE for the main story mode? I vote in-game.
I wish Microsoft would consider it.
Is there any official news around it? now that we have AoE 4 this doesn't sound unlikely
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submitted by /u/TheChaosDiscordGod [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin [link] [comments] |
I hit play and nothing happens. Windows 11, RTX 3080, i7 11th gen. C++ redist installed, verified integrity of game cache. It worked like 3 days ago on the same PC same config.
Game shuts down regularly with the above error, plenty of memory is available.
How to resolve?
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Link to channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3HThp_VzCx-FE9AND6C_EQ/videos [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/ModdingAom [link] [comments] |
Hi all. I have a question for how to deal with late game Loki. Once they hit mythic. All they do is spam ballistas and fire giants. As Greek. What is the best unit composition can them. It’s hard to not lose the hero’s instantly to the ballistas. And fire giants melt all other units. Usually late game I go heavy toxotes and Heliopolis.
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
A while ago I came up with a few ideas for how a Celtic civ could work. It's incomplete, and I have no technical knowledge with which to do a mod, but I thought I'd post it up to see what people think, discuss and maybe try to inspire more mods like the Aztec one if I'm very lucky! :D
AoM Celtic Civ Plan:
Unique Features:
Hero: Druid. Trainable from Town Centre and Temple. Like a mix of a Norse Hersir and Egyptian Priest - solid melee fighter (though not quite as strong as a Hersir, still has more fight than a Priest), heals allied units. Good against myth units.
Favour Generation Mechanic: Can construct Henges starting in Classical Age. These can train Funeral Processions, which act a little like trade carts, only ‘trading’ with Temples rather than TCs and generating Favour instead of Gold. (Probably a cap on the number of processions you can have at any one time?) The longer the procession, the more favour generated per trip.
Drop Sites: No dedicated drop site - any regular (not a wall, henge, Titan Gate, Wonder or farm) Celtic structure can act as a drop site for the Celtic villager unit (Tribesmen). Not sure where eco upgrades are researched from yet.
Major Gods:
God Power: Worthy of Song - Fighting generates favour (ala Norse) for one minute.
Unique Tech: Sacred Fire - Town Centres heal nearby units (ala Apollo’s Temple of Healing, but for TCs)
Bonuses: Druids heal faster; Armoury, Tower and Wall upgrades 15% cheaper; Herdable animals fatten 50% faster; Farms 20% cheaper and available in Archaic Age; Tribesmen may garrison in houses.
The Dagda:
God Power: Cauldron of the Dagda - Creates a Cauldron of the Dagda structure. The Cauldron of the Dagda may not be destroyed, but can be captured (ala Plenty Vault, Healing Spring and Hesperides Tree). The Cauldron generates resources automatically, but can only generate one at a time which can be switched between (ala Chinese Garden).
Unique Tech: Wheel of the Year - Age ups 20% cheaper.
Bonuses: Druids and Infantry have higher attack; Henges and Funeral Processions cheaper and available from Archaic Age; Farming upgrades 50% cheaper; Temples work 20% faster.
God Power: Wild Hunt - Wild animals in the target area come under your control for one minute (good for early harassment of enemy hunting)
Unique Tech: Horned Hunter - Hunting generates favour.
Bonuses: Tribesmen and human soldiers faster; Tribesmen have higher attack and armour (useful for hunting and surviving raids); Hunting Dogs and Hand Axe free; Pictish Skirmishers and Iceni Chariots have higher attack.
Classical Gods:
Epona - Celtic Goddess of Horses. Her improvements benefit your cavalry.
God Power: Stampede (cavalry and Kelpie do splash damage in melee for 1 minute, ala Byzantine Cataphracts in AoK)
Myth Unit: Kelpie (not sure what they do yet)
Mythological Techs: White Horses (cavalry move 25% faster); Scythed Chariots (enemy units attacking Iceni Chariots in melee take damage); Horse Collar (farmer workrate 5% faster, farms built 50% faster).
Heroic Gods:
Neit - Irish God of War. His improvements benefit your human soldiers.
God Power: Rebellion (okay, this one is actually based on a cut god power for the original game that was meant to go to Ares before being replaced with Pestilence. When cast, it deducts all players of control of their villagers for two minutes - a unique animation of the villagers thrusting their arms up with whatever object they last used plays, and villager creation is prevented)
Myth Unit: Fomorian
Mythological Techs: Woad War Paint (all human soldiers regenerate hitpoints automatically); Ransack (all melee human soldiers do more damage to buildings and generate gold when attacking buildings); Eye of Balor (improves Fomorians)
Arawn - Celtic God of Death. His improvements benefit your temple.
God Power: Cŵn Annwn (spawns three Hounds of Arawn, strong, aggressive myth units that die after 45 seconds)
Myth Unit: Banshee (fast melee fighter whose special attack is a Banshee Cry that reduces the attack of nearby enemy units for a few seconds, like a reverse Einherjar)
Mythological Techs: Barrow Mounds (Funeral Processions generate more favour); Lord of the Otherworld (Druids have longer line of sight and do more damage to myth units); Cry of the Banshee (upgrades Banshees to Bean Sidhe, who have higher attack and move faster).
Mythic Gods:
The Morrigan
The Cailleach
Available Structures:
Town Centre
Wall (can only be upgraded to Stone Walls)
Warriors’ Hall (barracks structure)
Oppidium (Fortress analogue - would call them Hill Forts, but the Norse already have that as their fortress analogue)
Base units available to all Gods:
Town Centre:
Tribesman (villager analogue)
Druid - Hero unit - solid melee fighter strong against myth units, heals allied units
Warriors’ Hall (all available starting in Classical Age):
Warrior: Melee infantry armed with a sword. Slight bonus against cavalry, stronger bonus against villagers and trade caravans make them good for raiding. Reasonably fast, reasonably strong attack but low defence compared with comparable Greek or Atlantean units. Like a cross-between a Norse Ulfsark and an Atlantean Murmillo.
Pictish Skirmisher: Archer class unit armed with slings or javelins, fast but fragile, strong against archers.
Iceni Chariot: Short-ranged missile cavalry, high attack but fragile, bonus against infantry.
Oppidium (all available starting in Heroic Age):
Gallic Cavalry: Fast, high attack cavalry, like a stronger version of Norse Raiding Cavalry. Good against archers.
Dacian Falxman or Galloglaich (depends on whether geographic or period accuracy means more to you, both are sufficiently iconic): Fast, fragile infantry with a brutal attack. Large bonus damage vs. infantry.
Irish Spearman: Moderate defence, solid attack infantry, strong vs. Cavalry.
Whatever the Celtic siege options would be.
Fishing Ship
Others TBA, but it’ll basically fit the same model as every other civ.
Since there isn't discussion about the Hindu concept. I will move on to the next idea I had.
This is simply a mode for the game like Deathmatch, Supremacy...
The catch is Titans in this mode are unique, have different ability, and more powerful.
I have already made the layout and some Titans. There are more that I am working on.
>< Advice for Titans and their special ability for Japanese, Egyptian, Hindu, and Norse are welcomed. I am hitting a real big creativity block about those.
>< Also for my Japan concept. The gods are Amaterasu, Susanoo, and Okuninushi (Major gods); Fujin (Wind God), Raijin (Thunder God), Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Dread Star of Heaven), Takemikazuchi (Sword God), Futsunushi (God of Warfare), Kagu-tsuchi (Fire God), Konohanasakuya-hime (Goddess of Volcano). I am in need of myth tech, and god power. Additional gods suggestion are also welcomed.
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submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/huehuecoyotl23 [link] [comments] |
I had to take a few months off from the game basically right at the release of the Africa DLC. Now that I am back, I almost never see African civs online - are they bad?
Just played this campaign on Titan last night and noticed that the AI is super buggy.
In my game, I did not face endless waves of enemies, and once I destroyed the 4 military barracks from the passage the Greek city never attacked me at all. Compare that with The Viper's game, who was consistently overwhelmed by attacks from the passage and the city.
One odd thing I've seen while playing this campaign is that you can (sort of) manipulate the AI so one of the giant waves never attacks you. I don't know what triggers this. The only difference was not building anything in the area near the bushes west of the TC, not even gathering the food from those bushes, and putting all my military production south of the TC in the area where the underworld passage spawns. Even while advancing to the southwest TC and as I closed in on the gate before the 4 military barracks, the giant army patrolling the 4 barracks never attacked me, and instead only 5-6 units branched off and attacked me.
Has anyone seen this?
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submitted by /u/llliiivvveee [link] [comments] |
Any historical background behind?
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submitted by /u/Numerous_Start_7472 [link] [comments] |
The scenario is REALLY hard. I first go to the siege engineer base where I get the villagers and siege weapons. Then I try to defeat the Chinese Engineers. I started with building a base there, but I get attacked a lot by Tanguts (Red). They start attacking me even before I start building a base. Sometimes before I defeat the Engineers!
I try to build a base on the same island as Jin (Yellow), but there are no resources besides trees, so I had to go back to the mainland, where I frequently got raided by Tanguts and Hsi Hsia (Green), again and again.
It's so frustrating! I try everything I can think of, but nothing works. Sometimes I try to destroy Sung (Light Blue) as quickly as possible using the bombard cannons nearby, and one time it worked, but every other time it failed. One time, they sent their villagers all the way to the Great Wall! Also, I was under the impression that they only train archers and are limited to the Castle Age. Yet, they built a barracks, trained infantry, and advanced to the Imperial Age!
So, could anyone please help? Because I am at my wit's end.
P.S., this is for the HD version.
I was scared there would be only MAA into archer, but I am surprised by seeing so many different openings and strategies. Really love the variety of the game!
As many of us know, MbL announced on twitter that he was taking a break from AoE II because not enough pro players were showing up on the ranked ladder. I was curious about the objective change in circumstances of MbL's opportunities, and I happen to have a bunch of data from aoe2.net on my computer, so I created a table of weekly results to see how things have been going with him in 1v1 on the ranked ladder.
Week | Number of Games Played by MbL | Highest ELO of an opponent | Average opponent ELO | Lowest ELO of an opponent |
07-14 | 4 | 2320 | 2240 | 2160 |
07-21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
07-28 | 1 | 2283 | 2283 | 2283 |
08-04 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
08-11 | 4 | 2422 | 2031 | 1852 |
08-18 | 15 | 2514 | 2337 | 2095 |
08-25 | 20 | 2516 | 2328 | 2111 |
09-01 | 10 | 2473 | 2339 | 2142 |
09-08 | 10 | 2502 | 2462 | 2420 |
09-15 | 4 | 2404 | 2276 | 2128 |
09-22 | 28 | 2497 | 2317 | 1731 |
09-29 | 13 | 2416 | 2235 | 1647 |
10-06 | 25 | 2512 | 2286 | 1696 |
10-13 | 30 | 2515 | 2367 | 2043 |
10-20 | 17 | 2454 | 2289 | 1764 |
Age | of | Empires | IV | Released |
10-28 | 5 | 2418 | 2290 | 2152 |
11-03 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11-10 | 11 | 2498 | 2313 | 2138 |
11-17 | 27 | 2463 | 2314 | 1857 |
11-24 | 7 | 2336 | 2170 | 1876 |
I am not a statistician, but it looks to me like there hasn't been a noticeable change in the skill of the players he has been playing. I obviously cannot address how MbL feels, nor whether there are specific players he is missing playing, but the overall quality of the ranked ladder at his level looks to me to be about as strong as always.
PS: I used the Siege Engineers Player data to grab all his smurf accounts.
Also, does anyone know why seemingly every other cultural group have many more ways to gain xp than the European ones?
Aside from the Egyptians which mythology listed below contained the richest mythological materials the developers can use for the next race?
And by materials I mean mythical units and unique looking armies that look way different compared to the Greeks, Egyptians, and Norse.
So which one: https://i.imgur.com/n0BhmTn.jpg
So I've just got the AOEIII DE edition after not playing this game for quite a time now...its amazing!
But I've installed some mods namely some campaigns and custom maps. When I go into single player mode i.e skirmish to enable them, they're not there. It's not even showing up in the scenario folder
Tried to search on youtube but there doesn't seem to be a tutorial for downloading mods directly from AOEIII DE. I have the installed Aztec campaign but I'm lost as to where or how I enable the campaign to directly play it.
Please help!
Zhu Yuanzhang
Born from poverty and having rose the ranks from a general to an emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang leads an army to drive the Mongols out of China and establish a new dynasty. His success, or failure, lies in your hands.
In this campaign, you will play as the Chinese.
Feedback please!
Long time casual player from the early 00's but recently decided to play my older HD copy I never really put hours into.
Was playing the Forgotten campaigns, Honfoglalas, where you lose at first and flee with a bunch of farm animals. Well I bugged it out at some point. Maybe because I spent 30 minutes farming up food and villagers in my initial allies base.
Got to the point where I'd kill off all villagers, spawn a population cap army with reinforcements queued from 10+ production buildings, and still get wiped out before reaching halfway to their town center. My solution was CASTLES. I build 30+ castles, columns of 5 filled with maxed out archers. And I slowly built castles towards them until triggering the next scene.
Suddenly yellows massive army becomes enemy again and wipes my entire starting base, as if they have spies, killing every single unit on the mainland. Mining camps, houses, every single thing they could touch got killed. But I got my hero unit and a few villagers out on a transport in a seemingly unintended piece of land to the south east. It was literally a blank land with nothing. Luckily I had insane economy banked.
Now my problem was getting 60 units and my hero to the flagged area. As soon as I landed any units on the mainland, they'd swarm like an unstoppable horde.
So I sent 50+ scouts, quickly unloaded them and rode as far north as I could. It work and I kited lots of them north. While I had 10+ villagers build me 10 barracks and pikeman. All being sent in a train towards the flag with the hero unit. It worked.
Now the final enemy is on a small island and I have the same problem as before. They are practically infinitely spawning units. So I did the castle strategy again. 10+ castles and finally won the damn scenario.
Thanks for reading. I don't know what I did to fuck this scenario up so badly but I refused to restart.
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
How did you clear this difficult scenario on Hard? Even if I maxed my population, paid the tributes and reached imperial with every single tech researched, I still got run over by the green's nasty army. They had too many siege weapons that I cannot handle, and my own siege units are sniped by mangudai. My forward camps became rubble in a short nick of time.
It's maddening. How did you launch a more efficient attack on the Huns?
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Yes I know that the Mali Empire is way too thin and half of the islands from the Malay archipelago a re missing. I didn't bother placing the Huns, Cumans, and Goths as they just overlapped so much. Light Grey are represented areas. Slightly Darker Grey are areas not represented by a civilisation (as of The Map's from MapChart. The Icons are from the Wiki). The software is MS Paint. [link] [comments] |
Time for another weekly round of questions.
Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.
Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.
So ask away!
How does it works, Idont have the first one completed and i cant advance but I have a lvl 9 Aztec home city. Its bugged or im not doing it right?
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submitted by /u/Dapper_Spray_6397 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Dapper_Spray_6397 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/AssertiveWall20 [link] [comments] |
Got a new RX 6600XT graphics card as was relying on my AGPU Ryzen 5 3400g integrated graphics card before.
However the game experiences stutters/freezes as the game goes on with larger number of players (starts smoothly). Even though the RX 6600XT is significantly better than the Ryzen 5 3400g I'm having this issue.
Doesn't seem like its a general issue with the GPU - it can AoE4 on medium-high settings very smoothly so you would think at the very least it wouldn't stutter with AoE2. Have tried updating drivers, monitoring gpu/cpu temps levels and ram and disabling freesync.
When I've googled it, it seems lots of other players have had similar issues with AMD 6000 XT series in AoE2: DE.
Does anyone know if devs have even acknowledged this as an issue they are working on/aware of?
Further links from research I did:
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
Before I had the blue circle around the TC so I could see how long range the TC had. Also outposts had this. But now its gone and in settings I cant find it how to turn it on to show again. How to get it back?
With a faster up time and great MAA / archer push, i am surprised that no one has chosen it. What am I missing?
You can use shift to do waypoints on enemy targets to have your units attack those, as Survivalist shows in this 1 year old video: https://youtu.be/aOzudiQ5Jcs?t=562
I wanted to try this myself, but somehow waypoints on targets only work sometimes, but othertimes not. I used the editor to test it out and got this result:
It does work if your units have a movement order as the first order in the queue, or if the first target is ~4 tiles out of range.
It does not work if the first target is in range+~2 tiles. Then the waypoints dont appear and your units immediately target the last clicked target, as if you werent holding shift.
I tested this with archers attacking melee units that were stuck between some palisades.
Does this happen to other players too? As multiple patches contained small changes to the waypoint system, it might be that this bug got in at some point and wasnt there when Survivalist made the video.
I’ve been playing around with revolutions recently, and I’ve noticed that a lot of the soldiers you get through revolutions aren’t in the editor. Is there a way to get them?
Calls GG, goes forward, tries krepost rush.
What's your story?
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submitted by /u/NinjaPotato206 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/MetaPlaysRTS [link] [comments] |
Hey there, I used to play age 2 many years ago till I fsr stopped and forgot about it. But lately I’ve re-discovered it and the nostalgia just hit me lol. I noticed that there’re new age games ( III and IV ). I’ve decided to buy 3 since its cheaper on steam than 4. Now the question is : should I get the DE or the original one ? I honestly dont care about the added civs or improved graphics, I just want it to run smooth and have a good time. I’ve read that age 3 had some bugs and issues but that was years ago. I also read that DE has also the same issues as the original one so I rlly am hesitating. What are your thoughts ?
So I just bought AOE3DE from the steam sale and I’ve been playing the first campaign (kind of terrible storyline imo). On a couple occasions my game stalled then crashed completely, taking me to my desktop. When I first installed the game gave me a cpu test and said I can play on very high settings. Has anyone experienced this problem as well, and what fixes can you suggest?
What is the best way to defend the castles?
Did you convert any villagers?
Its completely ridiculous how one guy can make the game run like a sladeshow and not even be bothered by it because he probably isnt even aware of how awful it is compared to playing without lagg.
There should be a stricter performance test that you cant cheat and consistently causing lagg (which is even detected by the system since it gives you the yellow/orange clock) should force you to retake the test if it keeps happening or ban you from multiplayer if you keep cheating the performance test.
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submitted by /u/NeskobarAloplop [link] [comments] |
I missed the recent 50% off sale on Steam and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to trade a giftable copy of the game with me? I'd trade you any $10-12 (USD) game in exchange.
I played a game yesterday and came across this guy who claimed it was a shit thing to do (i'm red). I tried to kill the boar with the fire afterwards. Maybe that's what he was angry about?
Is there some nomad code i'm not aware of?
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submitted by /u/WapitiFiedel [link] [comments] |
Current stage: I have decided the Major Gods. Already have a selection of units, heroes, basic structures, and common technology, as well as Favor generating method. I have also chosen a set of minor gods but this set is subjected to change if you could suggest other deities more suitable for the myth unit and technology. GP, Myth Units, Myth Technology are still empty.
Hindu possess powerful but expensive navy.
Their unit incorporates 2 kinds: human and vanara (ape-men). This design is inspired by the Norse who has both human and dwarf. Vanara unit only cost food and are typically stronger than human soldier.
You start the game with 3 Shudras and 1 Brahmin.
Depend on your major god
Vishnu the Preserver - Shiva the Transformer - Ganga, Goddess of Ganges River
Classical: Surya, Sun God - Varuna, Lord of Water - Agni, God of Fire
Heroic: Lakshmi, Goddess of Prosperity - Kali, Goddess of Death - Saraswati, Goddess of Learning
Mythic: Indra, Storm God - Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles - Brahma, Lord of Creation
Kshatriya (Archer Elephant) Vishnu's unique unit, strong vs Myth unit. Not a hero and require Heroic Age to unlock.
Gana (Melee hero) Shiva's unique hero. Durable but has weak attack. High Myth unit multiplier makes this hero powerful vs Myth.
Nagapati (Naga Lord) Ganga's unique hero. The only amphibious hero in the game. Require Classical Age to unlock. Limit to 2. Stronger than Gana but more expensive.
Shudra - Normal worker
Dalit - Cheap worker but can't build and generate Favor
Brahmin (hero) - Have stronger attack than Egyptian Priest but lower range. Can't heal but can transform into Hawk. Overall, a better scouting unit than Priest.
Urumi Swordsman (Urumi is a type of sword)- Counter-archer infantry
Foot Archer - standard archer
Bhala Horseman (Spear Cavalry)- counter-cavalry cavalry
Vanara Infantry - standard infantry
Vanara Cavalry - standard cavalry
Indian Elephantry - counter-infantry cavalry
Purabhettarah (Town Breaker) - Siege units
Horse Catapult - Range Siege Weapon
Dharani (Destroyer-like ship) - Arrow ship
Vajra (Frigate-like ship) - Hammership
Thirisadai (Battlecruiser) - Siege ship
Elephant Caravan - Caravan unit
Wood Stockpile
Gold Stockpile
Pilgrimage Site - unique building used for generating Favor
Human Barrack - Train human soldiers
Vanara Barrack - Train Vanara units
Elephant Stable - Train Elephant units
Moated Fort - Train Siege weapons and elite units
Shapeshifting - Allow Brahmin to turn into Hawk
Adamantine Glue - Unique tech for Hindu. The 3rd level of upgrade for Masonry, and Architects
Hi, I recently downloaded Capture Age (CA) with the hope of being able to analyse my recorded games and improve my playing. When i load up games in capture age or through DE with the watch in CA enabled I find that there is no CA overlay. Why is this? Has anyone else found this? Is there something I need to do to make it work as I have seen others?
Can we make it 5000? I will do my part. Anyway its fun that so many people are still playing it. We might have a peak because of the Mexico dlc but maybe some aoe4 players are trying the aoe3 too after the autumn sale.
I now have 150ish hours into EE and can't find online matches anymore, for some reason.
When an opponent is found, the "waiting for player to sync up" message apears on the log and nothing happens, eternally
Is there anyone that knows how to solve this?
Is it just me or has the AI in this game gotten extremely better? Legit they're so smart.
When I play on hardest the AI start training premature culverins vs my falconets, they start kiting my units like crazy, go for raids and strong pushes... it's actually a lot HARDER WTF
I know the have been tweaking stuff in the last patches but goddamn what are they planning on making the next AI ROBOT.. next thing you know the ai is going to open up a custom lobby after destorying me and invite me to it
What do
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submitted by /u/twitchtvOldRTSGames [link] [comments] |
Just want to say that these two together have been AWESOME in KOTD4. They work really well together, Survivalist has been IMO the most consistent commentator in terms of insights and analysis. Memb adds his usual hype, and together it just works really well together. I feel like games featuring both are both smooth to watch and very exciting. That insane Vinchester vs Yo game with these two casting was a real joy to watch live.
Much love to both!
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submitted by /u/Sanders-extra [link] [comments] |
Is there anywhere just summarized the best age up options/strategies for Mexico age ups?
Lets say best age ups/revolutions for Treaty and best for supremacy?
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submitted by /u/geopoliticsdude [link] [comments] |
Trying to play AOE3 with the Wars of Liberty mod using gameranger, I tried pretty much everything with my friends but we always have version mismatch. We were able to play perfectly fine without the mod. We tried reinstalling but it still doesn't work, any tips on how to fix this?
Yes the same old critique of the map pool.. But really it has gone too far now.. BF AND Amazon tunnel in one map pool? Nomad AND Land nomad? The only open maps are arabia and gold rush. Sure there has to be some maps in the pool that someone does not like, but this is just too much. They really want us to uninstall here? There is so much to ban right now.
I wasn't expecting to make this thread asking this question, but this is the sort of trivia that people here will probably love.
I was discussing in a Discord how the English names for units are a localisation mess for other languages, based on stories I'd heard from multiple sources - usually from this subreddit. Such as the Knight line being a nightmare to translate into for the French version (apparently?), and the entire Siege Workshop being a mess for the Japanese translation.
I was curious if anyone here could cite some particularly painful English-to-x translations that have been endured by both the localisers and the players of those languages. If anything, it should be mildly entertaining. With a side of internal screaming.
Aoe2 de steam version opening again after i close it. How to fix it
Hey there! I got Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition on this sale, and while the game runs fine, I can't save my settings, hotkeys, decks, or home city level progress.
I run this game on Ubuntu using Steam Play, and when I use the latest version of Proton (Experimental), the settings and hotkeys are reset when I exit the game, any change to decks is reset when I exit the Home City screen, and after each game my Home City stays at level 1. I can downgrade to Proton 5.13-6 and fix this problem, but then I can't play in multiplayer anymore.
I found then a workaround, where I can just downgrade to Proton 5.13-6, change the deck or configurations, and go back to Proton Experimental to play multiplayer with the changes I made (the configurations are kept when changing from Proton 5.13-6 to Proton Experimental, but when I try to change them again in Proton Experimental, they are reverted back to the state they were when I last changed them in Proton 5-13.6).
I also found some similar problems on Windows:
If someone knows the cause and/or the solution for this problem, please tell me, I couldn't find any googling around.
Any help is appreciated, and thanks in advance!
I find the graphics of all native farms (like lakota) look terible. I mean everything in the game looks great but those farms i dont now what it is but the look awful. Am i the only one how thinks like this?? How do you think about this?
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