Maps suites for 2v2v2 (or 2v2v2v2)?

Recently I've been having a lot of fun playing team games with 3 teams. The games tend to be a bit more economic, any are often very unpredictable (I don't like treaty , but somehow enjoy this a lot), with a lot of plot twists.

The problem is that almost all maps are not suitable. I've identified a few but most are not ideal, which makes sense as the game isn't developed to support this special game mode.

I'd like to know if anyone else is aware of any other maps suites for this type of gameplay?

Currently I choose between:

  • (large) Sonora. Best overall map for this game type imo, though one team will spawn very far away from the TPs.

  • Hispaniola. Really good water map for 2v2v2, but one team has a disadvantage as they don't have direct access to the large bay, which contains all the whales.

  • (large) Saguenay. Good but similar problem to hispa, as 1 team doesn't have access to the water. Also this map is bugged since the last patch, with at least one player not spawning in 2v2v2...

  • great lakes: considered one of the better maps for this game type and is the only ones that is fully symetric (so no team has an advantage). The problem is that the trade route's position is quite annoying and 50% of the time you get the frozen map, which is utterly trash.

  • Great plains used to have some terrible spawning points in this setup but haven't checked since the last map update.

Any other suggestions?

submitted by /u/Equal_Cow9593
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