My first time being accused of smurfing on the ladder, and a question

Today I experienced a rite of passage, being falsely accused of smurfing. I want to see what you guys think because I was completely confused by what my opponent said to me.

Context: the match was at ~1220 elo (for the record, winning this match got me to my highest ever elo, 1233). I was Malians vs Goths on Four Lakes. I lost my scout super early trying to snipe their dock-builder because I forgot that Goths will get insta-loom. In the process, I also lost a vil to a boar.

I was expecting MAA so I made some of my own, headed out in early Feudal, and was curious that my opponent wasn’t up. My MAA are in the dead centre of the map and hit walls. The guy had, and I am being literal here, walled off his entire half of the map. I start attacking his walls and he says “rusher” in the chat and asks “why”. I reply saying that “this isn’t Black Forest”.

He started walling a second layer, and while he wasted his time doing that I beat him to Castle age. This is when he accused me of smurfing and got really angry. Once I got through his several layers of walls with some knights and a mangonel he gg’d right away.

He said that no-one rushes at 12xx elo, that I was ruining the game for lower level players, that I couldn’t be a real 1200 player because I have 500 games played and “no-one is below 1200 with 500 games” (that one hurt, I’m just not very good at the game dude).

Do you think this guy was for real? He had like 100 games with a 55+ percentage winrate I think. I told him that my (1100-1200 mostly) opponents rush in almost every single game I play, but he refused to believe me. I just found his claim very baffling.

submitted by /u/halfajack
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