"Hotkeys are YOUR preference"! I know, but hear me out. I use 100% the expansion hotkeys on voobly(HD hotkeys mod), and currently for me, I changed it to Ctrl+ Q,W,E,R,T to go to these buildings (Order:Barracks, A Ranges, Stables, S Workshops, Docks) I want to press only one key to go to these buildings to click the units(Ex. E + S to go to stable and make a knight) The problem is when I remove the Ctrl from the hotkeys, the new hotkey is already used in one of my buildings.(Ex. If I make the go to S workshop hotkey as "R", that would remove the villager build a siege workshop button) Im Asking for a good pattern of hotkeys for these 5 buildings thats It, I dont care if its YOUR preference, as long as it doesnt screw up any building hotkey. Thanks.
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