Enemy Archipelago: best water map ever?

Both games I saw on the map (VNS vs. grassDaut and Nervo vs. grassDaut) were absolutely awesome.

Here's what it looks like if you missed the games, players spawn in 1v1 situations on 4 islands: http://ift.tt/2x3TvFL

I've never seen so many landings, water fights, trushes, fast castles, and almost-defeated-players in one map before. It's still a teamgame clearly, but with a lot of added 1v1 elements and unit variety, completely different than Arabia and Islands.

I'd love to see this one as a staple of future 4v4 tournaments.

What do you guys think about the map?

submitted by /u/pataoAoC
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from newest submissions : aoe2 http://ift.tt/2x5y9Yz
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