What I hope AOE2:DE's AI is

AOE 3 had their AI's have a personality (If the AI was French they had Napoleon speaking with his French accent and a personality). I hope that AOE2:DE has this kind of feature like AOE 3 had. Currently, AOE2's AI is what 3's is too much of lesser extent (AI would normally go "Attack an enemy now!"). The one problem this had on AOE3 was that the civ the AI was meant that no other AI can be that civ as you wouldn't want 4 Napoleons speaking to you at the same time. So I was thinking to fix this for AOE 2 is that the current random selection for AI's name would have a distinctly different personality from the others. (Names randomly were chosen from Bleda the Hun to Atilla the Hun etc). This could also mean that the AI would have different strategies depending on who their personality was. (If it was Bleda for example, there would be a 70% higher chance that he would betray you in a diplo game)

I hope that AOE2:DE would have this kind of AI system in place for those people who basically only play against an AI.

This might just be too much to hope for as AOE2:DE may very well just be AOE 2 but with better graphics.

submitted by /u/IkeNeBreh
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