A list of civ bonus ideas

some of these would be the "main bonus" of the civ, some could be a team bonus, and some would be a bonus thrown in to round things out.


[population (from houses) =/= population cap (from e.g. goth bonus)]

  • +10 population per age (starting in dark age)

i.e. "2 free houses" per age

  • resource drop off buildings give +5 population

  • +1 population every 60 seconds

  • monks give +1 population

  • (UT) +15% population cap; +30% population. (costs some food and gold. either in castle age or imp)


  • free stone mining techs

  • start game with the 15 tile aoe around your TC explored (but not visible)

  • start game with the 15 tile aoe at each corner explored (but not visible)

i.e. equivalent to an outpost with 15 LoS placed in each corner and then deleted. good for scouting where to put trade as well as for resources.

  • when a unit of yours dies it returns 10% of its creation cost

  • blacksmith and university each cost -100 wood


  • buildings (except stone walls, watch towers, TCs, castles, and wonders) can be built 1 age earlier.

this does not alter prerequisites for buildings (you need a barracks for a stable), units (feudal age is needed for scouts), or techs (2 dark age buildings are needed for the feudal age tech; feudal age is needed for fletching)

  • blacksmith techs cost 50% less food

  • blacksmith works 80% faster

  • techs (excluding age up techs) research instantly, but have a delay before they "kick in" (the delay is equal to their research time)

some examples: you can research loom and produce a vil at the same time. you have to wait for fletching to kick in before researching bodkin. you can research archer armour and fletching at the same time.

  • military production buildings research techs 80% faster

  • two handed swordsman upgrade is free in imp

[for a civ which gets champion; previous upgrades are not free and not required (e.g. you can go straight from militia to 2h swordsman)]

  • elite skirmisher upgrade is free

  • {barracks; archery range; stable} techs cost 40% less [pick one]

  • {two handed swordsman; cavalier; capped ram; onager} upgrade is available in castle age

[the civ preferably has the next upgrade available too (e.g. you can get cavalier in castle age and could go on to research paladin in imperial age)]


  • masonry is free

  • fortified wall upgrade is free

  • houses +50% hp; +1/1 armour; +4 line of sight

  • buildings +1/1 armour per age (starting in feudal age for a total of +3/3 in imp)

  • villagers can repair and build from 1 tile away from their target

submitted by /u/slothismysin
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