Cycling Through Selected Buildings

I swear I can't find this answered anywhere online...

Question: is it possible to cycle through only selected production buildings when playing SQ on Voobly?

Explanation: Let's say I have archery ranges in my base and archery ranges forward. I want to produce archers only from the forward ranges (not from the ranges in my base). I select all of the forward ranges, but since I'm playing SQ, shift-clicking only queues archers at one range. I don't want to manually click through each forward range and queue archers, and I don't want to make each range its own ctrl group to do the same. I can cycle through all ranges by using the "go to archery range" hotkey, but that will also cycle through the ranges in my base. What I'm wondering is whether there's a way I can select all of my forward ranges via double-clicking or using a ctrl-group, and then cycle through only these ranges with a hotkey (like you can do with the "go-to" hotkeys, but in this case only cycling through the buildings in the selected group). Is this possible?

If not, is there a simpler/better solution to efficiently produce from only buildings in a certain area of the map?

submitted by /u/efficient_production
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