boom into...what exactly

I am a total noob, and have been mastering the scouts into archer, and scouts into knight BOs for a while now. I think I have them down. I've been trying to figure out booming for closed maps like BF and Arena, but I just get totally lost. With scouts and knights I feel like im taking the initiative, pinning back my opponent and then reacting accordingly, with something like BF or arena, where you don't get good scouting til the army is on the march, I just feel lost. I feel like I end up getting caught with no military and too many vils

I can execute a FC into 3 TCs, but then what? I know I know top comment here will be "it depends", but what are some good strategies if I have no scouting info on my opponent? What are some good blind initiative strategies that allow me to come out of a boom swinging first?

submitted by /u/nocomment_95
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