PSA: AoM already have auto villager creation, so it's not farfetched for AOE2 to have that too.
Don't know if this has been brought up before but here it is.
What if I said to add the ability to autoqueue villagers in AOE2, as well as any single unit that you wanted? Just toggle the autoqueue button and it will constantly produce the same unit you set it to?
Judging from the reaction to autoscouting, people would burst out crying if the devs or anyone else suggests it.
However, in Age of Mythologies extended edition the devs added these exact features already, so it's not far fetched for this game to eventually get that option as well, and (as far as I know) it was way better received by the AoM community.
This is a super complex game, and there is so many more areas of skill that can separate a player from another, features such as autocreating villagers and autoscouting, which aim to help newer players, should be welcomed, instead of resented.
Obviously I'm not asking for autoconvert with monks or anything that actually changes game decisions or hugely impacts the mechanics and balance. But i'm 99% sure almost every single person agrees they should keep creating villagers. And if they don't, they can toggle the button off too. It's still their choice, just less hassle of constantly going back and clicking villager button.
Bottom line:
If you can't beat a newer player just because they have simple autoscouting and auto villager creation, it's not the game being "automated"'s fault, it's something with you.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Does the Vietnamese buff give them a good boost?
If not, i can think of a couple of ideas that'll help. -Take the Chartas tech and make it a civ bonus- Castle age 50hp and imperial 100hp -new unqiue tech helps make archery ranges 50% faster -make wood rescoures last longer, akin to the Mayans eco bonus or have lumberjacks carry more food.
Agree or Disagree? What do you think can help?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Noob custom campaign question (Komnenos)
So for me, on moderate, nikephoros has 2 heavy pikemen, a cataphract and his varangian guardsmen.
All I can find are 3 cbs, 2 ca, 5 legionary, 1 light cav, and Komnenos. Out of these, I can only transport 10, and I never both win the fight and have Komnenos survive. If I don't bring komnenos, I don't win either.
What am I missing? Is it my micro (basically non existent)? Any tips?
P.S I do know enough to try to directly go for the guardsmen but the pikemen always finish me before I finish both.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Samurai Box + Cavalry Combo
As a followup to
I made this video to capture my experiments on the practicality of a theoretical maximum of a Samurai box.
Since Samurai take 2 pop, A samurai box 2 monks take 48*2=96 pop, Excluding 75 villager pop, If you include 3 Daimyos + Shogun, you will be left with very small supporting army, hence I employed the Spanish brigade which has 17 Espadachin Rodeleros which have high HP and 15 Garrochista Lancers which are fast moving as support army to my box.
- Control group 2: Samurai box + 2 monks (to seige)
- Control group 1: Rest of army mentioned above (to kill)
All Samurai cards are sent to get the maximum attack possible.
- Samurai Attack
- Onin war
- Warring States
- Sword Saint
- 7 Samurai + 5% attack (sent twice)
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Are goths broken?
I watched viper annihilate every1 on his stream spamming cheap militia in dark age. It seems to be preeeetty busted. Even if they get a lot of archers out, you just use your massive food eco to go feudal and add skirms.
I tried it out in my personal 1v1s and had a lot of success with it. Even won the hideout game by adding in skirms after 25+ militia. I am 1300-1350 for reference.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Stop dropping out early!
Aoe is becoming unplayable because to many people lose 1 battle or some ground and quit. Stop! Please! There is no reason to drop out when you have not lost. Talk with your team, fall back and regroup.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AI keeps resigning way too easily?
So my friends and I have been playing super casually for a while, but have decided to actually try and get better. We have started upping the difficulty and can beat 1 to 1 moderate now. The problem is the AI seems to resign almost immediately after we attack their base sometimes. We will go in, destroy maybe their town center, and they resign. They did this with 4 castles once. Is this a bug? Or what is going on? It's really not satisfying to work hard and build an army just to have them give up immediately.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Age of Empires 2: Masochist Edition
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submitted by /u/KrogothFramework [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Randomly calling people smurfs (possible trolling)
A bunch of my friends and I play HD pretty regularly. We started off pretty bad, got better and have finally crossed back above the 1600 level. We usually play together and around the same time (at night in India - message me if you're looking to play!)
We usually try to pick harder opponents because we have a pre-made team and understand that that comes with certain advantages.
Anyhow, earlier today, we had 2 people join our server within ten minutes between them (one 17xx and the other a 2020), call us smurfs and then leave. Needless to say, our lobby emptied out pretty quickly.
Is this a thing people do? Don't think we've ever played anyone above 1850 and definitely not a 2020 so I'm not sure why they called us smurfs or if this is a thing people do to troll other players. A very weird experience which ended up delaying our game by about 10-15 minutes.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
High Elo Players have ruined online.
In the recent weeks ive noticed OCE games are becoming very bare. Theres a reason people put noob only as a large sum of us suck. Its because good players are completely shitting on the shitties
As im writing this we advertise a noob only game.....and an 1845 rating mother fucker joins.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Vietnamese economy bonus analysis
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submitted by /u/slothismysin [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
can you just ragequit online without losing rating?
so this has happened me twice now. the second time was just right now. i play a game, i start winning and this time it was a very close nomads map with lots of small battles going on all over but i had the edge.
at the moment i hit castle age i also appeared in front of his fishing ships with a small fleet of fire ships. i got a comment from him saying something like "..." then the game freezes. after a while of freezing i have a popup saying "you have been disconnected, there was a savegame made so you can resume the game" or something like that.
then i click out and no rating was given or taken. i doublecheck and my online rating stays the same. is this some sort of exploit? is it possible to somehow ragequit or make the other player disconnect so you dont lose points?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Mods at multiplayer
So i'm doing the anniversary challenges in AoE DE and i earned the legionary skin for the champ unit. Question is: if i equip that skin in the unit in a MP game, Will the other players be able to see it too?
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
Arena FFA game turned into a 3 vs 1 and almost lost 11!
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submitted by /u/KingDoubleXP [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Opinion: The Teuton buff is bad.
Not because the Teutons are good, or don't need a buff; they're objectively bad, and are only able to consistently beat the worst statistically worst civs in the game.
But because it basically just doubles down on their existing problems. Teutons do two things well; castle booming, and melee fights. Giving them slightly cheaper farms and bonus melee armor does absolutely nothing to change the civ for the better because it just makes them better where they're already good.
Think about it; when would you ever take a fight between Halbs and Paladins? Or between Champs and Halbs?
Those are already strong counters that don't particularly need help. This buff only makes Teutons strong where they were already strong, while ignoring their weaknesses(that cripple them) entirely.
Even worse, by giving standard infantry extra melee armor, you indirectly weaken their unique unit; the Teutonic Knight's only real redeeming value is in its heavy armor, but over the past few DLCs and patches, the Champion has gone from 60 food and 20 gold for 1/0 armor, to 45 food and 20 gold for 2/1 armor, and have gotten +2 against Eagle Warriors and +1 against buildings. In the meantime, the only buff the ETK has gotten is a 0.05 increase in movement speed. Plus Arson; since Champions cost half as much and attack at the same rate, Arson effectively benefits them twice as much.
TK's already were very nearly not worth the investment. Now they're weaker - by comparison - than ever. In my testing, ETK's are only about 10-15% more effective per cost than Champions, and that comes at the cost of being much slower and being made at a Castle.
I agree that Teutons need some tweaking to make them stand out and truly be an infantry civ, but I really don't think this is the right way to go about it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
The "History" tab still has civ jingles. They are just harder to hear because they are made to blend into the main menu music.
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submitted by /u/EXTRAVAGANT_COMMENT [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Has anyone else noticed right click attack targeting is COMPLETELY broken after this update?
Its so annoying ordering units to dive on siege weapons and then they just fucking dive anything else that is closer instead.
P.S. Don't touch hotkeys on patches either. Thanks.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AoE2 Tattoo Reference Material
I've been trying to get an AoE2 tattoo for a while now, but I can't find any good reference material to show a tattoo artist. Is there a way to get a high resolution picture of the various units? I'm not able to find anything on google images. I'm especially interested in the Eagle Warrior. Thanks in advance!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Schedule for Classic Cup this weekend
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submitted by /u/immortalshade [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe
Even the AI isn't safe from censorship!
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submitted by /u/ShadowCrystallux [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
How to spectate ai vs. ai in multiplayer with friend?
How can you set up a game with ai vs. ai where you and a friend can spectate?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Mobile Performance
Hi, I thought about getting a laptop to play DE on but I didn't find any benchmarks. So, do any of you play DE on a laptop and can tell me here their in-game benchmarks?
I am interested in a HP Spectre 13 with either the i5-1035G4 or the i7-65G7 but comparable CPUs are interesting as well (especially all the mobile intel 10gens.)
The next question is if 8gb ram is enough or if 16 are required here.
Thx alot everyone
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Militia line idea: move 2HS to castle age and double its research time
I was thinking of how underwhelming LSM is and what changes could be done to encourage more militia line usage after m@a. by moving 2HS to late castle (need longer research time to balance the buff) perhaps we would see more militia line commitment in castle age and give champion a bigger window of opportunity by getting out sooner in imp.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
World record conversion time!
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submitted by /u/ttv-7necron7 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
How to leave your clan? (DE)
I created a clan, and I don't see any way to leave or delete the clan. Does anybody know how to leave/delete as the only member of the clan?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Say it again please....
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submitted by /u/removedquasar [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
How many farmers do you need in order to maintain 3 TC vil production?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
In the Editor for Mission 16: Good Advice - a Hyspaspist stands where Kastor should, and Circe in place of Athena. Why did they do this?
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submitted by /u/JarJarBinks590 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Is there a build order for alpine lakes ?
I tried going scouts vs AI.
No boar or berries means the 4 berrie vills and the 4 you usually add to boar go to fish.
The problem is that i run out of sheep before i could click up to Feudal. So i sent 6 more to fish, and switched some to wood since i built 3 mills.
I had like 400 food at 21 pop...
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from newest submissions : aoe2
What is the strongest AI mod out there right now?
I tried the brute force AI in the mods, but could not play together with friends, even though everyone had the mod installed.
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from newest submissions : aoe
Extra TC or Bowsaw?
I have a question about eco upgrades. I've noticed when booming I usually drop a 2nd Tc but delay the 3rd to get bowsaw is this ideal or is getting the 3rd Tc first better?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
fix pls i think "back to work" dont work for house builders
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Riddle me this: Goths gonna drush.
If you are wondering what your 1v1 goth opponent is up to, try not to overthink it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
So with the Teutons new bonus, do you think they can classify as a legit infantry civilization?
I know +1 armor isn't much, but does it give them at least an edge in combat in some fights at least?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
It always bothers me that the “Finding Match” queue timer has an hours counter on it
Has anybody ever queued for over an hour? I feel like that would be ridiculous but deep down know if I was ever desperate for a match I would let it run....
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Melee pathing issues back after update?
Shortly before I disconnected for the first time ever, I had 3 M@A that I sent into my opponents wood line and they just froze on top of each other instead of attacking. Anyone else had something similar or just a one-time thing?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Nice update, but new alignment grid is very thick
Did anyone else notice that the alignment grid options (or “Terrain Grid Display") went from being the perfect level of visibility to very thick/bold with the new update? Maybe some people prefer the increased visibility of the grid, but I hope they offer the original terrain grid thickness in the drop down menu in a future update because it's a little overboard for my taste.
Still, don't wanna come off as being too negative here, I appreciate the update and continued attention from the devs.
Edit: Shout out to the Zetnus Improved Grid mod for solving this problem while the in-game grid is too much. If anyone else is looking for a quick fix, that's what I recommend (and then disable the in-game one in the menu)
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Game crashes galore with new update
This needs to be fixed soon, I've had my game crash 4 times in the last 30 minutes. No point in even playing a game.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Censorship has gone way overboard with the latest update...
Now entire names are blocked because they are censored. Wtf? Instead of fixing the problem they've made it worse.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Lost cause 1v1
On voobly I am 1450 1v1 rank and 1700 team rank. I have no clue why I always get crushed 1v1. Any tips what I might be missing that is important in 1v1? Its the same on DE except now my 1v1 rank is 1050 and team game is 1750 atm. Dont know why I cant win 1v1. Help!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Wait for AoE IV?
I started playing AoE III probably around 12ish years ago. I've never played it consistently, but always loved playing it casually. With the release of AoE II DE I have noticed people prefer II to III. Should I pick up II DE, or wait for IV to come out and keep playing III.
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
Bug after the update with shift queuing?
They said they changed the shift queuing behavior, but I noticed it might be bugged?
How to replicate: Let villagers gather from cow(when I noticed it), shift click them to a dead boar afterwards.
Result: Villagers kill another cow and eat it, clearly preferring beef over pork.
This happened three times in a row, where I'm 100% I shift clicked them to the boar after the cow.
Has anyone else noticed anything like this?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
New to the game: difference between Ethiopia vs Malay
I've just picked up DE, and I've been intrested in playing both Ethiopia and Malay. While at first they look kinda similar (trash Knights, high speed glass cannon UU, good at rushing thanks to their bonuses), what are the deeper gameplay differences between the two?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Is it just me or did I heard Age of Empires II Stable/horse sound effect in this 1911 video?
PD: a comment of the video says: " Old cameras did not record sound, the sound you hear in this video isn't real. They usually grab sound effects from already established sound libraries, so it's likely they just used the same "horse" sound effect as the AoE devs did. " I guess that's it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Is map pool gonna be updated regularly?
Is map pool supposed to stay the same once we get to one that most players like, or is it gonna be updated from time to time?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Longboats? I think Landboats.
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submitted by /u/Vega_Paradox [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
What do I have to do to complete this achievement?
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submitted by /u/cjdecker2002 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Philosophers have been removed.
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submitted by /u/EtherealPheonix [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Anybody know how to get Campaign/Story Civs online?
I’m bored and I want to experiment with them.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
I recommend changing "Prithviraj" mission 2, "The Digvijaya"
So, I am doing the second "Prithviraj" mission, and I have only come 20 min in so far, but I have noticed a few things that I think needs changing, and it's all related to enemy scouting.
The first issue is that you start with your only unit, the hero unit Prithviraj far away from your base and you can't return before killing the tiger. And you can see your base but have no resources before returning to it. The first problem, is that obviously the devs put 3 Water Buffalo in your base to get food from when getting back, but there is no other unit, and they are not enclosed, so if you are unlucky or not fast enough, the enemy will just take them, completely free, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Second issue is that other enemies are also enemies with each other, and what happens is that one enemy scouts close to another, and pulls an army with them, and as soon as the scout dies, they stay in the area until they notice another enemy close by. This can be a problem as I have restarted this mission once after red scout managed to pull an army of purple into my base and die while I was in feudal. And this time, Cyan managed to pull red units to a place where I was about to go hunting right before my vills got there. Thankfully I noticed it in time and sent my vills home again.
But these are some issues I think should be looked at for the early parts of this mission, especially the second part. Not fun getting overrun with castle age units in feudal age.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Casters like Viper and T90 changed DE 2 civ icons with unique unit icons but I was recognizing civ icons better :/ How are you doing? I'm especially asking to noobs/non-players.
I'm not against this or anything and I can especially understand Viper, since he is actually a player. It's just my opinion.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Yodit Mission 3 "A Fallen Crown" | Hard Playthrough
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submitted by /u/ShadowCrystallux [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Help a noob?
I just got my hands on AoE2 HD and i try to figure out how to play well against the IA.
I just can't build an economy fast enough, meaning i can't get a good military. Then the IA raid me with only their special unit that i can't beat with overwhelming numbers. I just can't get my defenses up fast enough and i always get destroyed... against the Standard difficulty IA...
Need help please?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
We need a Wololo for DE
Let's face it, neither the community nor the developers of DE can compare to that of Voobly!
Unfortunately I have no idea how to program it but if the Voobly community were to bring out a mod like Wololo, only for DE i feel most user would switch back (not even accounting for those that never switched over). The way DE is right now, simply sucks....
Don't get me wrong, I like what the new changes, but all those randome drops, the fact that people can intentionally slow down connecting to avoid a loss, and the poor matchmaking system simply overshadow a lot of the good stuff. I personally just really hope that someone more gifted than me will create taht mod!
Sry for the rant, but i am sure a lot of you agree with me
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Most "zergling" like AOE2 unit
My favorite unit to use in BW was the zergling. I loved how it was quick, agile, and devastating when microd in your opponents eco. Controlling zerglings to do maximum damage was like its own minigame inside the game of Broodwar. You could do dmg with them early (being the first combat unit you can build), and could be upgraded later to still keep up with the tier 3 (IMP age) units.
By that description, what unit MOST fits within AOE2. I understand there will be no direct comparison. If your idea isnt in the poll (like another UU) comment it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AOE 3 all expansions from a single exe
Hi guys, is it possible to run all expansions in AOE 3 from a single exe? It is really frustrating when I want to play for exemple with India I have to chance launcher.
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
Petition to rename the 'Elite Dismounted Konnik' to 'Dismounted Elite Konnik'
What is he supposed to be elite at - actually fighting or just falling off his damn horse?!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Seems Familiar... Ad in my Instagram stories
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submitted by /u/Enable-GODMODE [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
when you misclick as set
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submitted by /u/xpqvlryznrjxwnvj [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Are the still some good "Empire builder" games in recent times?
I used to play Rise of Nations and Age of Empires a lot, and the sierra Empire series (Caesar, Pharaoh, Zeus, etc) as well, and was wondering if som modern equivalent to those games exist. I don't mean turn based games like CIV or City Builders like Skylines, those are a different genre imo
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from newest submissions : gaming
Reporting players in multiplayer?
So I have been playing DE for a few weeks now and sometimes when I queue up for team games, I get a team member who just suicides at the start of the game, leaving me playing an unwinnable 2v1, is there any way to report players that does this shit? Anyway to mitigate the toll it takes on my elo?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Help with Scenario creation
Issue #1
So I used Mayan as the civ for 3 teams and Aztec as the civ for 3, in one big city of allies for a mix of colour and wonder style. At one point I had towncentres but had the issue of the mayans auto -generating a villager as per their civ bonus. After removing the TCs and even changin the mayans to aztec, the spot where the TC was still creates a villager one test. With no AI and no TC they still get a villager created wherever the last TC was.
Pic, these villagers are Aztec now but still auto-generated
Issue #2
How can I get Kings: hero kings and unit kings etc. to not run away to a castle in my cinematic scenarios ? Also ai villagers go and chop trees even if there's no lumber camp or TC to return to. I have AI set to "none" and even a trigger of Freeze takes a second to apply so the King is not where I placed him. I could have an attack move one square then have the freeze but it seems overkill when I just want him to not move. And I'm already running at 200 triggers.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Game is unplayable since maintenance
I'm talking about team ranked games, dunno about the rest.
Every single game either I get freeze and lag out or somebody else. IF the game continues it is always VERY laggy with 1-2 players having red or yellow ping symbol (sometimes It's me, sometimes it isn't). Other people in my games also complained and I've never had problems before this maintenance + my ping is normal when I check it in lobby browser.
Is there something I can do to fix this on my end or just wait for a patch? It's been 3 days now....
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Shift click a boar
There I said it, Automate hunting boar. Click boar, shift TC; the vill hits it with one arrow and walks back.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Question about the Age of Empires content we consume
Hello everyone!
I'm curious about what type of AoE content do you consume (stream/youtube/etc).
1) Pro Player POV Games
2) Casted Pro Games/Tournaments
3) Noob videos/streams with a community
4) Meme/funny AoE videos/content
5) Other
I'd appreciate if you also provided a percentage of your consumtion - i.e. you watch 70% tournaments and 30% meme videos.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Can AoE2: HD edition on steam cross-network play with AoE2: Definitive edition on Xbox?
I know you can cross-network play AoE2: Definitive on steam with AoE2: Definitive on Xbox, but my dad only has the HD version. Will it work? :(
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Any good tutorials out there for begginers?
I just bought AoM on Steam, but I really don't know how to approach the game. I am new to real time strategy games as a whole, so I have absolutely zero knowledge of basic concepts and objectives (and in RTS games in general). Are there any good tutorials out there, that introduce the game's concepts to noobs? My main objective right now, would be to finish the campaign on moderate, so I am not looking to be a deathmatch god either way :p
EDIT: minor aclaration
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
So what's up with replays?
Just tried to watch a replay after a game and it switched immediately to Gaia view and i couldn't do anything. The overlay was also "twitching" in a way and there was a sound like clicking all the time. Then I tried watching an older game to confirm the bug and it finished after 10 seconds. I tried google, but nothing similar popped up, can someone replicate this?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
How do you get out of stalemates?
Hey, I've been a long time casual AoM player and usually only played the campaign maps, on easy difficulty. I've just recently got into playing it again, but decided to improve my gameplay skills. I've been playing against hard AI since I'm not confident enough to try online yet, but it seems to me that if I don't wipe out the AI during classic-heroic age it becomes immensely time consuming to do so after I hit Mythic. Battles just drag on and on forever as resources cease to be a problem and both sides can produce units faster than they are killed. Even Titans don't always turn the tide, 20 pop is a huge debuff for me when maxed out on villagers and a decent size caravan route, so yeah. It becomes even worse on water maps. Eventually I can micro my way into their base, but it takes way longer than I think it should. What do I do in those situations?
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Civ Ranking - Scout Rush
Hi all,
In order to gain insights into civ strengths/weaknesses in different areas (as part of a mobile web app I'm working on), I'm trying to put the 35 civs into 4 tiers, in each of the following areas. Being a noob player myself, I would love to hear your opinion on this, in a series of 8 discussion threads:
- Scout rush
- M@A rush
- Archer rush
- Fast Castle (Knights / Boom / UU)
- Early Imp
- Post Imp
- Trash War
- Water
In this thread let's talk about Scout rush. Below is the tier list I come up with. Some questions for the sake of discussions: What do you feel about the list, especially top and bottom civs? Which is more important, strong eco or Bloodlines? As a follow-up of scout rush, does strong light cav really matter? (or we mostly go scouts into archers/knights anyway so it doesn't?)
Top Tier (A)
Magyars (cheaper scouts, free Forging)
Huns (house savings allow faster up time, faster working stable. Nice synergy with CA in Castle Age)
Mongols (very fast up time with hunting bonus, strong light cavs in Castle Age)
Franks (forager bonus, higher-HP scouts without Bloodlines. Scouts into strong Knights)
Slavs (strong Farm eco, slight wood savings from population room of Barracks/Stable)
Mid Tier (B)
Indians (cheaper villagers -> easier to keep up with villager+scout productions)
Khmer (fast up time without building requirements, good Farm eco)
Chinese (fast up time with extra starting villagers)
Berbers (villager speed up -> good eco. Scouts into cheaper Knights)
Tatars (extra food from herdables, good light cavs and nice synergy with CA in Castle Age)
Cumans (good Feudal eco, slightly faster scouts, light cav spam in Castle Age)
Britons (shepherd bonus. No bloodlines. Scouts into Archers)
Persians (strong eco, faster up time with faster working TC)
Lithuanians (+150 food at start)
Ethiopians (+100 food/gold when age up, but no Bloodlines)
Turks (free light cav upgrade)
Mid-bottom Tier (C)
Italians (food saving when age up to Feudal)
Malay (fast up time, but no Bloodlines, poor armor upgrade)
Bulgarians (good light cavs in Castle Age with Stirrups)
Malians (wood savings from buliding bonus)
Japanese (wood savings from buliding bonus)
Bottom Tier (D)
Celts (strong eco, no Bloodlines)
Vikings (strong eco, no Bloodlines)
Byzantines (no Bloodlines)
Koreans (no Bloodlines)
Teutons (no light cav upgrade, no husbandry)
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Polar bear guardian in Borneo and Indochina
Tropical asian maps spawn this treasure guarded by a single polar bear. Is it a reference to Lost, which was popular at the time?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Played my first online game
After only ever playing against the AI (can beat moderate pretty regularly, can get absolutely wrecked by Hard pretty regularly), decided to finally try online
Played a ranked 1v1 on Gold Rush and 2 open lobby team “noob” games.
And it was awesome.
The 1v1 I tried tower rushing which he knocked down. He seemed to be getting more military out, but I had a better economy going so could get some decent blacksmith upgrades. He went archer and m&a but my scouts and eventual knights mopped them up and his villagers on the gold and he resigned. Utterly satisfying.
The team games; one was good. 3v3 on BF, one of my teammates resigned almost immediately. I managed to rush my neighbour with archers and force an early resign, my teammate did something similar on the other side and then we closed in and finished off the last guy in Castle. Teammate carried me a little bit, but I mostly held my own.
Second one not so much, because it wasn’t very noob’y. Me and one opponent noob with 6 pretty good players in a 4x4 coastal. And I got Random’d into playing Indians. Which as an Indian myself might have been a pleasant happenstance, but practically wasn’t great cause I have no idea what to do with them, and they seem a bit useless. I was on the flank, got battered for a long time, then started lagging because of the thousand units on the screen at any one time, and eventually we called it a day. Not quite as satisfying - maybe will stick to smaller games to avoid the lag.
S/O this sub for all the suggestions to get online! I now need to break my habit of pausing against the AI every time something happens that I’m unprepared for, which is every 2 minutes.
Any advice for how to keep an economy going whilst attacking? I assume hot keys and just more practice? Cause that’s the main struggle.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AoeII & AoE DE capable computer
Hello guys, I have been playing HD for a while now in my m ac using porting kit, an emulator. I was capable of running HD without any issues until some update came and crashed my computer, had to factory reset it to get it working again, tried reinstalling AoE HD but it did not work anymore.
I am looking for reccomendations on what computers you guys have that can run Aoe II HD and/or DE without any lag issues. My budget is around $500 USD, and preferably a laptop.
Thanks for the help!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Are there any DE clans or groups I can join?
I'm trying to improve in team games the most right now and am wondering if there are a group of players I can play with or that are cool coaching me. I've recently found team games to be kind of unbalanced elo wise.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Confirmed: CaptureAge for DE
![]() |
We all agree that CA was one of the best addition to AoE 2. Now one of the devs have confirmed that the DE version of CA is in works and they are open for suggestions for what you want to see. The question is: Will CA: DE(or whatever it will be called, maybe CA: Daut Edition?) debut with HC3 just like last year? Here is the link where you can read more: [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Boar losing food if I try weakening it with TC even if the last shots were by villagers
Has anyone else faced this?
Please let me know where I may submit the demo for helping out with resolution of this issue.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Can supplies affect infantry unique units already?
Infantry UU are situational at best.
The introduction of supplies made them borderline unusable.
Considering that civs with infantry UU get FU champions or better (see *) why would anyone choose the UU instead of the cheaper good ol' champ?
Since the food cost of these units vary wildly, I would implement the bonus as such:
"All infantry units except the spear-line and the eagle line cost -25% food"
*Celts: fast FU champs
Teutons: Fu champs
Japanese: fast hitting FU champs
Franks: FU champs
Aztecs: stronger FU champs
Incas: FU champs
Ethiopians: FU 2HS
Malay: trash 2HS
Malians: Champskarls
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Old Han Reforms+ New Army collective card effect
What is the stat effect on the arquebusiers & chang dao swordsmen that result from the New Army card after the chu ko nu and Qiang pikemen have already buffed by the Old Han Reform card?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Please need help Booming with ISIS.
Im having trouble booming with ISIS. I played this game long time ago, and I have very fond memories of it.
So with a couple friends we decided to make a LAN party and just beat the shit out of each other. I was a good player back then ("good" to ourt standars. nothing fancy) And I love both Isis and Hades. My play style is very deffensive.
So Im trying to remember how to boom, I have been reading a couple guides and looking at youtube gameplays. but Im still struggling.
Im able to have a decent Clasical time, balanced aconomy and pretty good scouting most the time.
I make some houses around the towers and a couple monuments, I eat a lot of hunt and some time even build a second TC.
I never stop making villagers, and my economy grows. But where I struggle is with food. I have a hard time transitioning to farms, and even when I do, I find early farm are still pretty slow. Until I get attacked with too much army, or in the back of my base and is GG.
I guess I should maybe have 2 different hunting camps, with twice as many vills, but that's just extra hard to me to micro and keep everything moving with no idle villagers.
However, When Im able to deffend, I usually just stop making villagers for some time so I can finally age up. And just easy-win.
Im winning pretty consistently to Moderate AI, but I just can't hold it against Hard.
Some times even moderate gives me trouble if its Nordic. (I play random map 1v1 against random AI)
So pleaaase... I Implore your help. I need some advice. I need to go to this LAN prepared and I want to get good again.
Also. Im afraid to write "HOW ISIS BOOM" on google. May SWAT crash into my home.
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Mass Huskarl Army
How do you counter the Goths and their impeccable ability to throw massive amounts of infantry at me?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 8 Week 9: Burmese vs Ethiopians
Two perhaps less-popular, but nonetheless quite powerful civs!
Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Britons vs Magyars, and next up is the Burmese vs Ethiopians!
Burmese: Monk and Elephant civilization
- Lumber Camp upgrades free
- Infantry +1 attack per age (starting in Feudal Age)
- Monastery techs cost -50%
- TEAM BONUS: Relic spawn locations visible on map
- Unique Unit: Arambai (Powerful, but inaccurate dart-throwing ranged cavalry)
- Castle Age Unique Tech: Howdah (Battle Elephants +1/+1 armor)
- Imperial Age Unique Tech: Manipur Cavalry (Cavalry and Arambai +6 attack vs buildings)
Ethiopians: Archer civilization
- Archers fire +18% faster
- Receive +100f, +100g upon reaching the next Age
- Pikeman upgrade free
- TEAM BONUS: Towers and Outposts +3 LoS
- Unique Unit: Shotel Warrior (Fast, frail, infantry with massive attack)
- Castle Age Unique Tech: Royal Heirs (Shotels created almost instantly)
- Imperial Age Unique Tech: Torsion Engines (Siege Workshop units have increased blast radius)
Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!
- Okay, so for your basic 1v1 open maps like Arabia and Gold Rush/Pit, both of these civs are respectable picks, but nowhere near top tier. Ethiopians can have a very strong early Feudal or fast Castle gameplan with their extra resources and powerful archers, but lack a persistent eco bonus to back it up. Burmese meanwhile, have a very deadly M@A opening with their extra attack, a decent eco bonus, and a powerful unique unit, but critically possess abysmal archers. To whom would you give the edge here?
- On closed maps like Arena, BF, and Hideout, Ethiopians are once again benefiting from a nice FC-> Xbow play, whereas Burmese can go for either Monks or Arambai. In late game, both civs have absolutely devastating gold-intensive armies. Do you take the Ethiopian glass-cannon army or the tanky Burmese army?
Thanks as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Mayans vs Persians. Hope to see you there! :)
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from newest submissions : aoe2
How do FF Cumans counter a castle drop?
I uploaded a replay here:
I've asked about castle drops before. Mostly from what I've seen from pros if you don't have military you just have to make your own castles.
Some guy Krepost rushed me so there was no way my towers would go up in time to deny it and I'd need like 2 preemptive towers with 10 villagers to try lol.
It killed one of my tcs as I tried to save for castle age as well as a few farms and some vills because I didn't check the krepost's range. But even if the map generation favored me and I placed my second tc further back, one of my tcs would still die along with all my farms.
I can't fight castle units with feudal ones.
I guess this is why Cumans aren't considered competitive anymore lol. Ah well I'll keep trying them since I think they're good on maps with prolonged full feudal aggression. You don't have many resources to deal with aggression early on but over time the extra vills will pull you ahead.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Least favourite AOM campaign scenario?
For me it would have to be Strangers, easily the most boring scenario, it’s just navigating your way through the underworld, finding shades and picking up relics
This can include campaigns other than Fall of the Trident as well, but using the broken Tale of the Dragon campaign is just cheating
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Portuguese Scenario 3 Hard - too Hard?
Hi guys.
Portuguese Scenario 3, the one off the Swahili coast, seems like impossible to me on hard difficulty.
Either there is an unceasing stream of boats from Mombasa and Zanzibar, or the armies of Kilwans and Bantus becomes completely overwhelming on the mainland.
Anyone had luck with this one on hard?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Best Game of All-Time!
I freakin' love this game!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AOE3 for Mac- not working
I own AOE3 for Mac and I haven’t played in years so I decided to download it to my new Mac and now it says I can’t play because AOE is not updated for the newest Mac OS. Is there any way to play it on the newest Mac OS or buy it somewhere without having to download bootcamp?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Is there a way to set the level of my Homecities in Singleplayer?
I'd like to try out all Homecities as level 40, but leveling them all seems to take forever, is there a folder where I can edit the level of my Singleplayer Homecities?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Multiplayer is bugged
Somehow the map pool got reverted and teamgames are crashing or freezing for a lot of people at the start
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from newest submissions : aoe2
So it's 1v1 ranked and my opponent (Lithuanian) goes for barracks first and drushes me but I barely wall in my lumberjack in time and eventually he ragequit dc's wooooooo what a rush also it got me above 1000 ELO! had to share this with yall i'm too excited
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Anyone figured out how to make the text bigger yet ?? 2nd Question - is chariot archer spam still meta? Any counters to it ?
Or is this game not worked on anymore?
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from newest submissions : aoe
Strengths and weaknesses question with wierd tech tree details
Certain units will say they are weak to a certain level in the line of a given unit like camel riders are weak vs spearmen but then scout cavalry is weak vs pikeman. Does this imply anything including and above in the line of upgrades will be strong against said opponent? Another example elite eagle scout warriors are weak against longswordsman does that mean there and above in that line?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
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