Randomly calling people smurfs (possible trolling)

A bunch of my friends and I play HD pretty regularly. We started off pretty bad, got better and have finally crossed back above the 1600 level. We usually play together and around the same time (at night in India - message me if you're looking to play!)

We usually try to pick harder opponents because we have a pre-made team and understand that that comes with certain advantages.

Anyhow, earlier today, we had 2 people join our server within ten minutes between them (one 17xx and the other a 2020), call us smurfs and then leave. Needless to say, our lobby emptied out pretty quickly.

Is this a thing people do? Don't think we've ever played anyone above 1850 and definitely not a 2020 so I'm not sure why they called us smurfs or if this is a thing people do to troll other players. A very weird experience which ended up delaying our game by about 10-15 minutes.

submitted by /u/amluchon
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