can you just ragequit online without losing rating?

so this has happened me twice now. the second time was just right now. i play a game, i start winning and this time it was a very close nomads map with lots of small battles going on all over but i had the edge.

at the moment i hit castle age i also appeared in front of his fishing ships with a small fleet of fire ships. i got a comment from him saying something like "..." then the game freezes. after a while of freezing i have a popup saying "you have been disconnected, there was a savegame made so you can resume the game" or something like that.

then i click out and no rating was given or taken. i doublecheck and my online rating stays the same. is this some sort of exploit? is it possible to somehow ragequit or make the other player disconnect so you dont lose points?

submitted by /u/priesten
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