Balance Changes Suggestions

I'm a huge fan of small nerfs and small buffs to iron things out. Most of the time they aren't game-breaking.

Right now it seems pretty obvious that Russia is underperforming overall next to China.

Lakota, Sweden, and Japan are overperforming in every aspect. Mistakes are forgiven far too easily and the amount of effort required to win is simply not as much as the current lower-tier civilizations.

Yes every civilization has its strengths and weaknesses, here are my suggestions:


Give wood trickle, food trickle, and coin trickle an additional 5% yield to their respective natural resources.


  • Reduce village cost by a further 5 wood to 175w.
  • This would help them in the early game and not make them OP in the mid or late-game.


  • Reduce 3-settler batch cost down to 255f.
  • Bring 5-musketeer coin cost down to 93c.
  • Logician: Also allow stables and artillary foundaries to add 5 population space.



  • Increase cost of both Axe Riders and Bow Riders by 5 food each.
  • Increase training time of Axe Riders and Bow Riders by 2 seconds.
  • Increase teepee build time by 1 second.

Currently they can mass up their high-HP, high attack easy-raiding cavalry way too quickly for their eco being as good as it is in DE with great hunt and 4 settlers factored into not having to build any homes.


  • Reduce torp income rate by 3%.
  • Reduce carrolean base attack by 1.


  • Reduce shrine income rate by 3%.
  • Reduce shrine HP to 1550 from 1600.
  • Bring Ashigaru Musketeer speed down to 4.25 from 4.5.


  • Reduce game-starting settler spawn rate by 2 seconds.
  • Increase the amount of "training time reduced" on the second mosque upgrade by 2 seconds to bring this rate back up to speed.


If you're wondering why I'm taking jabs at eco for say, Ottomans - it's because a slightly lower eco will result in a slightly less powerful game overall for them, not because their overall eco is OP but because of what they can afford with it for the cost.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/PositivelyUnderstand
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