Insufficient post-game statistics

Hey everyone, one of my biggest disappointments with DE is the post-game stats, I don't get why there haven't been any game stats added since the early 2000s, I think it would be very interesting to have more stats and graphs such as :

  • TC Idle time
  • Villager idle time
  • Resources in the bank
  • Resource efficiency of units
  • Total number of military units trained
  • Total HP healed by monks
  • Number of TCs
  • Number of military production buildings -... Etc

I could go on for hours about all the stats I wish we could have in DE because I love looking at all the numbers after a game and analysing the data in my head. Some of these stats exist in CaptureAge but I don't want to have to record all my games and watch them again to see the stats, I wish they were integrated in this 20 year-old post-game screen. Age of Mythology's post-game screen has had over 15 graphs and more detailed stats since 2003, why can't DE get at least some of those? People have been asking for those and I wonder why havent the devs done anything in that direction, I'm sure they have more important things to do but how hard can it be to add more detailed stats? (I'm honestly asking, it sounds really easy to do but I could be way off)

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, be sure to grab a lamed boar sandwich on the way out

submitted by /u/AcidTaco
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