Army composition
Hey! New player here. I just wanted advice on what my army shld be composed of. I usually take Teutons but I have a hard time beating the hard AI. So what is the army composition I shld be using?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Is there any future time where Arena will be removed from the ranked pool?
I'm absolutely sick of dealing with it, but it's not malignant enough to waste a ban on. Simply, it's not a strategically deep or interesting game (wow, castle drop! Boom to late game! Wheeeeeeee) and I would rather not bother with online play until it's no longer there.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Website to Build and Play Civs in Minutes!
I have finally finished my website that allows you to craft civs -- no modding required! You can visit it at There are also options for complete randomization, and to play a mini-game with friends where you take turns picking bonuses. I have added 100 new bonuses on top of vanilla ones, and plan to make more. If you have any ideas for bonuses/units/techs, please let me know and I will add them to the list!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Clenched fist research reduces Carolean melee?
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So, I came across this couple days ago. I think its a misprint more than a bug but It makes it look like this upgrade weakens caroleans. [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe3
How to hell to beat Spain Logistician rush?
How the hell do I counter the Spanish Logistician? I play Spanish main myself but please don't reply Logistician rush back..... seems like it kills my ff every time
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Proudest Achievement
What is your proudest achievement in AOE 2?
I think for myself it has to be pulling off the no loom Bulgarian men at arm rush to perfection... no I take that back. My brother and I had a game against a spanish player and another player. My brother picked Portuguese so he could see what I saw. I then went for a fast forward TC drop while he proceeded to wall the opponent in. As soon as my brother hit Feudal the scouts came out on his end the tc was down and all Spanish villagers got cleaned up... a strategy that shouldnt of worked worked and we won the game. the best part was enjoying the moment with my brother afterwards.
I am also really proud of this community. I recently started casting games (odd strategies) and I often find myself technologically inept. Not just that; I dont know what the procedure is on sharing stuff on different sites, how to discord or how to find games... but I always have people in this community that help me. They tell me what to do, teach me how to discord, share games with me and so much more. I am just really proud of all the people who are willing to help not because they have to but because they want to... so if your reading this... Thank you for being part of this community!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
How do you think playing other RTS games has affected your aoe2 playstyle?
Accidental Douche and my fastest game
One of the few times I got lucky in the very early game, with this accidental Douche ;) .
While waiting for my TC to go up, I was thinking hard about what to do next: keep the vills garrisoned to shoot the opponent TC, or go build a mill elsewhere, build the house, etc, or maybe a combination of both. Not sure.
Anyway, 2 vills dead after 2 minutes was probably too much, for my opponent.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Why AOE3 is a letdown compared to AOE2 (the 1000th time)
- Card and XP system is too complex.
- Having only three resource types is too simplistic.
- Counter system is too complex.
- Counter system relying on tags not individual units and armour types is too simplistic.
- Regional aesthetics rather than all western European is too complex.
- Lack of dropoff buildings is too simplistic.
- Units having both range and melee is too complex.
- Artillery without minimum range is too simplistic.
- AOE3 has too many assets to remember, which is too casual thus simplistic.
- AOE3 relies too much on timing and decks, and too fast-paced, which is too competitive thus complex.
- AOE3 is too complex compared to AOE2 which is a letdown.
- AOE3 is too simplistic compared to AOE2 which is a letdown.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
The mountain siege....
I’m bashing my head against the wall trying to beat the mountain siege (mission 2 from the le loi campaign) I break through to the east but by the time I get half the rebels there my base is wiped out and the castles are destroyed. Any tips would help. Thanks in advance.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Some Personal AoE2 Game Stats
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Yes, I am a nerd – especially when it comes to data and visualizing it. I am also interested in learning more about my performance – or lack thereof – when playing Age of Empires II. So I started putting together a few numbers and charts, resulting in an interactive report. This is a work in progress. I am aware that there is too much information on each page, and I will address this in future versions. But I thought I would share the current state anyway, hoping you might have some inputs/feedback for me. My AoE2 Stats – Don Dinardoni – Age of Empires II World Series [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers
Time for another weekly round of questions.
Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.
Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.
So ask away!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Expanding on Cracked Terrain Bonus Damage for Buildings
Not a huge deal by any means, but I think its kind of interesting and realistic that buildings on certain terrain types are a bit more fragile. I noticed that buildings on cracked terrain take 25% more bonus damage, are there any other terrains that do this?
When watching things like hidden cup, I always thought that buildings on the swamp terrain should be somewhat more vulnerable, so that there is an interesting trade off between controlling the water with buildings, but there being a bit of a risk involved. I also think this should apply to buildings on ice.
Perhaps its a silly thing to focus on, but since the mechanic is in the game, I think it would be interesting to expand upon, and become perhaps become another important part of map design for tournaments. It might be small, but it could be another interesting talking point for casters when covering the new maps for a competition.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Tip for African Clearing
Since I played a 4v4 AC yesterday, at around 2k6 TG Elo, where 5 out of 8 players made a big mistake in the first seconds, I thought I could share this info.
You have to build your starting TC at a pond. Best if the pond has extra res, or is not too far from them main wood. And you can ignore sheeps/rhinos etc just get the shore fish, build early extra mills at new ponds.
I thought this was quite obvious, but maybe it helps some players that dont play this map too often.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
How to play Mod-Maps
I've downloaded a few maps from the mod library that is accessible from the main menu. But when I want to play them in single- or multiplayer games, I can find them nowhere. Does anybody know how to play on those kinds of maps?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Peep that HP ad one FB. They know what’s good.
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submitted by /u/WbtoOfficial [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Perfect build order
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submitted by /u/joker_penguin [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
AoE 2 Coaching
Hi. Do you have a burning curiosity about knowing what you need differently to improve fast? 6 more spots open this month!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Smurf weekend
Did anybody else notice the huge amount of smurfs on team games this weekend? Played around 10 games and 9 of them were clear smurfs...
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Sweden leather cannon spam :(
Just lost to a guy in 1v1 ranked at 1400 elo playing sweden who made 63 leather cannons and only like 20 caroleans. Realized far too late that cav archer was my only hope, was playing as japan and they just decimated my infantry, and naginatas too. There is nothing more demoralizing than watching 30 leather cannons roll into your base, and then backed up by black riders too. Its obviously not a great strategy and if I made the unit switch faster I could've won, I just never expected them to be so strong. Has this happened to anyone else?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Game feels like a let down compared to AOE2 DE
Title. Or is it just me?
Outposts crushed by 6 native infrantry. No rss drop off (every other strategy game has some sort of drop off). Walling feels super dumbed down. No Min range on cannon. Hot keys are like ice cream left on pavement in 100° Texan summer...
Ships are always fun tho
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Now Up to the Atlantean Campaign - A New Atlantis in Age of Mythology!
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submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Home City not leveling up. Anybody know how to fix?
I'm working on the US challenges and have made it up to Mississippi, so I've played quite a few games. Most of the time, the HC of the civ I play levels up just fine, but sometimes it doesn't. I've played (and finished) 3 games with the Dutch, but the HC is still level 1. Same thing happened with the French, 3 games didn't level them up, but they finally hit level 6 on my 4th game. When I view the postgame after each map, it always shows that my HC for the civ I played has leveled up; always to level 6 from level 1. So the Dutch has reached level 6 three times now, but it never sticks! Every time I start a new game, they've reset to level 1. The French were the same until they weren't.
What's going on here? Why aren't they leveling up like they should? Is this a bug? Is there a fix? Please help.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Less known in game advantages
I’ve known about the advantage of hills, and recently learned that scouts become faster and have more attack in feudal than dark age. What are some other tricks that aren’t known “on paper”?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
ChronoJJ, are they booing me?
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submitted by /u/carnivorous_cactus [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
How do Install Custom Campaigns from AOK Heaven in DE?
Alright been trying to figure out how to install several campaigns from AOK Heaven into DE manually because all the ones that are loaded up on the mod list are translated into chinese. Is there a way to install the original versions from AOK heaven onto DE manually? Thanks!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
I love the idea of the USA as a whole. Especially for cheese tactics.
Just love how your "explorer" can straight up construct a Fortfication. Can he do it Age 2 or is it just Age 3?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Angola Kunene civ idea
I would like to propose an African civilisation.
As a capoeira practitioner i'm really intrigued with it's history. And i found the book "Fighting for honor". The writer deeply goes into the culture of the Angolan civilisations which passed on capoeira. So this martial art was developed, it was a way of fighting for the shepherds. To train their physical body, to train with a staff and to learn acrobatics fo evation. Eventually over the years this became standardized, and a whole military culture developed around the martial art. Back than it was called Engolo.
So the Engolo warriors were trained as children into the martial arts. And were mostly melee fighters with melee weapons. They were extremely flexible and extremely good at evading attacks.
So their power in society became huge, they became warrior priests who performed rituals for the regional lords. And a lord took control of the region and became king. Since then it became a ritual warriorcult that lead all formalities, parades and trainings.
Over time their civilisation became too agressive for the region and they left. Looking to expand. They became sort of the Huns of the Angolan, Namibian and Congolese lands. A warriorfolk that won all it's battles because no one was trained or could fight like them. Men and woman. With ethical codes and warrior codes of the warriorpriest.
The dance martial art capoeira was a ritual to bless the civilian or the warrior with blessings from the ancestors. The rituals were fights between warriors to become warrior priests, to finish their training. These were organised through tournaments and weddings. It was all based on the observation of the habbits of the Zebra. Even the techniques were based on the movement of the Zebra.
The engolo master had to take spiritual ritual initiations, and the final form was the physical form of martial art. One was kandeka boxing, supernatural ngolo kicks and acrobatics. They were trained in auxiliary fighting techniques and guerilla warfare.
One of the songs they sang was called "You don't have a door, maybe jump over". An expert was expected to graceflly dodge attacks and arrows. And hence it grew into a battlefield combat art. The Kunene fightes from the Angola savannah did not use shields. They did not use formations, to maximize an individual's combat skills. They used missile weapons and a volley of arrows. The skill of dodging an arrow was called "sanguar" and the wardance was called "sangamento". Their only defense was sanguar, to arrows and arms. So they developed a way to overcome the first phase of missile weapons to come to hand to hand combat. Later on they added archery, stick fighting, rock throwing, knokberrie (like atl-atl).
They were originally from around the Kunene river in Namibia around the 12th century. And moved more and more northwards. And they believed in Kalunga, the spiritual world of the ancestors. Kalunga is also the name of their god "The great bringer of order". To make connection with the other world, a warriorpriest was supposed to literally turn around, by walking on his hands.
I would suggest Unique Unit: Kunene warrior (a skirmisher with no minimum range, it has a special move to evade an attack from a foot unit and counterattack immediately). Very expensive unit, high hitpoints and high pierce armor, low melee armor. Bonus attack versus infantry, archers and gunpowder units (except conquistador). The Kunene warrior can hunt from huntables and gather food from herdables, at a faster rate than a villager.
Civic bonusses:
Military foot units walk 18% faster.
Archers, skirmishers and villagers have +3 Pierce armor (starts in feudal age).
Can train herdables from Mills.
A Mill sustains 5 population.
Team bonus: Arson tech in barracks is free.
Civic tech1 Sangamento: Allows to build a Ceremony Grounds, where a group of Kunene warriors can garrison and can gain experience from a 'tournament' which will increase their attack. It costs food and gold to host a tournament. It will act like a tech, after several min the involved units will have +1 attack. And then it will be available again, and the units can ungarrison.
Civic tech2 Sanguar: Kunene warriors can regenerate their hitpoints.
Lacks units:, hussars, cavaliers, heavy camels, hand cannoneers, arbalests, champion, eagle warrior, elephants, siege ram, siege onager, bombard cannon, bombard galleon, fast fire ship.
Lacks techs: last armor upgrade for infantry and archers. Blast furnace. Bloodlines. Crop rotations.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Heroes' Profile Avatars as Rewards for finishing Campaigns?
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I noticed when playing Age of Empires 3 that some profile icons require you to finish certain campaigns to unlock. The profile icons are often the heroes/characters from the campaigns. you can make it so that each campaign gives 3 icons from completing them on 3 difficulty settings. [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Purely for fun question.
Lets say Monks could convert units and those units are affected by your bonuses. What is the most OP unit that you could make?
I'd have a Lithuanian Paladin with +4 attack converted to a Bulgarian player with 33% faster attack.
It's a Paladin that does 22 attack with a 1.425 RoF, which is equivalent to a 15.44 DPS.
This means in a 1v1 vs a generic Paladin it win with 63-76 hp left.
Which unit would you have?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
A statistical approach to why I suck at Age
I used's API to analyse some of my own past games, and I've written it up on my substack here, while my code can be found here. I don't promise that the code will work for you, but you never know...
I am new to blogging and new to Rstats, so let me know if there is anything that's broken, or if there are any other analyses you're interested in.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Can we get the large map view from Age of Mythology into AOE2DE?
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I know it's a lot to ask to make the entire UI adjustable but at least give us the "tap-to-toggle-large-map" feature ALSO this would help eradicate those pesky salty afk players that refuse to surrender and prolong the match by hiding their units behind trees and walls (seriously even with Spies researched it's hard to actually see where their units are) [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
What map do you prefer?
This will help settle a debate.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Can we get units to train and pause at 99% when pop-capped instead of staying at 0%? (just like in Age of Mythology)
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this will shift the game a bit more towards managing armies, strategy and micro than just a race for vill numbers advantage and perfect build orders [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Can we have the Age of Mythology queued techs researching whenever pop capped?
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Allowing this would help players not mess up build orders or lose their advantage every time they get popcapped [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
What civs are a bad matchup for berbers?
In the past weeks I've been playing the Berbers a ton, especially on nomad. Having a great tech tree, a strong cavalry bonus, a strong unique unit and faster moving villagers it's a civ that overlooked and has quickly become my new "main" civ.
Now on the previous civs I've played I always knew exactly what my bad matchups were.
I detest facing britons as Turks or Japanese, same deal with bulgarians facing mongols. It's not that these matchups are impossible to win, but they are harder.
However I don't feel the same way about Berbers. I feel they have an answer to everything. Hence why I ask some more experienced players here, what is your experience?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Age of Empires Discord for beginners/new players
Here's a discord channel for new/returning players for Age of Empires (2 Definitive Edition).
For those looking to play casual matches / non competitive.
We'll also be playing Age of Empires IV upon release.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Anyone Want to Play a Aame?
always looking to play games and I was wondering if people are interested in joing my discord to play games with me and my friends.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
So tired of losing ranked games because of incompetent/useless allies.
I started matchmaking after the team rm elo fix came. Because of the elo inflation I assume, the players at 1000 are extra garbage. Any time I get past 1150 elo, I get paired with the most useless teammates ever, and it's not just in my head because I'll have highest score and way better K/D than my enemies and allies and still lose.
I wish the ranked match system let you verse extreme AI for 1 game and then gave you a starting ELO different from the current default 1000. It's so fucking frustrating playing with these useless teammates and wasting everyone's time, and I know for a fact I'm way better than these fucking noobs I'm paired with almost every game. I'm no pro but I think I could at the very least be 1300-1400. My hidden unranked elo comprised mostly of BF games is ~2300.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Countering FU champions with HC
I was playing as Indians vs Vikings and Japanese. Thanks to some great answers on my previous question, I was able to hold off the knight rush and boom. Then I started getting attacked by champions of both civs, backed by skirms/arbalests. Per the wiki, " Again, Hand Cannoneers easily deal with enemy infantry, so the player must use them.", so I went into HC with halbs in front. It didn't work, the champions cut through both, unless I committed 5+ HC per champ.
What am I doing wrong, I.e. is it a micro issue or should I mass larger numbers of HC? Research all armor upgrades (I didn't get ring archer)? Conversely, is the unit choice itself wrong?
Thanks a lot!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Moving Relics?
Can you move a relic once you place it in a monastery?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Flemish Revolution feels really imbalanced.
I've seen a few players use Flemish Revolution. Most recently in a 1 on 1. I ended up winning but, I am really amazed at just how overpowered this tech is.
I watched a spirit of the law video on it and he explains that if you have 100 villagers, it's only 4.5 gold per unit. They (generally speaking) have the strengths of champions plus the strengths of halberdiers, together in the same unit.
The loss of economy is kind of a non-issue. If anything it works the opposite. It's a gain in economy. 100+ strong units for, something like 4.5 gold each, is like getting hundreds (thousands?) of free resources. When I saw my opponent use this in my last came, he rebuilt his villagers in only minutes.
I saw this stat that, the tech only has a 20% win rate. I honestly don't know how that can be the case. Perhaps the people who are using it think they can just pay to win, by buying this overpowered civ.
It kind of made me feel a bit sour about that match. I am honestly amazed that I won, but if I hadn't, I don't feel that it would have been a fair victory for my opponent. It would be one thing if these were like, 100 cheap weak units. But they are so strong that, in a lot of situations, there's not much answer for it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AoE 2 Defnitive Editon playing the combat unit spawn sound from AoE 1.
Any ideas as to why? Or did they replace the sound?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Is AoE 4 going to be more similar to 2 or 3?
Will they bring back 2's gameplay mechanics?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Unpopular opinion - Coustilliers would fit better in the Sicilian civilization
Compared to both Coustilliers in Burgundian civ and Serjeants in Sicilian civ
While Sicilian have good siege options and Serjeants, none of their bonuses favour either infantry or siege. The bonus damage resist is mainly a cavalry bonus since cavalry can't be overpowered by brute force, they need a proper counter unit.
For Sicilians, it is Cavalry all game, unless you research First Crusade and go for Serjeants - the transitions are awkward.
For Burgundians, they have +2 attack on Knights (basically Cavalier - Bloodlines) but Castle in early castle age is a big investment. In Imperial Age, when castles are much viable, Burgundians have access to Paladins immediately and much cheaply. Hence the Coustilliers which were seen here and there in Castle Age, become outdated and useless in Imperial Age.
While the charge attack of Elite Coustillier is good enough to one shot villagers, Burgundian Paladins have more HP, more attack, more pierce armor. The charge attack of Coustilliers doesn't work against buildings, which is an important strength of Heavy Cavalry in late game.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
New Britons Custom Campaign: The Anarchy of King Stephen
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Hey guys, brand new custom scenario by the designer of The Hautevilles, Ivaylo, and other official campaigns! England, 1135 CE. King Henry has died without an heir and the kingdom is in turmoil. As Stephen of Blois, defeat your rivals to rule England during The Anarchy. But beware: a far greater threat is on its way. Features:
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from newest submissions : aoe2
What level of ELO can be called a noob in your opinion
Since many were debating on what level is considered a noob, just wanted to collect your feedback and see where the line is according to most people’s standards. Thanks!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Won a game against hard A.I with zero population
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I captured all 5 relics and hard A.I completely destroyed me afterwards, luckily they never touched the monastery with all 5 relics, I spent 10 minutes praying " please don't destroy the monastery " [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Mystery of the Blank, a possible map hacker?
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submitted by /u/ModdingAom [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
The Wholesome Gamer
Big Scoob Another Wholesome Gamer - YouTube
supper funny game I was told to cast this game and told he was a wholesome gamer....
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from newest submissions : aoe2
6 on sheep, 3 on wood, 1 hurr-durr the boar....
Is there a real world map generator for de?
The one I googled has only original and hd dataset.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Any way to unlock x4 and x8 speed in the windows store version?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Does Anyone know how to force aom to use nvidia gpu instead of intel
I tried changing preferred graphic processor to nvidia processor in both global and program settings in nvidia control panel changed openGL rendering GPU to GeForce GTX1650 Added aom and titans to graphic performance preference in windows graphics settings nothing worked Please help me thanks.
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Skirmisher upgrades?
Are skirmishers affected by archery and blacksmith upgrades?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Hoarding technology?
Is it worth it to research if your civ doesn't have masonry or architecture technology to go along with it?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Teuton conversion bonus?
So does that mean your units die if converted or enemy monks don't even affect your units at all and are rendered useless?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Your Favorite Paladins
Which is your favorite/best civ for Paladins?
Franks - +20% HP
Burgundians - Upgrade discount
Lithuanians - +1 attack per relic
Teutons - +1/+2 melee armor
Persians - bonus vs archers
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Red Bull WoLoLo IV Quali I
Heyo ...
has anyone seen information in regards to schedule, seeding and tournament tree? I cant seem to find any information, neither on liquipedia nor on aoezone.
The first qualifier does start this weekend, does it not?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
How do I counter Kronos rush playing as Zeus. Mostly my opponent sends some oracle and time shifts the temple in the 4th minute breaking mine. The next thing I see is an opponent base at my place. Since my temple is broken I cannot advance to classical which leads to no army. Please help.
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
''Age Of Empires IV'' civilizations DLC wishlist
Hello everybody, these are the playable cultures I want added in AOE 4 as DLC. Would mention that due to the assymetry and complexity of each civilization we probably won't be getting more than 30 total. Should explain that at launch the game would have only 8 playable factions, with 4 being confirmed and the other 4 being speculation based on rumors and leaks. Personally, I think I have chosen a good roster though obviously there are some civilizations which haven't been listed for various reasons.
I.Base game
1.English (confirmed)
2.Delhi Sultanate (confirmed)
3.Mongols (confirmed)
4.Chinese (confirmed)
5.French (rumored)
6.Abbasid Saracens (rumored)
7.Kievan Rus (rumored)
8.Holy Roman Empire (rumored)
13.Chola (south India)
Honorable mentions: Goths, Berbers, Portuguese, Bulgarians, Vietnamese and Tibetans.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Halp pls: Why is the green scout unable to land a hit on the red scout as it runs away?
It seems that every time I run away from another scout, the enemy always manages to continuously land hits on my scout. And no, I don't use waypoints (which slow you down).
Yet I'll often chase the enemy scout all over the map, and somehow their scout will either outrun mine or it will remain at an unreachable distance, as shown here.
I suspect the answer is simple: lag (fucking Comcast constantly chokes my region). But I'm hoping there's some mechanic I'm not aware of. Is there a way to run with your scout so as to not get hit by a pursuing scout?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
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submitted by /u/TeutonicFortress [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Specs Poll of the Week 2: What resolution do you use to play AOE2?
Prev spec poll:
Pick the one closest to your resolution, some people use their laptop screens to play, which can be 1920 x 1200. The Surface laptop is 2256 x 1504, which is close to 2K.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
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submitted by /u/delicious_me [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Memories from playing OG AOE2 (without the conquerors expansion)
Most conversations about the original AOE2 lump in the conquerors expansion, but most of my childhood I played the original base game. I was thinking back on what was and wasn't in the game back then. For instance:
-No Halberdier. Spamming Paladin was a lot more effective because they could just chew through pikemen, and my personal favorite, War Elephants, went full god mode on the battlefield.
-No Hussar either. All of the trash unit upgrades stopped at the Castle Age.
-No queuing up farms. You had to time all of your farms to expire at the same time, or else you got stuck refreshing 40 farms over a 5 minute period. Same with fish traps, though they lasted longer. But you didn't have gill nets, so fishing was slow.
-Rams sucked. I think Bombard Tower damage was calculated as melee damage (like the mangonel and bombard cannon) so Rams went down to a few shots. They also couldn't have infantry in them either, so they were slow and vulnerable to calvary attacks.
-New lumbercamps, mills and mining camps did not auto assign villages. You would send ten villagers to a mining camp, forget about it, and find them 20 minutes later standing around like people waiting in the line at the DMV, it was infuriating.
What do you guys remember from OG Age of Kings?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
if you are Turk with a Vietnamese ally can you research elite Scaramouche ?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Murder Mystery
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No idea what happened here (this is from Grand Dukes 6, 'The Maid Falls' and Cyan and Yellow are allies) but who do you guys think murdered these archers (and a couple trebuchets) - the yellow throwing axeman, the cyan archer, or the boar? [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
AOE-themed birthday gift: historical civilizations timeline
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Hey all, just received a cool civilizations timeline from one of my friends I play AOE2 with as an AOE2-themed birthday gift, and I thought others here might find it interesting too! It was created by Anthony Finley, published in Philadelphia in 1831. Many of the AOE2 civilizations make an appearance. Also found it humorous that "FLOOD" is marked prior to 2300 B.C. on the far-left of the image, I guess a sign of the times that Noah's flood was considered scientific fact. My image in this post isn't the best quality, but I found a super high-resolution image of it here if you'd like to read it: [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
AOM featured on the front page!
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submitted by /u/wagwaninnit [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Hotkeys for small hands
What are the most efficient hotkeys for small hands? I have a lot of trouble reaching the numbers with my pinky on ctrl. In world of warcraft I know all my spells and can do my own bindings, but I am new to aoe2 and don't really know what is most important. There are a lot of hotkeys to download from the pro stage, but I can't seem to find any that are good for small hands. Any tips?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Free coaching for 1300 and below 1v1.
I am offering free coaching for interested players who are 1v1 1300 Elo or below. (My Elo :1500+)
Feel free to message me in my twitch chat. You can even share links to your recorded games and I can review them on stream.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Dr. B one of us
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submitted by /u/SkunkStyle77 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
The Well of Urd! Age of Mythology Fall of The Trident Campaign, Chapter 27!
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submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Fish traps?
How do fish traps work? Do they act like a one time fishing spot you can place anywhere? Also do you just click on the fish trap and ship will go back and forth between the dock on its own?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
My Idea For An Interesting Civ Bonus That Doesn’t Exist Yet, What’s Yours?
What about a civ whose TCs cost gold instead of stone, or had their stone cost replaced by an additional wood cost? I think it could make for some unique game play and flexibility without being OP. The only thing I worry about with it would be people stone walling more cause they could still boom behind so I suppose the civ would also not get access to stone walls.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
To the parents here, do you let little children play the game? At what age?
My 7 year old has watched me play a few times after which she got really hooked to the point of only wanting to discuss strategies with me. It seems excessive to me and I am uncertain that she is old enough for the game (or even gaming). What is your experience?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Possible to beat Vietnamese as Britons?
How would you beat Vietnamese as Britons?
It feels like they win the rock paper scissor every time.
I just played a game against them and it goes like this
Viet Rattan archer beats Longbowmen, so switch to Skirmishers Bombard cannons beat skirmishers, from far away Viet Elephants/rams walk through skirmishers, break down buildings
If you switch to pikemen to deal with their elephants, the rattan archers beat them
If you switch to onagers to kill the rattan archer, the bombard cannons pick them off
is there something I am missing? Or there is no way to beat Vietnamese as Britons unless you can rush them before they've built up?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Epic Warwolf Trebuchet massacre 3 | 2v2 African Clearing [AoE2]
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from newest submissions : aoe2
One thing you could change
if their is one thing you could change in AOE2 what would it be?
I think for myself their is nothing to change because I love the game as it is... Is that too cheesy?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 261
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submitted by /u/Jerarddude [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Guess who's back, back again. Broken pathfinding's back in full force. Can't get them through gates either.
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submitted by /u/nilluminator [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Persian Condottiero
Just how good are they? They have all blacksmith upgrades, but no 2HS. Can condottiero make up for this well?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Just pretend it isn't there...
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submitted by /u/War3houseguy [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Why are longbows not as common as other archer UU in tournaments?
So I've been watching Aoe2 tournaments in the last year. I've noticed that Briton players don't make longbows as often as say Mayans build plumes or Vietnamese build Rattans.
Does this mean Longbows aren't as good of a UU or does this mean Briton economy doesn't transition well to castles and Longbows?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Is it pretty much a disadvantage playing archers in 1v1?
1150 elo and I do well against other archers when I go archers. But Berbers, Franks, Persians, etc I feel like youre fighting badly uphill in 1v1. Knights are such a power unit and archers are like.. meh. If they manage to get into your base at any point its basically GG. So im building up an army of paper soldiers and trying to keep cavalry outta my base. I feel like 1v1 its easier just playing a cav civ. Thoughts? Advice?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Assorted Balance Thoughts
I'm just going to throw out some thoughts I've had on different small civilization tweaks that I think would have a positive impact on the game. None of them really have enough substance to be thread on their own, so I'm just going to post them and see if they create any positive discussion.
Make War Elephants immune to conversion - This unit is already countered by halb, archers, cav archers outright. It has an insane cost investment. It has no rider on the back of the elephant. Just remove the one counter that prevents them from ever being made.
Sanctity should be reworked as an upgrade. It is almost always better to make more monks than it is to upgrade Sanctity. A player has to make at least five monks just for the number of hits taken from Knights/Scouts to make up for its cost.
Goths population increase should be to 225 not 210. The game was balanced around 75 population and so the Goths were supposed to get a buff to 85 population. If you keep that percentage and scale up to 200, then they would receive +25.
Supplies should apply to Infantry UU's I don't know if this is possible to do with the coding the way it is, but it would be a nice touch to help Infantry civilizations.
Lithuanians should get Hill Forts as a civilization bonus and have to research either their relic bonus or their trash unit speed. I wouldn't mind the douche possibilities, but it could only apply in castle age as an anti-mangonel perk.
Koreans should get their Onager range back. Yes I don't play team games.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Got my laptop today gonna buy and start. It’s been 20 years.
Anyone got any detail on how much has changed since the original game? Are the Persians still available and their elephants? Now that 20 years later we have high speed internet and online game play, how is the online gameplay on this? Is it on a platform with say a few other players in the room on the same map ? I’m excited to play again
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Getting stuck on the Feudal Age. Help pls
I'm "new" to AoE2 (played when I was smol, but I'm not counting that, I was truly useless at it), and I find myself lagging behind moderate HD AI in terms of getting to the castle age; consequently gimping my military and ability to get relics and the sort. I have plenty of villagers (I think). The thing is I always find that I'm getting stuck for longer than what I feel I should be in Feudal Age. A Usually, I have 20-30 farmers at this point, like 10-15 lumberjacks and like 5 on both gold and stone respectively. ny tips to stop this?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Xbox E3 Conference
Do you think that some info on the new DLC would release on this event or not? I think the date matches with the summer release, but maybe its not big enough for this conference
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Staying calm when getting swarmed by knights
I'm a noob player, thanks to tips here I'm able to advance through ages around the same time as moderate/hard AI (DE) and have some basic understanding of strategy and build orders.
I'm playing vs 2 moderate/hard AI. This typically occurs in early castle age, once I've set up 3 towns and am focussing on forward military production against one of the AI. Everything goes smoothly, except sometimes the other AI finds a gap and enters my first town with waves of knights (probably 10-12 at a time). My pikes and palisades are not much of a resistance, and by time I produce and bring 2-3 monks to the site, they've done enough damage to unnerve me (and force a resignation).
Looking at the stats post-match, I've got more vills and a bigger army at this point, so objectively, there is a reasonable chance of bouncing back if I somehow stick through the attack. During the match, however, it seems hopeless. I would like to know how you deal with this situation, particularly because I eventually want to play multiplayer team games, and then resigning like this wouldn't be cool.
Thanks a lot!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
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