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submitted by /u/MaxRavenclaw [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/3dvuQNB
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submitted by /u/MaxRavenclaw [link] [comments] |
My friend and I like playing against his brother and a friend of his on black forest for the late game grinde. No rushing! It's always good fun. I was thinking about sweet civ combos for that and my most recent idea was: Persians: trashbows, paladins and some war elephants for the tramble. Malay: FU arbs and trash longswords, maybe a bombard canon
Even with trade i find it's tough to go full gold units and its easier to have a trash unit in the mix. It also complements nicely since as persians you spend wood on xbows and food and gold on palas+elephants and as malay food for longswords and wood and gold on arbs. No siege onager but siege ram (malay) and bombard canon for both. What do you guys think.? This gon beat their asses.? Do you have any better ideas.? Thanks a lot!
Team game queue is long, takes around 5 - 10 mins depending on the time of the day, and sometimes, once match is found, someone alt+F4 the game. And then this happens twice or 3 times in a row. It really makes me lose interest to play the game
This mission is very hard if played "correctly" as designed as the player needs to defend Antioch for an hour and faces a huge swarm of Turkish army sporadically. However, there's a speedrun way to make it super easy and finish up the entire mission within five minutes:
Take out all your knights in Antioch to the southwest of the map and upgrade them to cavaliers with plate armor and blast furnace (you may need to use markets to re-distribute resources), then proceed with the western margin of the map until reaching Kerboga's guards (don't bother Kerboga's towers),. Use one or two knights to lure away the mangonels and other guards, and let the rest of the cavaliers finish up Kerboga himself, then the scenario is won.
This is probably due to a glitch since the main objective of killing Kerboga only appears ~20 minutes during the scenario, where the first few waves of siege have already started. But still the victory is triggered once Kerboga is down whether or not the objective is displayed. I think the speedrun also grants you the achievement "Indiana Italy Jones and the Last First Crusade" if you manage to keep all the heroes safe.
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Hi there! Since the last update, I've been getting less and less matches in the map I have set as "Preferred Map" and more of just any random map that I haven't banned. I just played 2 seconds of Megarandom before my opponent resinged without playing. I asked why he quit if he had chosen the map and he said that he hadn't. Is this the way it is supposed to be? Two people each choosing a preferred map and getting a third one that no one chose? Is it that it sets a map that neither chose when we have banned each other's preferences? The in-game chat, basically saying that neither one chose Megarandom [link] [comments] |
Hey all. 1000 elo scrub here. I am having a pretty hard time countering this in the ranked ladder. It's gotten almost laughable as I've lost against it several times now. I haven't heard too many people complain about this so it must just be that I am doing something wrong? Usually try to go heavy into archers. Am I just too slow? Any advice would be appreciated.
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submitted by /u/Positive-Use14 [link] [comments] |
What I want to do is scouts into CA. I have tried this without build order and I just suck-- build works until castle age, until it fails hard with: - Not enough CA to defend (against knights) - Lacking vital upgrades for CA - Eco sucks balls - All of the above
I need some pointers on how to do this properly. So far, I try to go 3 on wood into 22 villager feudal into some scouts (>=3, number depends on how walled he is), then I try to get castle age, two ranges, ranged upgrades and some CA followed by two towncenters.
Main questions: - How many farms should I get at most before going castle age (assuming arabia and 2-3 deer taken, and no more than 5 scouts) - Should I always go heavy on the scouts (5 or more) instead of rushing CA faster? - Are 2 ranges for CA too much/too little? Do I need to delay all two additional TCs assuming the opponent goes knights? - Which upgrades should I get in what order? (and with how many CAs, roughly?) - Specifically, should I delay the lvl2 archer upgrades until I have a certain minimum number of CA? - What CIVs/build will this do best/worst against?
Yes I know that Mongols have better earlygame for such a strategy. I also realize that I could just go knight or xbows in castle age. But I want to make this work, with Magyars.
My friend and I like to do approximately or hypothetically realistic civ match ups. Am I even correct thinking the Huns invaded the Slavs (or could have?) If so, what map would suit this engagement best in terms of geography/terrain accuracy? I'm open to Real World maps as well as standard. Thanks!
I was thinking Baltic may be appropriate but honestly we want to avoid water maps, probably hybrid too if possible.
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submitted by /u/andistrasser [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Nerfoxingaround [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/vindiansmiles [link] [comments] |
So I'm new to the Aoe 2 online scene but I've played a fair bit of single player but I've struggled with my villagers and military units being idle all the time and this often means that both my economy and battle tactics suffer due to idle units and not paying attention to things such as Onager shots . Being a Company of Heroes 2 player keeping tabs on idle units was quite easy thanks to idle markers being shown on top of your units and voice cues which meant that staying on top of everything was much easier . Also being a faster paced game where resources are only gained by map control and not by farming meant that you were encouraged to always be on the offensive .
I've struggled with the slower pace of Aoe 2 where a good chunk of the early game is just base building and exploring unless one is running dark age militia strats. Any tips on how to improve my micro and which civs might be a good pick for a player like me ? Any suggestions are always appreciated .
Are there any websites you guys know of that track individual player stats. Such as personal win rates per civ and map?
Pros and all levels of ranked players pay attention to score to glean hints of information about how their game is going. Higher level ELO players are using score to determine things like:
1) Drush is happening
2) Opponent is trying to lame
3) Opponent is scouting
4) Opponent is deer luring
5) Opponent has clicked up to next age
6) Last engagement was good for me/opponent
7) Snowballing
How would a game setting that disables visible score affect gameplay at lower ELO levels and pro levels?
Has there ever been a pro-level tournament with score turned off?
Hi, I just made a new account and I want to import the hotkeys. I tried googling but most of it is to move it from 1 pc to the other, but linking it to the same account. However, I want them on the same PC, just another steam account.
I'm apparently not tech savvy enough to figure this one out :(. Any help?
obviously when I say "flat", I mean arabia flat, not arena flat, meaning some elevation changes but nothing too big and nothing predictable
I'm watching the last games of wololo IV, and I was surprized to see Hera pick tatars on "arabia" rather than on meadow or acclivity
Then I recalled, I think it was Jordan's game against the Viper on mountain range, he played tatars against ethiopians. Except Viper took the middle early on and never let it go, thus completely negating the bonus for which Jordan chose tatars. And it wasn't the first time I saw Tatars countered like that.
Whether it's your starting TC that's uphill (acropolis), downhill (acclivity), or an objective in the center of the map that's uphill or downhill, I just feel it's way too predictable.
On acropolis for instance, just avoid pushing his base until you've taken a significative advantage and no hill bonus will interfere with your plans
So for me, it's way better to use them on arabia because you opponent cannot anticipate the hills positions
Adds 17 civs based on the various sapient cultures of the Elder Scrolls universe.
Added civs are:
Mer: Altmer, Ayleids, Bosmer, Dunmer, Dwemer, Falmer, Maormer, Orsimer
Men: Bretons, Colovians, Nibenese, Nords, Reachfolk, Tsaesci, Yokudans
Beastfolk: Khajiit, Saxhleel
Mod link: https://www.ageofempires.com/mods/details/33601/
UI Mod link: https://www.ageofempires.com/mods/details/33575/
Using Krakenmeister's mod so it features new civilization and team bonuses but vanilla UTs and UUs. Try your own custom civs here https://krakenmeister.com/civbuilder
3 (b). To ensure that the tech trees are accurate, follow these simple steps before restarting the game at step four. https://youtu.be/JNQd-Ys9Tl5w?t=113
A couple of weeks back, I was playing with mates online. When loading the screen we realized we had not our own civs, and the opponent had our civs. Wicked right?
I was recently playing a 2v2 game where both myself and my team mate had not selected to play as random and closed the random civ option but then randomly got assigned a civ I didn't pick. Has anyone else had this bug before?
As a left-handed player and i'm being curious how my fellow lefties do in the game.
So what's your ELO, is there any tournament success and most of all do you use mouse with your left or right hand?
And do somebody know if there's any lefty pro players in the scene?
I'll name a couple candidates that come to mind for me:
Infantry line, probably most specifically Longswords (not that Longswords are the strongest, but the most underrated stage) - To me, infantry use is situational, but the community acts as if it's completely non-viable. I've said this before but I feel if you're entering Castle Age at the same time as your opponent and you've already got map control and/or a good infantry count, then infantry are a cheaper, easier to produce alternative that can trade cost effectively with Knights thanks to your numbers advantage, as well as do a better job of pressuring production buildings. An added bonus is they share upgrades with pikes (cept of course the pikeman upgrade), so it's ridiculously easy to mix in a couple to make your dominance over knights even stronger. I think a lot of people would assume full pikes is better, but the infantry do a better job of countering trash (skirm-knight is a thing) and pressuring buildings, not to mention if a knight targets a Longsword, the kill takes long enough that a pikeman getting free hits in will destroy the knight.
I also feel like Longswords are an underrated counter to Eagles. People worry they'd be outrun by the Eagles so these aren't worth using. In reality though, you can sprinkle these around your base much like you would with Spearmen vs. Scouts and they put in tremendous work. The thing is, you don't need mobility vs. an all-in Eagle play. Let him push, because he's burning through his gold and if you hold off the push, he's 100% dead. Sprinkling these guys around defensive positions absolutely can suffice to outlast the push. I think another fear people have is Slingers or Jaguars being made in response. In my experience, Jaguars rarely come in a large enough mass to matter. Slingers however can be a real threat (they're effectively hand cannoneers) and need to be good micro to beat; you can easily counter with skirms, but now you have to ensure you micro your skirm-Longsword group better than they micro their Eagle-Slingers, which can easily go either way.
Is it the most versatile member of the rock-paper-scissors game? No. (unless maybe if you Malians, those guys are great) Does it however have a use that is heavily neglected by the community? Yes.
Teutonic Knight - I don't think this is just a meme unit. To me, this is a unit you make a limited supply of and defend with. Fill a castle with these bastards and they're tanky enough to run down anything that tries to attack before retreating to the castle again for heals. The bad reputation comes from people going overkill and making too many of these, but if you limit yourself to 10-20 of them, they're fantastic.
These take 1 damage from all trash units and therefore need 100 hits to kill when facing trash, they practically force an archer response from your opponent, meaning you can then run wild with skirms or cav, even vs. xbows they make for respectable tanks (2 pierce armor and a minimum of 80 HP), and even a humble squad of 15-20 can be a serious threat to the enemy base, as they burn through buildings.
Basically, I think this is a unit that should be made in modest numbers to force certain responses from your opponent; it's purpose isn't to single-handedly fight the opposing army, but rather to DEMAND a response that the rest of your army counters well, where if the opponent refuses to respond to the Teutonic Knights with a counter, now they're a serious threat. If you have a forward castle as Teutons and fill it with these guys, he specifically needs trebs + arbs (or CA) to stop them from running down the trebs before returning to the forward hold. If he tries legit any other unit combination, these guys can beat them OR trade cost effectively. Likewise, if a raid hits your base and you have a forward castle filled with this, just let them out and he'll likely have a far more difficult time stopping your squad of Teutonic Knights unless he's raiding you with 20+ Paladins or something.
It's also a unit you should 100% heal, and I'd argue Teutonic Monks specifically deserve their own spot on this list, as their extra heal range + the high gold cost of the Teutonic army means they both do well at healing from a safe range and they highly benefit the Teuton's army composition.
Are your infantry losing to opposing infantry? Not with a bunch of knife wielding strong independent black women behind them, they're not. Do you need a unit that tears through buildings? Gbeto. Do you need one of the fastest villager killers in the game? Gbeto. Do you want a unit that looks at a mangonel counter and says "no u?" Gbeto. Do you want a unit that, even when faced with a cavalry counter, can trade cost-efficiently and make sure those cavalry bleed? Gbeto. Do you want a unit that, even with a humble squad of just 4 units, can seriously slaughter the enemy villagers? Gbeto.
Seriously the best damned unit in the game. The only scenarios I can name where there's limited value to having them is if you're forced to face a high number elite skirm army (trades inefficiently) or a high supply of Onagers. (a small amount can be micro'ed, a large amount is a serious gamble, especially when Farimba Light Cav do that job more safely)
Gbeto are such a valuable flank unit that can either drastically improve the effectiveness of your main force (deals heavy damage from a safe range or forces the opponent to waste time just trying to catch the damned things whilst the other units of your army get in free hits) or provides an on-the-fly raid as a counter response to any pressure you're being faced with. Unit is already respected as being good, but that's not good enough! This unit should be considered the queen of AOE 2.
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submitted by /u/vindiansmiles [link] [comments] |
my main has been united states, but i wanna play my old pal inca again. the problem is i dont remember shit about their build orders
also to my knowledge, the kancha boom isnt as strong anymore correct?
i just need a reminder for:
standard opening: what's my initial build order from the beginning through transition? about how many settlers should i be aiming to age up with?
FF build order: i hate rushes. never really been my style. all for early aggression, but that's different than a rush. the exception is native builds those are fun
the proper boom/turtle: the big thing i know inca is really good at
best late game units: i know hurancas are insane, and so are chimu, and i know plumed spearmen aren't quite as insane as they were before, but still really good, and that jungle bowmen are always amazing cause they can fight their counters, but have bolas warriars finally become usable or are plumed spearmen still the go-to anti cav unit?
I'm Playing the barbarossa mission 1 (fourth attempt now btw after reading the startegy guide). I'm already allied to cumans yet I don't see them on the map. I'm pro'lly sounding angry 'cause I'm!!
Struggling even against moderate ai. Don't remember struggling this much with OG aoe2.
I've never really had major lag problems before, but in the last week or two it's become really bad, and the game is now totally unplayable. I just resigned mid-game in frustration because I couldn't micro with the lag so an onager wiped out my entire army.
It's not just the lag in-game though, I also experience severe lag/slowness on the menus. For instance the civ select menu takes a full 10 seconds to load and it's this very slow wipe-across animation.
There are server updates today so hopefully they will improve it. But the game is completely unplayable for me right now and I'm hoping someone can provide some tips for fixing this.
I thought for sure they'd release it right before the RB qualifier started, since they announced it right before then... but I was wrong.
I thought they'd for sure do it before going into the group stage of RB... but alas, no.
Oh right before the finals of Redbull makes sense!...
But no.
So surely today! 2 days after the main event, people are hyped about empire wars now, and so now is the best time to do it! (Aside from you know, previously mentioned times.)
If they don't do it today, there wasn't much of a point of announcing it before RB! So surely it's today!...
Hi Everyone,
I played a Golden Pit game today and lost badly to a similar Elo player. Being Turks I (think I) had no answers to Genovese Crossbowmen. I think I was doing fairly equal till early Castle Age. And I am sure you cannot tell that by looking at the game, but my plan was go for Scouts in Feudal and then CA and Light Cav in Castle or directly to Imperial with Jannies, BBC and Hussars. Though not all of that came to pass
Can someone please watch the recording of the game and help point out major flaws. I assume there was no one point and several wrong steps led to this point. I also do not believe in Civ win, I think most Civs are balanced. https://aoe.ms/replay/?gameId=101101187&profileId=2640900
Please keep in mind that I am around 950 Elo, there'll be big limitations on my APM, scouting, Eco idle time, TC idle time when under pressure etc.. I cannot change that in the short term.
Hey guys looking for a discord to find people to play open maps team games with, anyone know any? I'm 1.3k 1vs1 and 2.4k TG Elo if that helps.
There are a few discord for the niche aspects of aoe like Arena or Diplomacy but I can't find one for just finding open map teammates in general
Feitoria should carry a limited amount of each resource instead of generating resources infinitely. Once a resource is depleted, it should stop being generated.
This would:
my initial resource suggestions:
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submitted by /u/Boiz_Station [link] [comments] |
So a lot of us thinks that the UT Flemish Revolution needs to be changed and here was my idea:
To get villagers becoming Flemish Militia, you would need to have them garrissoned into tc's when the tech is finished.
This way, you can still create a nice army and that's nerfing the numbers of Flemish Militia you can have, moreover, it gives the ability to properly balance your eco and keep some vills working.
So you now have an ammount of Flemish Militia according to the amount of ur tc's, like the sicilian UT.
This also change the aspect all-in or nothing of this tech wich i dont like.
What are your thoughts? Would you like it?
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submitted by /u/Designer_Water8932 [link] [comments] |
Having really bad pathing and overcrowding of vills on mines and lumbers is painfull. When you set the waypoint to a tile of mine, some vills just stand behind a miner waiting for him to go deposit...and the cycle repeats. In lumbers, they crowd and cut a tunnel through woodline.
What I'm suggesting is a quality of life improvement where, when waypoint is set to lumber/mine, vills redistribute themselves as when a new mine/lumber is made.
This might not seem like a problem for the first 30-35 or so vills. During mid Castle Age, under pressure, the last thing you need is a secure gold mine being inefficient jist because the waypoint wasn't change to another tile for a few minutes.
Opinions welcomed.
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Capital of Captaincy General of Santo Domingo. The first colony established in the New World under Spain. [link] [comments] |
I hate Memb's commentary. A lot.
It's like he drank waay too much redbull- to an impairing extent. maybe cocaine, i'm not sure at this point. He only speaks at unwarranted energy levels, often just yelling, literally only describing what is on screen, not insight to tactics, strategies or ramifications of choices, speaking so fast, saying so little, so fast he's tripping over his already broken English. The (heavy) accent doesn't bother me, but the grammatic deficit is just too much. Just cast in Spanish, it would be way higher quality. slow down and say something meaningful instead of polluting the airwaves with babble. He's so loud and relentless, Nili can barely get a word in. I do NOT understand why so many people like him. He basically ruined the Leirrey Vinch series for me, and severely degraded my experience of all the other ones. It's more than distracting for me, its literally stress inducing. In the future I'll be muting any game he's casting that I want to watch. Unfortunate but it's a much better option. (apologies for run on sentences, oh well. call out my written grammar, fine but its not the same as spoken.)
"I love the energy he brings to the game, it makes it so fun to watch" * eye roll * energy is the only thing he brings, and way too much
I'm expecting a lot of push back on this **opinion**. Have at it
Today a discussion arose in some yet again discord and it has been on mind of many people around my level already, civ picking in ladder is getting troublesome and killing motivation to play in the ladder.
Issue is that back in voobly or HD you'd not play in a lobby where opponent is picking a civ, everyone mostly played random civ vs random civ for past couple years atleast. This was for a reason, barely anyone wants to play under unfair conditions or play mayans vs mayans constantly. It gets very boring very quickly. (Hunwar obviously is it's own thing for multitude of reasons, which we can ignore currently, since past is in the past.)
Currently you have only the option to enable random civs, if opponent has it enabled. However small improvement for this would be a three way toggle to the option.
This way choosing option 2. could give you both games with random civ or civ picking, while players who hate civ picking could just play against random civ every game.
Feel free to comment your thoughts.
Tldr; Random toggle into a three way option for the queue, only match with people with random civs, only match people with pick civ, match both of the previous.
At the time of Voobly or Age 2 HD, almost all games were played with random civs. Justice prevailed. Now, you lose a game to a player of your same level, and when you see it, that player only plays with that civilization. How to compete with this bummer?
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submitted by /u/sensarwastaken [link] [comments] |
Hey Guys, I checked game requirements on Steam. It says Windows 10 for OS. When I search about it on Google, some people say "You can't play on 8.1 it's for only Windows 10" But some people say other way around. I'm playing on Windows 10 right now, but I'll downgrade my OS, so before doing it I want to be sure about playable or not.
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submitted by /u/God_of_Trepidation [link] [comments] |
I'm happy we have all the tournaments we do, but why isn't there a normal tournament? I like Empire Wars and Hidden Cup, but a regular, non-themed tourney would be refreshing. I recall NAC being the closest thing to it.
Something with Standard settings, with Arabia and Arena as the first two maps, then a draft of sorts (or something to that end).
Hi - I'm interested in trying to achieve the shortest possible castle time, regardless of long-term detriment (this is purely for entertainment). Which civ and build order would you recommend? I'm open to abusing the market in order to decrease castle time too. My record castle age time is around 15:30 and I'd like to figure out how to bring this down.
For instance, I'm thinking maybe Mayans (extra vil) or Aztecs (gather bonus) would be good candidates but wondering if there are better ones to try this with.
Edit: planning to do this on (unranked) black forest and/or Amazon Tunnel
Windows lol
I'm a 800 ELO player, that should be rated lower (~700) for most matches I "won" where against people who were not in front of there PC (did literatlely nothing) or had to end the match earlier due to private circumstances.
BUT: With that said, I know where my errors are, where my borders are (I fail at quick multitasking, not only in AoE II, but in general), I rewatch my games and I can almost every time tell "Yes, here you should have something different!" or "You need to do x here and there."
But there are some situations that I encountered that I haven't an answer too, even after rewatching the replay many, many times. I just wanted to share these, and I am interested if you have such situations yourself and if you figured out a solution.
So this is less a "help me!" post, but a place to lament... ^^
Here I go, the top things I just cannot get my head around:
[1] Countering Brits with Longbow + Onagers + Helbardiers in Deathmatch
I played against this particular combination as Vietnamese. And while at first I was lucky to have the "Anti-Archer-Archer-Civ", I had to learn quick that this wasn't meant to be. My opnonent used his armies very well, in that he had the halbs to secure the Onagers against my light cav and the longbows in last line. Whenever I tried to attack the helbardiers with skirmishers, they were in onager range and fell like dry grass. When trying to attack with siege, I ended up in longbow range. In the end I could hold out for 2 hours before running out of wood (!) and gave up.
[2] Franks in 1v1 Deathmatch without camels
I normally open Deathmatch with helbardiers, because I know that 80% come with knights of some sort. Mostly this works, but the combination of "Build the most advanced paladin 20%" quicker plus add the axethrower for good measure... No idea when camels are no option. With Inca I failed absolutely, second encounter was with Khmer and third with spaniards. Longest I lasted were 15 minutes.
[3] Mongol scout rush
This got me frustrating so much recently, that I was about to just give up when facing mongols 1:1. Even at the ELO I am most mongol players make no mistakes in there build orders. When I wall up, I fall behind in economy. When I try to scout-rush myself, I'm slower even if everything went 100% fine.
[4] Massed Janissaries
To be fair, most units are terrible when massed, but if I had to choose, those guys would take the cake. I don't mean this problem in an open battle, but 30 of those guys walking around, sniping what they want and running out of reach when you try to get them... I really don't come close to this formation.
What are your "Oh s**t!" moments?
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submitted by /u/Nata_de_coco [link] [comments] |
When playing King of the Hill in random map mode vs ai it randomly selects between 3 versions:
Island map with the plenty vault on an island surrounded by ocean
Snow map with the plenty vault surrounded by ice
Grass map with the plenty vault partially surrounded by cliffs
But on online games it never seems to be the island version. Only one of the other 2. Does anyone know why this is? And is there a way to choose which one it will spawn?
So I enter the game and start whatever I want (Multiplayer-campain-senario) but after sometime the game freezes and it becomes not responding. This problem is really annoying me because I don‘t save the game regularly, any help?
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submitted by /u/darthquadzilla [link] [comments] |
Hi all! Just a short post to inform you that, after all the emotions of Red Bull Wololo Cup IV Tournament, AoE2 action won't stop.
LocoSer (a fantastic Argentinian caster) will host the Collection Cup, including the best players in the world, and including those who have just finished their participation in RBW4.
The main event starts on July 1st, but between 28th-30th June, last round of qualies will take place, featuring beasts like Lord DauT, Capoch, Vinchester, Jordan, Nicov, Tatoh, Dogao, BacT, Nili and many more.
For Arena lovers, Masters of Arena 6 qualies are also taking place. JonSlow and DRACKEN are doing a great job with this Tournament (main Event starts on July 15th). I think that one of the best finals ever was that between Tatoh and TheViper in Clown Cup 3, and I wish this tournament to equal it in emotion.
Have a nice week!
I don't know which one to
Time for another weekly round of questions.
Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.
Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.
So ask away!
So, Red Bull Wololo IV is over and I must say it was amazing!
The production quality was top and felt very proffessional, the level of play was insane, especially in the final set. Having Nili and Memb casting in the same studio was not only nice to see after all what happened in the last year, but also it was very funny and entertaining.
I really hope that in the future we will also see random map tournaments produced by independent sponsors like Red Bull with such high quality.
Huge shoutout to all the people involved and congrats to the winner!
Since it's already announced, I'm really looking forward to Red Bull Wololo V.
Hi everyone
I ma just wondering if there is any website/forum Where low/mid tournament are announced ? Me and my team are interested in to sign up for tournament But I can't not find any ðŸ˜
Thanks everyone in Aoe2 community
I recently reinstalled AOE 2 definitive edition and noticed that I cannot unsubscribe from any of the mods I had installed. Moreover a lot of the old event mods I cannot remove. I have tried unsubscribing from the mods, and even deleting them in my folder location, but as soon as I restart the game, or move from the main menu to a game I find they are all installed again. It's most noticeable with the summer beach towels near water. Any help would be appreciated!
Hi all! After a short break I wanted to analyze the results of the poll I proposed last week. First of all, I got 376 votes, which I feel it's a small sample for such a big community. Pity, I would've liked to see many more people voting. Second, I know the poll was a bit biased, because the community's concern is more about a) bugs and game issues and b) global civ balance - new civs not being OP or underwhelming, and I bypassed those important worrisome issues.
So, assuming that, civs are well balanced, game issues are fixed and any new civ doesn't feature strange techs for AoE2:
- 27,1% of the voters are against any new civ. I won't enter in discussion about the reasons (if they have) to reject any new civs, but there's a portion of the community who is against new civs. I'm a new civ lover, but I must admit that, especially if unfair balance + strange techs and bonuses (like those for Burgs and Sicilians) + bugs + bad pathing... happen, there's a lot to think assertively about new civ rejecters.
- 72,9% of the votes were pro new civs.
- 10,6% agree with any new civ, even stretching historical accuracy, even including tribes or civs without stone masonry. That means that 1/10 wants 100 AoE2 civs. I must admit I like to create new civs, I even have presented a 23 civ concept series. But, tbh with myself, North American civs (never forget that Puebloans had a great stone masonry), Tongans and maybe even Mapuches (there is few information about them, and I'm 70% sure that they didn't have stone masonry, but they defeated the Incan army, so that means a structured society, and they still exist today and fight for their rights) shouldn't have a place in actual AoE2.
- 27,4% of the votes would add a couple of expansions (2-3 civs each), maybe representing Africa and Asia. +100 people mean as many opinions. In my civ concepts, we had for Africa Yorubas, Kanembu, Somalis, Nubians and Bantus, and for Asia Georgians, Songs, Afghans, Thais, Bengalis and Nepalese (though neither Armenians nor Indian split or more Steppe civs like Uyghurs). I think it's a fair historical success to include any of these in new expansions, because of the under-representation of these areas.
- 34,9% of the votes (me among them) agree that IF BALANCE IS FINE, any historically accurate civ should be included in AoE2, and don't mind about Europe being "over-represented" if all identities are included. I feel this path would lead to many more strategies, and more bonuses that could give still more intensity to this wonderful game.
As always, Reddit is a place for discussion. So, any opinion is welcome.
Thank you very much for your votes, and I'll start working on new content for the community.
I'm watching the wololo tournament and the spectator is dragging the camera around in a way so that the mouse is on one position on the ground, but the ground moves with the mouse cursor. Like that: https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyModernSpiderBlargNaut-hei0KLHU_86fynZc
This is in a lot of other games and I thought that was not possible in AoE2, but apparently it is? How does the spectator do it?
By best, I mean most powerful. Turks, Spanish, Indians, Italians, Portuguese, or Burgundians?
Can Burgundians be considered gunpowder civilization too, since they have 25% attack?
I'm still relatively new to the scenario editor's tools (AoE2 DE) but I think I managed to create a solid map with some nice triggers.
But now I wanted to turn into a like a sort of multiplayer campaign scenario, where all 4 players will have different information on the "Display Instructions" tab (Objectives, Hints, Scouts).
Right now, I can only display that information for Player 1.
Does anyone know how can I do this, or if it's even possible to do it?
Thanks in advance!
I play with my friends a lot and that's fun. On my own, I can handle hard AI sometimes, but it's so upsetting to play in the online community. I always play on noob servers with a civ I know and usually black forest, but I just get hit with insults from my teammates left and right. Man, I'm trying my best. I feel like there aren't really any casual games...
Is there a way to disable this? Like I will double click to get all the same units in my field of view but it will select, say 50 villagers instead of the 4 villagers in my view? On vanilla it use to be based on field of view...
Hi everyone,
I don't know how to play with xbows against someone who's playing kts. I feel like kts are so strong that they can just crush me in mid castle age. And at the imperial age, if my opponent manage to mass as much unit as me, i always have the feeling that 50 cavaliers are way stronger and threatening than 50 arbalesters.
I know what you'll say : just mix pikemen with your xbows. When i do this, my opponent just go full skirmishers, which counter both my xbows and my pikes. And later in imp, he can just push me with treb/skirms and run into my economy with some cavalry.
I know i am wrong, i know kts and xbows are balanced the way they are, but i wanted to know if you guys can give me some advices.
Oh and i'm around 1280 - 1320 elo (I might be a bit to high elo considering my skills, but this is an other problem 11).
Thanks all.
I only play Arena, and I only play Mongols, so please don't say to pick a different map or civ. For reference, I'm around 1300 ELO (DE) only playing this map/civ combo, so I'm not a crap player, but far from an all conquering god. Ranked game, so assume I'll be playing another 1300 player.
Now, I havent had any specific problems against any civs (i.e. I win some, I lose some) except when I face Britons, where my win rate is definetely sub 30%, and honestly I think it's more like 20%.
What generally happens is: we both go for a FC. I will put a defensive castle in my base, as typically one thinks that Mongols have a very strong late game, the difficulty is surviving their poor castle age. The Briton player will either do the same, or try to do a forward castle drop (which is just a standard thing to defend against that any civ can do, so no particular issues at this point).
My problem actually comes later, when typically, they start to spam arbalests, and I go mangudai. The arbs slaughter the mangudai owing to their vastly superior range. Onagers aren't a counter either because people will just micro their arbalests away and snipe your onagers - you'll never get a shot in against anyone halfway competent. Spamming hussars isn't great either as they lack the final pierce armour upgrade, and in practice get shredded by massed arbs. Those three unis (Mangs, Hussars, Siege) are basically the Mongol meta, and none seem to work all that well. The only times I seem to beat a Briton player is when it's very clear there's an imbalance in innate skill level or they make a terrible mistake like leaving their archers under castle fire for 15 seconds while they're paying attention to something else. Essentially, unless the opponent messes up big time, they win.
Any ideas on how to counter this? Castle age pushes with mongols before they get up to arbs doesn't seem like a good idea as Mongols have a poor castle age but a strong Imperial. But even our strong imperial units don't seem to fare that well against a ball of super long range arbs!
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submitted by /u/mantlehood76 [link] [comments] |
SalzZ_Vinchester | VIK | vs | ETH | Liereyy |
Winner: Liereyy in 00:50:54
Northern Isles
SalzZ_Vinchester | POR | vs | ITA | Liereyy |
Winner: Liereyy in 01:14:57
In HD edition I think stacking mod was entered by Shift+S, but it seems it has changed.
I tried the copy map method but it doesn't feel like the stacking it removes what is under it.
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submitted by /u/Boiz_Station [link] [comments] |
Almost every other day people are complaining about Civ pickers.
Stop it!
There is no Civilization that is totally broken, it is not true, that you are only playing vs the same civ over, and over again. Even at <1000 only the eleven most picked civs together are only making up 50% of all picks. You do have variety in your opponents civs!
In addition, and even more importantly:
There is nothing wrong with someone picking a civ. Not everyone is playing this game with the same motivations, same reasons and same ambitions.
People might want to pick a civ because they just like that particular civ, for game play or sentimental reasons. They might want to pick a civ because they want to learn a certain strategy with them, they might pick a civ because they just very much enjoy how that civ plays. There are plenty of reasons to pick a civ, and there are plenty of reasons to go random. In the end neither of those choices are taking anything away from you, so you have no right to tell the other person how they are supposed to enjoy the game!
Calling out 'civ pickers' is nothing else but elitist bullshit gatekeeping. If you are so much into improving, adapting and getting better at the game you should be even more for civ pickers. Doesn't it after all give you more strong civs to play against, which just adds more opportunities for you to improve?
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submitted by /u/PositiveAvailable914 [link] [comments] |
You won't have me, I will never unban arena and get clowned by some silly strategy. Get better and learn to play something different than your one trick strat on your cherry picked map.
Do empire wars still coming to the rank ? There was lots of chatter about that Even sotl made some video about it I am just curious to know what and is happening with EW and DM ?
Thanks everyone for input
Hi, i tried to play sea of thieves once. but it didn't work because of my corrupted windows install and xbox companion not working
does aoe2de use xbox companion so i can just make sure before i buy it
I am playing this game (with a long break though) since it came out. I put in a lot of hours playing back in the days, and spend many hours watching it now.
And still, I can't tell from looking at them wheter it is cav archers or heavy cav archers.
I've been trying my hands at the AotW missions and (after who knows how many tries) I finally scored the gold on this one.
Then, out of curiosity, I checked out TheViper's video to see how he faired at it. Throughout the mission he kept saying that's not how he'd do it and this so wrong.
After feeling slightly encouraged and thinking I've got my very first build order down, and then immediately getting discouraged to try it out, here are my questions:
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submitted by /u/Deathcounter0 [link] [comments] |
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