Is there any point in obsessing over efficiency at lower ELOs?

I ask because I've started to notice that most of my idle time is caused because my attention is elsewhere trying to stream sheep in one at a time, microing lumberjacks, carefully placing farms in the optimal position etc while trying to manage forward units as well. It all just eats into my (extremely slow, oops) APM and general brain capacity and I don't think it leaves me better off. I'm increasingly of the opinion that I'm better off accepting the odd extra sheep taken (and food wasted) or the odd inefficient lumber camp if it means I'm microing my drush better, keeping my TC constantly producing, scouting actively.

Another example of this would be trying to use massed monks or other micro-intensive units without a meatshield. They are technically the optimal move in a lot of situations but only if your micro is good enough to keep them alive. I think it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to do what's best according to the meta/the pros/streamers rather than what's best for your own micro abilities. The amount of mangonels I've lost because I was busy elsewhere just doesn't bear thinking about. Rest in peace.

I think we all love Spirit of the Law videos and watch the pros talk a lot about the optimal strategies but honestly how high level do you have to be before these things make a marked difference to your play? And if you think they really are important, what would you prioritise?

Signed, a briefly 1.2k player who has dribbled back down to mid 1.1k and is tired of being behind in vils without even taking damage, because my brain is elsewhere.

submitted by /u/Snikhop
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