This hypocrisy is nuts

People complain about Alt+F4 becoming literally crybabies saying something among the lines of "You don't deserve to be in your elo because you literally play only BF/Arena/Arabia and know how to Boom - You need to be able to play more maps!!1!eleven"

While proceeding to pick the same civ they have played the last 50 games on in the same position (Flank or Pocket) doing the same rush/boom build every single game.

And before you say "yeah but Alt+f4 causing Queues to drop and people waited super long to get into that game" - well first, the matchmaking is literal BS, If you look at 1v1 Queue for example you get the same opponent that queued up right after your first game ended and to wait what? 2 minutes to play him again, even tho he probably queued at the same time or shortly after/earlier? It must be coded so poorly that it takes this long if you think about it, same goes for TG as well.

Next up Civ and Position pickers also ruin the fun for some players just because you don't know any other civ and any other strat other than walling, FC and knight spam 24/7 as Franks, Teutons or Burgundians.

Yeah I get it, you are sooooo good, playing arabia and then letting your flank die so you are the hero with your 20 FU knights smashing everything and when you still lose its that flanks fault because it couldn't defend/rebuild/make enough units/win a 1v2/didn't wall/tower/boom, because YOU have the highest score in the team and therefore YOU carried.

submitted by /u/Deathcounter0
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