Changing Unit/building stats when going to next age

Does anyone have an overview of which units or buildings are impacted by just advancing to the next age? Ignoring any civ bonuses. The things I am aware of (thanks to the AOE wiki):

  • Scout attack: +2 in feudal
  • Scout speed: +0.35 in feudal
  • Scout LOS: +2 every age

  • Eagle Scout training time: from 60 to 35 in castle

  • Eagle scout attack: +3 in castle

  • serjeant HP: +20 in castle

  • serjeant attack: +3 in castle

  • serjeant armor: +1/+1 in castle

  • House HP: +200 in feudal, +150 in castle

  • House melee armor: +1 feudal, +2 castle, +2 imp

  • House PA: +1 every age

  • Palisade HP: +100 in feudal

  • Palisade gate HP: + 160 in feudal

  • Stone wall HP: +900 in castle

  • Stone gate HP: + 1375 in castle

  • Outpost LOS: +2 every age

  • Watch tower HP: +320 in castle

Edit: turns out (almost?) all buildings get extra HP and armor each time you advance. But my fingers are getting too tired to type the rest.

submitted by /u/Error_Great
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