An hour spent trying to get a game going, an hour wasted.

For the last hour, I've been entering the team game match making queue for 3v3 and 4v4. Usually takes between 3-5 min before I get matched, but as soon as the clock reaches <10 sec, the story is almost always the same - someone alt+f4 because they don't like the map. Not only do the rest of us have to wait for another game, our queues are reset. Tonight it's been so bad that I've gotten matched twelve times, which has resulted in zero played games.

I know players don't want to play certain maps and only having access to a single ban is obviously then a problem. Does anyone know if the developers are working on a solution that targets map dodgers or in some way changing the match making system? It's just not worth it trying to play this game right now.

submitted by /u/bramptonsouthexposed
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