I got spanked in a ranked game. Instead of rage quitting I said gg wp, ended up having a great conversation and added a steam friend

I was playing empire wars seeing how quickly I could get a scout rush out with Cumans when I was matched against Koreans on Greenland. I hadn't played the map before and didn't think much of it. My rush was successful, but that's when the turtle ships showed up. I don't play water maps much and wasn't expecting an all-in turtle ship strategy, but that's what they did.

I tried to counter attack but those attempts were futile. Instead of getting mad that I was killed by these behemoths and rage resigning/quitting, I resigned and said gg wp. I'm glad I did, because I had a pleasant conversation with the other player about the strat they were trying out for their YouTube channel. "Oh great lol" was my reaction to that, knowing I hadn't responded very well. I said of course its no problem if he wanted to feature the game though. The more people interested in AoE2 the better.

I try to always be a good sport, and even if I do get frustrated I simply resign and leave, but I'm glad I decided against it and chilled out. Moral of the story: it's easy to lose your cool and storm off, but if you don't sometimes you'll learn something or turn a bad experience into a good one.

submitted by /u/leading_suspect
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