Best ways to deal with too many starting resources?

Some megarandom gens and for example frigid lake can give you way more food than is standard. Somehow I play worse when I get a lot of resources. How to cope with too much food? Fast castle or feudal play? Any other ideas? Since this is mainly about megarandom, I get that it depends, but how much? For example, if you have an archer civ with bad cav, should you automatically fast castle, because a scout war wouldn't serve you well in the long run? Should scout civs just take the offered map control?

Somehow I just play better with scarce resources. I just fall apart at the sight of 10+ sheep next to my TC.

Bonus question: Do you people enjoy playing these herding competitions? I don't really like them much, because I like setting up an actual economy.

submitted by /u/viiksitimali
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