Regarding the implied cut Barbary Coast civ.

I don't know how much has been talked about this but i'll share my thoughts anyways.

So today I found out about the fact that Barbary Coast/pirates had a theme song like other playable civs and a homecity in the files that went unused.

Civ theme in files is barbarycoast.mp3

Like Ethiopia they were in the historical missions as a unique civ but didn't seem to make the cut. The only other civ to have this before African DLC was Ethiopia albeit they had more unusued units etc in the files.

Unlike all the other DLC excepting AoE3DE there were three civs added together with a campaign but only two were added with the Africa DLC.

Here is my theory, there is not much concrete info but it has some intriguing points.

I would argue that Barbary Coast was planned as a third civ like Ethiopia and Hausa to cover North Africa in comparison to East and West Africa.

Now you might argue, why would pirates count as a civ? I don't think they would be pirates but they would be a collective civ like Germany is HRE/Prussia representing the berber peoples.

The berbers historically traded a lot across the sahara being the main proponent of that trade and actually did a lot. Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia would have been represented by this civ.

In game with Africa DLC there are berber villagers and from what I know they are the only natives to get a unique villager to work for you?

Whilst not all historical missions represented new civs I think its worth considering. From what I remember the Africa DLC was delayed which might have been that it had to be rushed and therefore they decided to cut the barbary coast.

There are apparently unique units to them cut in the files.

Regarding it being a revolution civ, the US was that too but got elevated to a civ status.

Idk what do you think?

submitted by /u/zauraz
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