Random forward and cliff resources resources are not fun in Arabia. It leads to low quality games

I know this have been discussed even by pros but it seems the issue is completely ignored. Arabia is by far the most played map in a AoE 2, a staple of the game, and this version is the worst I've played.

Its riddicolus to have berries on a cliff and a forward gold with the other played with back gold + woodlines. The experience is shitty even if you managed to outplay your rival.

Even if the luck isnt as asimetric no one enjoys running 3 miles to get your second gold. Nor chopping woodlines farther appart than the Corean frontier.

Adapting to piece of shit luck maps is not fun. Its not challenging. Its an unfair and unpleasant experience.

People will enjoy other maps if the others maps are better. Not if the map they played their entire life is made a mess for the sake of it.

We already have a blatant dodge-queue that makes playing with friends a waiting simulator. Please focus on this issue and listen to the feedback.

submitted by /u/AWRNSS
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