Hussar/Huszar is originally not Polish, Hungarian, or Lithuanian. AOE2 doesn't even have the civ.

Some interesting facts...

Hussar's first appeared as a brigade in the Hungarian Army, but it was comprised almost entirely of Serbian soldiers.

Even the word Hussar originates from Serbian, Gusar. This is essentially a pirate (even more so in modern Serbian), which is appropriate.

Hussar's in Poland originated as Serbian Hajduks (outlaws) who were mercenaries and fled Ottomans. In Poland the original Hussars were called Racowie, which was Polish for Rascians, the early medieval Serbian state.

What I want to say with this is... even though there is no Serbia Civ in AOE2, there is a bit of Serbia in almost all civs!

submitted by /u/Wise_Frame
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