Mini-map ignorance

I was playing a game on ghost lake, I was Tatars, they were Mongols and generally I was doing well, had the better eco, way bigger army, map control but their base was protected with like 4 castles and against Mangudai I couldn't really push with siege.

Still, at one point, I think I would have broken them I suppose, even though I was missing a bunch of upgrades on my CAs and Hussars, which was obviously bad. So, when I was trying to get those missing upgrades I noticed that my eco was oddly weak and I finally noticed that there were 3!!! mangudai in my base for what must have been 5-10 minutes killing essentially half my eco.One look at the god damn mini-map would have told me what was happening but I was so focused on the front that I didn't think to even glance at it. I obviously didn't notice the attack sounds as well because there were already too many on the front.

Anyway this completely broke my willpower and without being able to reinforce my attack force my attack front wasn't able to do anything against those castles so I eventually surrendered. Don't think I've ever been that frustrated after a game, I was in such a good position and probably should have been able to finish it earlier if I had thought of the upgrades, but it felt like those 3 mangudai alone cost me the game which sucked.

Every loss is lesson though, I will try to work on using the mini-map in the next games, but I don't think it's going to be easy to change habit, because it's essentially muscle memory I have to change.

Anyone else notice this as a weakness in their game and learned to improve it?

submitted by /u/lionboy33
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