What makes Liereyy so good?

This is a genuine question because I'm not that good at AoE2 and would like to learn more about its top players. What makes Liereyy so good?

From my noob POV, TheViper is good at the following: multitasking, strategies (7/10 11), decision making, map awareness, macro and micro. He can hold aggression like few others and is active all over the map.

For Liereyy, aside from the obvious, I find it much harder to tell: Of course his micro, unit control and aggression are amazing. And clearly his strategy, macro etc. must be decent as well, otherwise he wouldn't be top3. But is it possible to be more specific? Because in terms of strategy I get the (maybe wrong) impression that his gameplay is usually like this:

- be aggressive in feudal, gain an advantage with usually archer/skirm, sometimes scouts, via aggression and superior micro

- and/or an aggressive push in castle age with siege and usually crossbows (plus/or sometimes knights, monks etc.)

Is there more to his strengths? Thanks!

submitted by /u/TooDriven
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