Does alt+f4ing out of a lobby count as a loss?

I have nomad banned on team random. I have had bad, bad, bad luck on that map. I suck on my own enough. I don't need help. The second time this has happened in a row on this map; Team pings location where they are dropping TC. I pull in villagers. Wind up with 2 and this last time 3 players villagers rushing me.. I killed 5 villagers with 3, i tried to micro. But "yOu hAvE bEeN dEfEaTeD". Apparently the matchmaking wants me to be angry, so i went ahead and banged my head against the door frame a few times..

Anyway, this is the one map - I'll play it solo, just not team anymore..Again, it's the one ban of either I have. I would do this with. Am i going to get flagged for an L if I do?

submitted by /u/Crunchyleafz
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