
Have been watching KotD and practice games before it started. I find it difficult to understand why Berbers are being considered an "OP" civ by many. They don't have ANY considerable eco bonus (faster vils slightly improves farming only and thats it), neither early military bonus. Castle age onwards they have good units. But haven't civs with dark and feudal age eco and military bonuses always been preferred as top in Arabia?

I see Camel archers in castle age being labelled OP but, it needs a damn 650 stone investment + blacksmith tecs + ballistics + bloodlines + Thumbring. By that logic, Spanish should be more powerful with Conqs requiring no upgrades to be effective. But they are not considered top tier at all for Arabia. There must be some reasoning by pro players, would love to hear it.

In Imperial age, there is no doubt camel archers are very very strong, but thats late imp and there is many other units that are very strong esp in TG (Mames, Mangudai, War Ele, Paladin) etc.

submitted by /u/noor560
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