Scorpions vs Karambit?

Some people thought Karambits was a bit too strong in castle age, because they are so fast to be produced and so cheap. Regardless of how strong it is, I never saw people make scorpions to deal with it, which should be some of the hardest counter in the game. For example in this game, why scorpion is not produced despite having a siege workshop? Its also way cheaper than a mangonel, so if dealing with Karambit+mangonel, you should be able to make something like knights in front of the scorpion as well. Or am I wrong?

And don't you think it is great that the introduction of new units just helps bring out some underused units too? I like how the feudal eagles and the M@A meta now make people at least to consider making longswords versus meso-civs.

submitted by /u/html_lmth
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