Is there a list or a guide that will tell me what units/buildings/upgrades are never worth acquiring because the opportunity cost is too high?

I find stuff like this to be very useful for games where efficiency is everything. For example in Civ 5 the building "Medical lab" exists but in games it's never built because it has too little impact for how much production is spent on it at the time in the game it gets researched.

So is there anything like this? Perhaps only 1 type of ranged unit is worth building in a certain era, or priests are just not worth the population points they take (just examples I have no clue).

I'm very new but I'm downloading all the videos and saving all the guides I can for me read tomorrow on a along road trip. I love games like this where there is such a huge amount to learn and such a high skill cap.

Also, what's the most information dense video/video series you can recommend for AoE II?

And serious answers please! No "Only build workers, millitary don't help your economy LUL Jebaited!" please!

submitted by /u/CrimzonGryphon
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