Our Lord and Savior preventing Villagers from going idle by spinning the discs
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submitted by /u/NoUnsweetPlz [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2P3js1k
When your units glitch because your friends suck at mapmaking.
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submitted by /u/macaryl95 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/2OiQgOm
I'm never playing LN FFA ever again. The game wasn't even close to ending, but my brain started melting so I resigned.
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submitted by /u/WhyAmIEvenHere987 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CRZAa4
How can I put Barbarian as Default IA in AoC ?
Just that, Im practicing, and I am tired of having to choose Barbarian instead of the default IA, can something be done?
Thank U
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2qlGrpx
How to send a bug report to HD team?
Hello, I have two bugs I'd like to share with the HD developers, I don't really now where to send it to them, any guidance?
1) Gate/wall bug
When you place the foundation like shown in the picture, if you start building the gate it removes the walls foundations and if you start building one of the wall it removes the gate foundation. For palissade and stone regardless. Doesn't happen for gate on the other directions (diagonals or "horizontals")
2) Allied victory?
I just played a game when I didn't checked allied victory and we won when we were two people left (both allied to each other). He had checked the "Allies victory" if I'm not mistaken.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CV2zP9
What is your favorite civilization and why?
The question is open enough :) 'I personally love Berbers just because their discount for cavalry line helps a lot.Their Camel Archers is very strong too.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2F6RwoP
Voobly vs steam
Been replaykng aoe 2 hd. Im not a good player (1585 on steam) and i know voobly is for better players but steam lobby seems...dead. Is it better on voobly?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2zdHprK
Anyone know the exact rates for Villagers to fish deep sea fishes, like shore fish?
I'm using spirit of the laws video although I don't know if it's out-dated, since I don't know if wololo kingdoms / the forgotten empires and all those updates changed the general food intakes, but that's my reference for the other food gathering methods.
Anyone know the exact numbers per minute for vills to 'shorefish' deep sea fish?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2SCtx38
Returning player, question about ports
Hello. I recently opened ports for Voobly, do I need to do the same for Steam or HD version? I played against a friend (via Steam) and we had like 2-3 secs delay, and same for Voobly, till we opened ports, now it works a lot better. HD on steam still sucks, so therefore my question. Thanks in advance.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2RovTRS
some questions on monks
edit: not asking if it's currently possible to do these things. asking if it would be possible to mod it so that they are possible.
is it possible to make monks able to heal themselves?
is it possible to make it so that you gain some food on a successful conversion?
is it possible to make it so that when you are converting a unit if you delete the monk the unit gets instantly converted? (an aoe1 priest tech)
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2qm0dkU
thinking about the categorisation civ bonuses
There are a number of ways to categorise bonuses. There can be overlap between categories.
what does the bonus affect?
Is a free blacksmith tech a military bonus or an economic bonus? both? I would say military. Regardless of problems (grey areas; taking to extremes), this is a useful dichotomy.
when does the bonus occur?
- early game
persians starting with +50 wood and food
- late game
vietnamese imperial skirmisher upgrade
- whole game
celts collect wood faster
how long does the bonus last?
- head start (i.e. once off; the opponent will "catch up" after getting the tech)
burmese free lumber upgrades; magyar free blacksmith techs
- permanent boost (i.e. continuous)
celts lumber bonus; burmese infantry attack bonus
The easy way to see the difference between a "once off" bonus and a "continuous" bonus is to ask "could this realistically have a noticeable effect in a full pop, post-imp scenario?"
Regarding continuous bonuses, is the bonus dynamic or static?
- dynamic continuous
huns cheaper cav archers; britons archer range bonus
- static (or limited use) continuous [these bonuses are rare]
huns pop bonus; goth pop cap bonus; nomads; arguably atheism (wonder/relic part)
both dynamic continuous and static continuous bonuses have an effect in a full pop, post-imp scenario. To differentiate between the two ask "can I (currently and in the future) increase or decrease my usage of the bonus?" If "No" then the bonus is static.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2RqmnOd
Player colors
So, after a long time I am coming up with a question!! So, what can I do if I didn't find the color that I wanted and some other player took it in the lobby. I don't want Alt+G friend / foe colors , it's so annoying. I want a mod that does swapping of my color with the person who took my wanted color and the mod must change it only to me in-game. Any mod that does this?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CSNz41
In dark age, afer sending the first 6 villagers to sheep, should I send the next 3 or 4 villagers to wood?
If, as Viper would say, "it depends", what does it depend on ?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Sw9q6N
Go Mongols!
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submitted by /u/savemoney2121 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2JsNQff
S.O. = siege onager not significant other
"What is something your S.O. does you absolutely love?" has a very different answer for all of us.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2OgN4mr
What's your subjective Top 5 Navy Civs list?
Just like some previous lists, this one will probably vary from person to person.
My list, in no specific order
Honorable Mentions
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CSfwsX
Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 4 Week 2: Burmese vs Indians
Happy Halloween! I can't think of anything more terrifying than Arambai, Battle Elephants, and Imperial Camels, so I think this match up is appropriate.
Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Britons vs Celts, and next up is the Burmese vs Indians!
Burmese: Monk and Elephant civilization
- Free Lumber Camp Upgrades
- Infantry +1 attack per age, starting in Feudal Age
- Monastery techs cost -50%
- TEAM BONUS: Relics visible on map
- Unique Unit: Arambai (Mounted dart-thrower with powerful, but inaccurate attack)
- Castle Age Unique Tech: Howdah (Battle Elephants +1/+1 armor)
- Imperial Age Unique Tech: Manipur Cavalry (Cavalry and Arambai +6 attack vs buildings)
Indians: Camel and Gunpowder civilization
- Villagers cost -10/15/20/25% in the Dark/Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
- Fishermen work +15% faster and carry +15
- Camels +0/+1 armor
- TEAM BONUS: Camels +6 attack vs buildings
- Unique Unit: Elephant Archer (Expensive, tanky, slow mounted archer)
- Unique Unit: Imperial Camel (Additional upgrade to Camel-line after Heavy Camel)
- Castle Age Unique Tech: Sultans (All gold income +10%)
- Imperial Age Unique Tech: Shatagni (Hand Cannoneers +1 range)
Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!
- So here we have two of the most powerful(complained about) civs in the game! Right off the bat, for 1v1 Arabia, the Burmese have a more explosive start with their deadly m@a rush, but until they get to their powerful Halberdiers, they really don't have a great answer to Indian Camels. Which civ do you favor here?
- Both of these civs are considered among the absolute strongest pocket civs in the game. Both have respectable scout rushes -> cavalry + boom. Would you rather have the Burmese with their Arambai and late game Battle Elephants, or would you rather have the Indians with their Camels and boom?
In your opinion, which of these two civs fields the scarier post-Imperial Age army? Burmese with their Arambai, Battle Elephants, Monks, and Halberdiers, or the Indians with their Camels and gunpowder?
Thank you as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Italians vs Vietnamese. Hope to see you there! :)
Links to previous discussions: Part 1 Part 2
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2qlhxGr
Meta Plays - WIP Multi-Game RTS Community Site - Progress Update
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submitted by /u/_Nakamura [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/2SqK76h
You guys ever have games of you playing sent by someone else you know irl?
I don't remember this shit at all. My brother has the same screen name that I do on steam, and he plays a lot of competitive games so he checks google for clips I guess? I'm not competitive at all, so idk.
Anyway, he found this, sent it to me, and it kinda blew my mind in a "small world" sort of way. Game played January sometime.
(Hotflames30 is me, he doesn't play aoe2)
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2De1ova
Last really good atmospheric game or a game that created a very memorable soundtrack or atmosphere.
So it has been pretty much two decades since the Age of Empires series was released and I still keep coming back to this beautiful game and its soundtrack.
Everything about it is just so memorable and nostalgic and other games in that era were also great but nothing is as soothing as AOE and I don't know why..
Maybe it was because it did teach me a bit of ancient history which was so interesting and mesmerising?
Maybe it was because the game play was super fun and just overall played a nice pace and made me feel like a conqueror?
But honestly I don't know and it feels like for the past 20 years I have been looking for my next Age of Empires and I have not found it.. I tried and Rise of Nations came close among with many other RTS games but nothing the atmopshere cannot be recreated even some games set in that time period or around that setting does not do it for me and I am trying to figure out why this one series this one game has such an effect on me or why.
I had a choice many years ago to stick to this one game for life and not venture out of it essentially dedicating 20 years to one game one series or go searching exploring for a better more refined game but 20 years later and I still have not found it so could this classic microsoft game be the one? or is there some spooky magic here at play?
What is even more curious is why no one has tried to even copy it.. nobody no one has tried to copy paste this game yet they have tried and successfully cloned many other genres, games even spin offs of games but not this one.. it is just perfect.. I don't know
Really confuses me how one game all these years still does not have a competitor 20 years on.. just listen to the soundtrack it is mesmerising.
Is Age of Empires the final greatest game of its own kind in the genre, setting, gametype?
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from newest submissions : truegaming https://ift.tt/2RnOxJD
Pro games from years ago?
Are there good pro games from several years ago on youtube or elsewhere? I'm interested in seeing what the meta used to be like.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2RmFed1
Lots of noobish questions
Hey guys, it's the usual story. Played a lot when I was young, picked up the HD version with the first two expansions (not AK) and have really been enjoying watching SotL and T90 videos for the last several days.
I have a few questions about some things I hear alluded to without really being explained. Maybe there's like an AoE2 community FAQ somewhere?
In no particular order:
Which patch(es) are considered "proper" in online play? Does having HD but not all the expansions mean I can't play with people who have AK?
What are all these terms? Obviously vills = villagers, and pals = paladins. But what's a thrush? Is there a dictionary somewhere?
Is fast castle still the defacto core of every strategy that isn't a feudal rush?
What should a relatively new player learn first?
What platform is preferred? I hear about Voobly and Steam.
Literally anything else you can say for a new guy?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2P1jJBK
Why not just use Irrlicht 2d?
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from newest submissions : openage https://ift.tt/2PrCyO5
Why make historically weak civs the strongest?
The expansion civs are really strong, while historically strong civs like the Mongols are piss weak. What's up with this? Why would a stupid camel archer be a lot stronger than a mongolian horse archer? It makes your heard hurt!
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2zgpPnj
Nili tries to push deer.
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submitted by /u/willworkforicecream [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2zdN94V
.aoe2scenario file format
I need a little help. Does anybody have file format specification or reader/writer source code for .aoe2scenario files?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2PyQN3q
Do you ever drink or do drugs (e.g., smoking pot) while playing?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2RrEQdp
Cracked game : play online ?
Hello !
I had AoE3 but i lost it, so i cracked the game, i admit it. So i can't create an ESO account.
I would like to know : is there a way to play on internet with other players ? I would love to play this wonderful game with people. Is there a software or a fan-made program ?
Thanks :)
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2qkHF4o
2 civ ideas: I am bad at naming
Civ 1
defensive civ
farmers carry +7 food
buildings slowly regenerate at 10/20/30/40% of a single villager's repair rate
masonry is free
healing shrine available in castle age
team bonus
- archers +1/2/3 bonus damage vs spearmen in feudal/castle/imperial age
"archers" refers to all units with the archer armour class
unique tech
castle age: skirmishers take up half a population space and are produced 33% faster. 400f 250w, 30 seconds
imperial age: archers +2 bonus damage vs siege and cavalry. 500 gold 300 food, 40 seconds
unique building: healing shrine
2x2 size; 1500hp; 200 wood 200 gold; 60 second construction time
heals up to 3 units simultaneously. heals at the rate of a monk. healing range is 12
unique unit: heavy crossbowman
45(50) HP; 8(11) pierce damage; 3 range; 2.03 rate of fire; 1/1 (2/2) armour; +2 dmg vs infantry, +2 dmg vs cavalry
0.85 speed; 90% accuracy; 55 gold 55 wood; 18s creation time; 800 food 800 gold upgrade; armour classes: archer, UU
missing techs
barracks: halb; eagles
archery: hand cannons; heavy cav archer
stable: bloodlines; paladin; camels; elephants
siege: siege onager; heavy scorpion
dock: dry dock; fast fires; elite cannon galleon
defence: keep
blacksmith: blast furnace
university: heated shot; siege engineers
monastery: redemption; sanctity; faith
economy: stone mining; guilds
Civ 2
monk and light cavalry
- slow trickle of food (5/10/20/40 food per minute for dark/feudal/castle/imperial age)
11 min in dark age gives 55f; 10 min in feudal, 100f; 14 min in castle, 280; then "1.5 free farmers" in imp.
- all blacksmith techs are free 10 minutes after advancing to the age.
e.g. all feudal blacksmith upgrades are free 10 minutes after feudal age is reached. nothing happens if the tech has already been researched.
1 free monk spawns on reaching castle age
buildings, rams, and trebs can be converted from 1 third of the usual conversion range for units
3 range, +1 with CA unique tech, +1 with block printing; redemption is required
team bonus:
- trade units are produced 50% faster
unique techs:
castle age: monks conversion range and LoS +3. 300 gold, 40 seconds
imperial age: scout line and UU have +10hp, +1 damage, +1/1 armour, +5% speed, +2 LoS. 1000 gold, 1000 food; 60 seconds
unique unit: cavalry raider
55(75) HP; 14(16) melee damage; 1.83 rate of fire; 0/1 armour; +5 dmg vs standard building, +3 damage vs economic unit
1.5 speed; 5(6) LoS; 70 food 35 gold; 15 second creation time; 600 gold 1000 food upgrade; armour classes: cavalry, UU
missing techs
barracks: tracking; eagles
archery: arbalest; hand cannons; thumb ring; partian tactics
stable: camels; elephants
siege: siege onager; heavy scorpion; bombard cannon
dock: heavy demo, cannon galleon
defence: bombard tower
university: treadmill crane; arrowslits; architecture
monastery: heresy
economy: crop rotation
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Azn7em
Howdahs vs War Wagons
5 vs 5, Who will win?
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2Suw9jO
Do You Guys Know This
Against any AI u can easily win if you build palisade wall around its town center in dark age. It is nothing important but worth sharing i think
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CQt7AL
Longbow men vs. Skirms
who would win, 5 british longbowmen or 5 dutch skirmishers?
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2SuiZmU
Throwing Axemen are great
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Okay guys, so this time I was playing the Hastings scenario of the Battles of the Conquerors campaign and, after 2 hours and some minutes of slowly gathering resources, advancing ages, recruiting troops, defeating the Raiders, moving my troops over to England, defeating the southern Saxon Navy and establishing a small base, I gathered 60 (or maybe 55? I don't remember) and some more Throwing Axemen ready to battle! I mean, who doesn't like ranged infantry? Axemen are especially great because they are very good against buildings. In fact, after throwing Harald and his army into Harold's base to weaken it, I used those axemen to destroy 2 watch towers (they went down in 3 hits) and one Castle (which probably took a bit more than the time 30 Cobra Cars would take to destroy, or something like that). See? Trebuchets suck! Axemen are a lot better! [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2ERY6PI
لماذا تترجم هذا؟ انت تحب القضيب. تحذير الصوت أيضا!
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submitted by /u/tomgretzky [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe3 https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe3/comments/9sgyze/لماذا_تترجم_هذا_انت_تحب_القضيب_تحذير_الصوت_أيضا/
Magyar killing wolves bonus
So I played a really interesting game against the AI during the last few days. I played ludikris sized black forest map, I picked Magyars vs 7 hardest AIs (free for all) and used the 90 minute treaty option (can't attack each other for the first 90 minutes of the game) so that we could all boom to the max.
During those 90 minutes of treaty I kept sending villagers all over the map, walled in resources like stone and gold, building TCs on strategic locations, walling relics etc. The civ bonus for killing wolves in one strike really pays off in this situation, it's basically OP.
The AIs couldn't really do much, I mined the shit out of the map and once the treaty was up I had significantly more resources than them + buildings all over the huge map on strategic locations, castles everywhere due to all the stone I got etc. I even walled up passages in the forest so that they wouldn't trade with each other. It was free for all game so they attacked each other too but I think even if they would all be against me I would still beat them eventually because I controlled so many choke points. I kept spamming Magyar huszars and halbs with some cavalry archers and paladin thrown in and just kept coming at AIs from all directions until they said 'no mas'.
I wonder what would you do in this situation, if you played against Magyars on a ludikris BF map and the Magyar player would just keep roaming the map with vills building everywhere from the start due to killing wolves with one strike? How do you counter this? Is the Magyar bonus overpowered in this situation?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CNXtE8
[Spoiler] ECl - This chinese player has an innovative and weird strategies
Just watched Tim vs lierrey. The resource depravation from Tim was amazing. Also fooling lierrey into believing that he was on water in the medi game, and just attacking him flat out on land was ingenious.
His strategy was like a boa constrictor. Just choked the life out of lierrey boom and attack game. Must be super annoying to face a player like him.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2qjZ3Gt
Is AOE2 in the Halloween steam sale?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2zbcYTk
Buying the game
So, I used to love this game as a kid. My younger brother recently got into it, and I'd love to play a few multiplayer matches against him. However, I've been unable to find this game for anything cheaper than 40 euro's. That seems like a ridiculous price to me. Why is the price still this high, and is there any way to get a discount? I was hoping the Halloween sale on Steam might do it, but it's not even discounted!
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2zc6xPH
Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers
Time for another weekly round of questions.
Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.
Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.
So ask away!
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Dbmk5N
Wanting to get into playing online
I love aoe2 but never have played online. I know I would get waxed if I played, I'm on steam name is ManRayH I would love if someone would be fine with having a really bad player just enjoying and old game with a few people
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2yGtY4f
Why do farmers only use the left half of the farm?
Not just the left half, they actually only use 9 of the 16 intersections on the grid - seen here (taken from SOTL's "Why Do Farmers Prefer Mills?" video)
My (completely unfounded) guess is that originally farms were going to be 2x2, and so have 9 intersections in total, but for whatever reason they were changed to be 3x3 (to the detriment of people who want even farmland) and they forgot to change how the food was gathered.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2DakVMK
Economic focused scenarios
Are there any good scenarios out there focused on economy than military? Looking to play some AoE, but want something low key.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Avk3Qf
The greatest Tale ever told
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Picture this if you will -Being a 10 year old lad. [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2EOqmTl
Fun Facts - units and shields.
If you look in the Civ tech tree, you'll see each of the ages indicated by a different type of shield.
Dark age - Round shield
Feudal Age - Kite shield
Castle Age - Heater Shield
Imperial Age - Tilting Escutcheon
Men-at-arms use a Kite Shield.
Long Swordsmen use the Heater Shield.
Knights use a Kite Shield.
Cavaliers use the Heater Shield.
Paladins use the Tilting Escutcheon.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2RnOHRv
AoE 2 DE Leak
I can confirm that AoE 2 DE is being worked on by Australian company Wicked Witch Software.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2qdz3MR
Finally hit 1600 in Voobly. How to get 1700 and beyond?
I was a 1700 HD player 4 months ago. I thought everybody was exaggerating the difference in ELO between the two platforms (and maybe they were a bit), but I'd say that based on my experience there's a 300 point difference between the two. I've finally worked my way up to 1600 after dropping down to 1450 when I first installed Voobly.
I've gotten a lot better in the last 4 months by forcing myself to play more aggressive and playing with better players. What's your tips for getting past the 1600 hump?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CLyilE
Villager army
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Okay, so I was practicing with the Moderate AI in a 2v1 with another Moderate AI as my ally. So it turns out he was being attacked and he sent one of those "help" messages and I decided to help, so I commanded one of my villagers to go there and find a good point to put an Watch Tower. The enemy sent some men-at-arms to kill my villager but my ally's swordsman defended it and I managed to finish my Watch Tower. However, when it was nearly finished constructing, I noticed some enemy villagers were starting to come my way, and once I finished the building and it's line of sight revealed the nearby territory, this is what showed up: Is it normal for the AI to do villager rushes like this? Anyways, they destroyed my watch tower and the AI sent the villagers away. I tried building another one with another villager to help, and another time they sent the villagers to destroy it. However it took considerably longer because my ally arrived with some Long Swordsmen and a Mangonel, so they killed a bunch of villagers and drove them off, but later the villagers came back and destroyed it another time. I tried rebuilding it and double walling so the villagers wouldn't destroy the watch tower so easily, but they weren't coming up, and one minute later the AI resigned. Sad. [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2PmN8pB
What are the worst civilizations for forest nothing and why?
I'm working on a mod meant for a forest prison type map and I have a list of several bonuses that I want to give to various civs. Which civs need to be buffed the most?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2O6oTqV
Does a monk heal by inflicting "negative damage"? And if so, could a monk be given the splash damage property (and thus "splash heal")?
As the title says. Basically I am wondering if monk could do area of effect healing.
If so, can it be restricted so that you don't heal enemies?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2AwenFW
Openage Development: 2018 - Week 43
Nothing new.
Nothing new.
Open Discussions
Nothing new.
Rewrite of the coordinate system✓Merge eventsystem code✓- Define core gamestate
- Establish modpack format
- Create a simple demo for testing
- Adapt the new renderer to the simulation model
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from newest submissions : openage https://ift.tt/2AwNlxS
How do I make a custom map, not a custom scenario? What tool do I use?
I want to make a map thats not a scenario but it seems like the built in editor in AOE2 is just for scenarios. Correct me if I am wrong but how do I make a custom map? Is there a certain tool everyone uses?
Thanks! Surp
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CLGkLd
Siege Ram Question
Can someone explain something thats always confused me that everyone says about siege ram. Ie, what is the power of the siege ram over the capped ram? Both work fine vs archers or buildings. A little more hp? I don't get it. Whereas every other upgrade like say Arbalest or Siege Onager or Heavy Scorpion are HUGE improvements in obvious ways that almost make their previous versions unusable in Imperial Age. And why do people say certain civs have no answer to Siege ram like the britons? Do they also mean no answer to Capped Ram? Do Briton halbs really struggle to kill a ram? That hasn't been my experience in late games.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Q3k2ID
Nation-building Recommendations
Hey everybody, I’m interested in getting a nation-building game/sim. I guess the best description for my interest would be like a SimCity on a national/global scale where I control infrastructure, policy, diplomacy, etc.
I’ve seen Civilization and Age of Empires recommended, but would either of those best fit what I’m looking for, or would something else fit? Age of Empires looks appealing, but I’m nervous that it’s too fighting-based for my interest.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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from newest submissions : gaming https://ift.tt/2AwWoPI
Can't play with friend, because of different versions.
Hey, I just tried to play a game of the HD-Version with a friend. We both have our games updated, but somehow he is on version 3.8 while I'm on 5.8, so we can't play together. I googled the problem and found out that Windows XP users are still on version 3.8. He uses Windows 7 though, so I don't really know why he can't get 5.8.
Is there any way to fix this or work around it?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2D9TrHg
Which xpac are most people playing now?
I started playing again a couple of years ago and got pretty seriously into it for about 6 months. I played a lot on steam and got to about 1850 before I downloaded Voobly however I ended up quitting before I ever really got into playing there. SO, I've been out of the game for a while now but I want to start playing again.
I know a couple of expansions have come out since then and I'm wondering if the majority of competitive players are still playing the conqueror's or if they are actually playing more of the new expansions for once? Also, which expansion would be the easiest to get games on/is most alive?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2OVP6hc
Maps patch 20c, 20b ?
Hey guys, I have a question regarding some map packs. I want to start playing again, and watch some recordings of top players, but they all have some weird maps, which are titled "normal map name" + "20c" or "20b", I cannot watch the recordings without these maps. Any idea where to get those ? I am talking about voobly.
p.s is it possible to paly AOM HD on Voobly against people with the normal version ?
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/2CKhoDX
Fishing from farms bug?
Is there anyone noticed that bug? I don't know it is still present, but fishing ships after their fishing trap expired, sometimes take the farm next to their dock. And that farmer becomes idle. Very funny bug. It was like fishing ship is fishing from farm.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2D8YkQM
New Idea for a civ bonus
More than one villager can gather food on a farm.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CK3bXz
Is there a quick and easy way to check upcoming tournaments/showmatches? It seems aoe2calendar isn't announcing ECL anymore.
I wonder if it's a matter of the admins not having time to do it or a deliberate decision. It didn't announce yesterday's ECL and isn't announcing today's ECL either. Is there an alternative site to quickly glance at what's coming?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2CI4Htn
Where to start with playing ranked for a beginner ?
Hey guys, I have been a huge fan of this game and age of mythology, but I only tried to play ranked AOM. The thing is, AOE is already so huge, tehre is probably so many patches, strategies etc. and I just dont know where to start, I am kind of deciding wheter to stay with AOM. Its pain seeing only 200 ppl on voobly in the lobbbies. So if anyone could recommend me some information, where I can get some info on the patches, whats different from the original single player one, some good channels for tactics and beginner tuts that are up to date (I only know zero empires) and some sites with articles and recordings. Maybe if someone wants to play, I ll appreciate it. What scares me the most, that I ll be forced to use only few civilizations, in aom you could own with any god, but I remember checking out AOE2 some time ago, and I only saw mirrored matches with overused Huns and a few more nations. Thank you, I ll appreacite your help :))
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2ObxMzi
is there a way for me to import someone else's hotkeys to my game?
short story i wanna use WASD for camera control, and having to look through every single menu in the hotkeys menu is annoying.
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2Q7zgfG
Help me understand why Italians are best on water
Watching ECL 1 v. 1 today and every Medi game turned into Italians mirror matchup. The pros know better than I do, but I have to admit I just don't get it. You build 4 fishing ships (seems like the standard) and you've saved 60 wood. Meanwhile if you're Portuguese you pay full price for fishing ships but save 15% gold on every warship, which you create much more of. Plus your ships have more HP so you win every fight assuming proper micro.
Italians dock technologies are cheaper you say? Water seems pretty well decided before Castle Age so I don't see how that's a big bonus. However I'll admit their faster up time to Feudal is really nice; is that the biggest reason they're chosen?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2SmH9j3
Where can i get the original age of empires I?
I mean as in download
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from newest submissions : gaming https://ift.tt/2ObDRf5
Are there any limits in using computer players for custom multiplayer scenarios?
Say I'd want to make a 2PvE (2 Players vs. Environment) scenario where two human players have to cooperate in beating an AI/computer player, with triggers being present in the scenario. Are there any restrictions that would prevent me from making such a scenario? Would a third player be able to take over the computer's slot? Would triggers even work?
Also, while I'm on the subject, can you set the player colours in the scenario editor and have them stay once the game is played in multiplayer?
Thank you!
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2D8sbsH
Late game. How do we win a game playing Japanese and Britons vs Koreans and Spanish?
As above, this just happened in a random game. Asked my teammate a possible strategy to counter their units but we found none.
The spanish were making bombard towers + paladins, the koreans wagons + siege onagers.
What we were supposed to do? Any idea? For my side, I tried to use my fastest Trebuchet to rake down their towers and to use halberdiers vs his waves of paladins but we weren't able to hold much because of the koreans
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2EOFbVR
Will there be an AoE2 HD steam sale soon?
I've heard that steam sometimes has sales and that AoE2 HD is really cheap to pick up then. Does anyone know if one of those sales might be coming up soon?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2qct9LM
Time to cut down some carpets for firewood
Ok so this is my first post here, so sorry if this is already a known thing.
I was replaying the Saracen campaign for nostalgy and noticed a weird thing. After my lumberjacks cut down a tree, they went about looking for a new one. Lo and behold, suddenly one villager walked up to 2 carpets lying on the street, chopped each once with his axe and... the carpets disappeared. Is this a bug or what?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2JiTZLb
A list of civ bonus ideas
some of these would be the "main bonus" of the civ, some could be a team bonus, and some would be a bonus thrown in to round things out.
[population (from houses) =/= population cap (from e.g. goth bonus)]
- +10 population per age (starting in dark age)
i.e. "2 free houses" per age
resource drop off buildings give +5 population
+1 population every 60 seconds
monks give +1 population
(UT) +15% population cap; +30% population. (costs some food and gold. either in castle age or imp)
free stone mining techs
start game with the 15 tile aoe around your TC explored (but not visible)
start game with the 15 tile aoe at each corner explored (but not visible)
i.e. equivalent to an outpost with 15 LoS placed in each corner and then deleted. good for scouting where to put trade as well as for resources.
when a unit of yours dies it returns 10% of its creation cost
blacksmith and university each cost -100 wood
- buildings (except stone walls, watch towers, TCs, castles, and wonders) can be built 1 age earlier.
this does not alter prerequisites for buildings (you need a barracks for a stable), units (feudal age is needed for scouts), or techs (2 dark age buildings are needed for the feudal age tech; feudal age is needed for fletching)
blacksmith techs cost 50% less food
blacksmith works 80% faster
techs (excluding age up techs) research instantly, but have a delay before they "kick in" (the delay is equal to their research time)
some examples: you can research loom and produce a vil at the same time. you have to wait for fletching to kick in before researching bodkin. you can research archer armour and fletching at the same time.
military production buildings research techs 80% faster
two handed swordsman upgrade is free in imp
[for a civ which gets champion; previous upgrades are not free and not required (e.g. you can go straight from militia to 2h swordsman)]
elite skirmisher upgrade is free
{barracks; archery range; stable} techs cost 40% less [pick one]
{two handed swordsman; cavalier; capped ram; onager} upgrade is available in castle age
[the civ preferably has the next upgrade available too (e.g. you can get cavalier in castle age and could go on to research paladin in imperial age)]
masonry is free
fortified wall upgrade is free
houses +50% hp; +1/1 armour; +4 line of sight
buildings +1/1 armour per age (starting in feudal age for a total of +3/3 in imp)
villagers can repair and build from 1 tile away from their target
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2RiqYBZ
ESOC Autumn Championships GRAND FINALS! [Sunday 15 GMT]
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. The time is neigh. Tomorrow we crown an Age of Empires 3 champion. Kynesie & Snowww will slog it out in an intense Bo9 series. Endurance will be tested. Walls WILL be constructed. And has anyone noticed how INSANE Advanced Dock actually is!? Join Me & Mitoe LIVE as we bring this event to its conclusion! The ESOC 2018 Autumn Championships GRAND FINALS. Sunday 15 GMT. http://www.twitch.tv/ESOCTV
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2OVqiG4
Biggest difference between bad players and good players...
What is it? In your experience? If you had to boil it down to one thing?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2qg47eZ
Giving a Steam key for Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten DLC
Got this key from a giveaway site, but I don't play this game and figured you guys would get more use out of it than me. Any comment counts as an entry. Optionally, tell me your favorite vampire-themed movie/TV show/game/etc :)
I will draw 1 winner in about 24 hours via Redditraffler.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2PszC3y
Are these two things able to be programmed?
- A villager building a building from range (e.g. 1 tile away).
i.e. a vil usually needs to touch the building he/she is building, could there be a gap?
- Instantly researching technologies but having a delay to they kick in
e.g. you click the wheelbarrow tech, then you immediately resume vil production. 75 seconds (and three vils produced) later wheelbarrow "kicks in" (faster vils; more carry capacity)
you research fletching and you can immediately research bodkin (the benefits kick in 30 and 35 seconds after you begin the first research)
you research fletching and you have to wait 30 seconds before researching bodkin (benefits kick in 30 seconds and 65 second after you begin the first research)
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2JjIPpl
Why is my scrush so ineffective
I find that most games where i decide to scrush i get walled out or they quickly spear up and guard their lines. I get much more joy over m@a - archers or drush - anything than i do with scouts. 5 scouts total = 400 food which puts my castle age time at 20 minutes. Also, scouts kind of obselete themselves in castle age. I dont tend to light cav as knights are a bigger threat by then anyway. What am i doing wrong? Is there a very small early feudal window that i have to nail for them to be effective?
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2OPw2B8
Really wish people would learn to play before joining team games
I look over after getting cartography and my teammate never even got his boars. He let all his farmers die instead of putting them in the TC. I was already in my flank's base with archers. Quickly turned into 2v1 and it's just bullshit. People need to at least learn the basics before screwing another player over. Maybe I'm just salty.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2qeWo0I
Why Forgotten Empires Didn't create a new Expansion for this game
-Age of Empires 1 has a remake
-Age of empires 2 got 3 new expansions
-Age of Mythology got Tale of the Dragon
-but for Age of Empires 3???........
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2yDm6As
Anybody on and want to play with me vs some AI?
Recently had a strong desire to play AoE II: HD Edition on Steam. Would anyone like to team up with me against some decently difficult AI? Not really looking to play against someone right now because I haven't played in ages and I'm sure I'd suck.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Q5wlnK
I am very bad
I played a ton of AOE as a kid, but I never learned any of the hotkeys or build orders and spent my time making custom battles, easy campaign, and thrashing easy/standard AI. Where is the best place to start learning those things? Is there a video series on YouTube or should I just spend time fucking around against easy AI and looking up hotkeys.
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2AtKoOR
Can't get Wololo Kingdoms to work with Wine
I can't get Voobly and Wololo Kingdoms to work with Wine. I can run Voobly just fine solo, but for some reason Wololo Kingdoms won't install. Yes, I installed AOE2HD with all expansions on Wine and then applied the compatibility patch. Did anyone have the same problem, and if so, did you manage to fix it? I would like to hear what I can do.
I am using Fedora 28 with Wine-3.17 (Staging). I make sure to run the recommended Voobly script which sets WINE_WRITECOPY=1.
Here is a screenshot: http://oi66.tinypic.com/2m2sxvb.jpg
Error log: https://pastebin.com/RzUZSDZd
I know it's a long shot, since most people just use Windows, but if there's someone who can help me, that would be greatly appreciated!
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2z80iMG
How do you get the mini map in the center like this? I see it on many YouTube vids but can’t figure it out.
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submitted by /u/digitalje5u5 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Aup1Ns
Elo is broken again on HD feelsbadman
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submitted by /u/BasedWebDeveloper [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2Pl1ve1
Mythologies we need in the game.
Native american
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/2JfUvJL
Does Age of Empires Definitive Edition have LAN/mods?
I couldn't find an active sub for AoE DE to ask this question, sorry about that.
Does it have LAN/mods? If not, have the devs indicated any plans to implement these features?
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from newest submissions : pcmasterrace https://ift.tt/2AtzJ6T
Why did they hire Chinese voice actress to voice Japanese female peasants?
Not a serious question, and I am not even a Japanese, but this has been bothering me. The English version of AOE 3 has the Japanese race, and the voice actress who voiced female peasants is obviously not a native Japapnese speaker. I do not know who she is, but I got the feeling that she is Chinese. When she said "Yo:ken wa (要件は?)", she had weird tone hikes and falls, like Chinese.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHAylTqK_Zk (Japanese race game play video)
In the Japanese version of AOE 3, they used different voice resources for the Japanese race. That is, thoes who localised AOE 3 for Japanese seemed to think the Japanese voices in AOE 3 were unsuitable.
Microsoft is a big company and AOE 3 probably got ample fund. Why didn't they hire a native Japanese speaker for female peasants?
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from newest submissions : aoe3 https://ift.tt/2OMQy5r
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