How NOT to Tower Rush

Whats up everyone! A couple days late but I've had a lot going on in the last week or so, had some personal issues as well as dislocating my shoulder from snowboarding last Friday. Still hurts a lot and can barely move it so I decided to rest up and do the video today. Did something a little bit longer this time showing a 1v1 with me vs a ~1680~ opponent. Just glad to hit my 5/5 video goals for January! I will come up with some cover art for this video in the next day or two, keep an eye out for 4 more videos in February, my bday is on the 2nd so it'll be sometime after that! but Thanks for stoping by again hope the video is enjoyable let me know what you would improve on it or change or what you liked about it! How NOT TO Tower Rush Video Link :)

submitted by /u/FlokiKhan
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