I invented a new BO

So I've been playing this game for a while and i think I'm a pretty good player. So let's go:

You should be creating 3 villagers per 2 seconds (if you do less, you'll have a weak eco, if more, the TC will overheat and explode)

1-6) send your vills on sheep

7) build a lumber camp next to your TC and collect the stragglers

8, 9) trees

10) find your boar, shoot it three times (with a vill) and run back to your TC, let the boar eat the vill, because it'll get fatter and have more food. Then shoot the boar with the TC (you don't wanna lose vills)

11) make a mill next to the TC, you want it to be as safe as possible

Now you should wait until you have 500 food for feudal age, lure 2nd boar and feed it with 2 vills

Once you advance, you wanna make an army. You're gonna need food for that, so stop creating vills. Create around 5 militias and upgrade them to Men At Arms (don't get the blacksmith upgrades, they're just a scam) and attack your opponents TC. Don't attack vills, they are weak and unusable in combat. He might make some units to defend, here is how to counter:

Archers counter Skirms

Skirms counter Scouts (they have the long sticks against horses)

Scouts counter Spears (they outmaneuver them)

Spears counter Archers (they can hit them from further than a sword could)

So what now? Now enjoy your victory. You've won already. What's your enemy gonna do without an army or a TC???

submitted by /u/NainEarsOlt
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