Trying to gain a audience

Hey all,

So I'm new to the streaming of AOE and have recently been doing a lot of it.

Wasn't taking it that seriously but one-night Moonfaller hosted me, I got a bunch of followers and views, and all of a sudden I'm hooked on the idea of growing a community.

I have one simple question for you.

How can I gain your viewership (in a hypothetical situation)

I know there is ALOT of talented streamers on AOE2 DE, and I'm only floating around the #3000 ranking so I know I'm not the next viper or anything skill-wise so I don't feel id be able to allure viewers with skill alone, so what sort of unique attributes would you like to see from a streamer that would be attractive to you.

I'm a chatty dude so I'm pretty good at providing entertainment, but I was thinking about possibly streaming constantly and essentially documenting my improvement, and teaching what I learn to viewers.

Maybe cast some games (No-one can be the next T90 Tho...)

I would really appreciate any feedback on this, and I hope to someday see some of you in the stream.

submitted by /u/General_Grey_Goose
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