Cheesing Hautevilles 3 campaign

It's quite an enjoyable campaign, but there's so many little quirks that you can easily abuse. The devs probably intended for the player to mass 2-3 cavalry armies and hit and run in several places to destroy buildings to finally destroy each Byzantine army.

But you can win even easier by making 25 arbs, finding a small outcrop of land surrounded by reeds with one tile of entrance, block the tile with a transport ship, and kill each army while they glitch out and try to reach your arbs because they have line of sight. Sure their healing makes the process slower, but if you target fire it's trivial to one shot infantry and two shot cataphracts.

TL;DR the new campaigns are really fun, but sometimes I'd just wish the devs play tested some of the maps a bit more.

submitted by /u/ultininja123
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