Critique my treaty 20 min strategy as China

Hello, looking for tips on how to improve my treaty strat as I am a noob.

Age 1: I start by collecting my food crate and getting villagers in queue right away. I also send 1 vil out to start herding. After I get vills in queue I put all my vills on food until I can have enough food to have 4-5 vills in queue, around then I put almost all my vills on wood (herding towards tree before if needed) until I have enough for my second village, when second village is building, I send villager card and then everyone back on food. If I do this correctly I don’t have any idle tc time but I do believe I’m delaying my age 2 a bit. I age with passive army production building.

Age 2: My goal in age 2 is to get to age 3 ASAP to get 3 TC down. I get food and gold upgrade in market and get wood eventually but not right away. Most people go on food, and a few on gold and a few on wood. I also start sending all new vills to gold. I ship 700 gold then 700 wood when I can. Which usually give me enough for age 3, the 700 wood goes towards the TCs. I age with tower factory.

Age 3: As soon as I hit age 3 I build the 2 TCs ASAP and start pumping out villagers. I ship acupuncture ASAP. I also ship farming and coin upgrades next. This is also the point where the herds are running out so I have to switch over to rice paddies and upgrade food and gold production 2-3 times. This is where I struggle the most because if I constantly produce vills then it takes me awhile to get enough food for age 4. So I usually will stop or slow vill production after a few mins so I can get age 4 upgrades in time for treaty end. I age with the flying crow production building if I’m playing team or the 20 vill building if I am solo(I do this cause I like having 120 vills in team, I also rarely play solo)

After this I’m kinda all over the place. I always get age 4 before treaty end but A lot of times I don’t get my full age 4 upgrades. At first I invest everything into upgrading the musketeer and swordsman including shipping the improvement cards. I use this army for 90% of the game usually splitting the unit types up to use them more tactically. I upgrade the cav when I can /if I need to(my team will usually produce better cav). If it’s slow early I will try to get age V leaving me spare rescources incase they rush then. My usual role in my team is to be a general pushing army that takes a lot of the fire while my teammates flank there back line or push there base from different angles. Also I should mention that after the treaty ends we rarely push right away, even if we have a much better score. Are main objective is to secure our side of the map with hella walls and forward barracks and then once we have a beefy base we start pushing. These are the games we tend to win. The games we tend to lose are the ones where we are rushed early.

As u can prob tell I’m a pretty big noob so any advice about China or my strat is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Tonto115
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